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It’s been a while since I saw Arrival, but as I recall, it was exposure to the aliens that rewired our brains  regarding how we experience both time and reality. It’s an idea for the sake of the story, you just have to accept or you’re probably  not going to like it.. When a movie is as slow as this was, you have to be vested in the cerebral concept.  Station Eleven a slow story that I ended up loving, but it did not involve any difficult concept to accept.. :)

As far as Villeneuve, he is a good director,  I liked Arrival but it’s not a favorite, 💕 Bladerunner 2049, and was dissapointed in Dune which had great imagery, but included a combination of feeling flat with a heavy dose of oppressive, projection of what the future portends music. This could be because I knew the story and I made the projection, but it was still oppressive.  ;)

He used a lot of background “mood” music in Bladerunner 2049, but there it did not bother me.

Number of states in our country minus the number of Supreme Court Justices?