What's it going to take to stop the real steal?

It’s going to take republicans to stop sucking Trump’s carrot long enough to come up for air, or a Justice Department that stops worrying about what will happen if we indict a former president and actually do it. Preferably, both will happen, but the GQP really likes the taste of… carrots.. I guess, so it’s pretty much up to Merrick Garland and the folks in the Justice Department.

And yes, they absolutely should be indicted. This is all predicated on Trump not wanting to lose. The argument will be “well, we really thought there was fraud, so all of our actions were ok”. Which is bullshit. Votes are tangible. There are records of them. But there was no fraud. It was all based on a lie, and worked backwards from there. It’s a total fairy tale that he cooked up before the election was even held.

That said, the January 6 committee is gaining a LOT of evidence and testimony, more is on the way, and the Justice Department does not work on the public’s timeline, they work on their own timeline. So hopefully, we will see some indictments on the way. Trump is acting scared, he’s becoming more reckless, and that’s a great thing, because he has a hard time keeping his mouth shut and not insulting people, and it’s only a matter of time before people turn on each other to save their own skin.