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Why post a random Funko Pop I purchased?  Is it because it's an exclusive?

Yes, and No.

That is a Funko Popl I purchased today while at Walgreens picking up prescriptions. 

It's also a Funko Pop sold by Funko online for their Summer event that was also supposed to be sold at Walgreens.  A Summer event that I tried to purchase this Pop, only to find out they had a special sale for one hour that you had to get an invite for.  Which in that time EVERY copy of this Funko was sold out.

Which meant what?


Yes.  You had individuals who somehow had almost one hundred copies of the Pop on sale for 4X the actual price on Ebay.  That's also the cheapest price I could find, as some wanted 5X the retail price.  Walgreens on their website had the item not for sale in store or on their website so myself & others gave up on getting this at retail.

Only to happily find that the store had two in stock today ( one of which I of course left for anyone else looking for one ) while doing an errand for someone else.

Okay, rant #4321 about flippers is now over.  I thank you for your time.

Number of states in our country minus the number of Supreme Court Justices?