Where’s our “independent” outrage about Fox News and Trump lies?


Snowflake from Hell
May 24, 2021
Not to call out anyone specifically, but where’s the outrage?

Here’s your chance, guys.

Surely you’ve now heard about it?

I thought their reporters were just stupid. I fervently hoped they weren’t evil. I was proven wrong.
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Where’s the outrage?

Here’s your chance, guys.

Surely you’ve now heard about it?

I thought their reporters were just stupid. I fervently hoped they weren’t evil. I was proven wrong.
Just want to jump in here and say it would be nice if we didn't call people out by name for who they do or do not support. We all have our reasons for following certain networks and positions, those most egregious over at Fox News are pundits, rather than the actual news segments though I get that line is often blurred.

Murdoch even attempted to get through to them

Rupert Murdoch suggested Fox News hosts Carlson, Hannity and Ingraham go on air and say Joe Biden had won 2020 election, court filing says​

  • Rupert Murdoch suggested three Fox News hosts could go on air and declare Biden the winner in 2020.
  • Messages between Fox News top brass suggest they knew Trump lost, but still aired conspiracy theories.
  • The filing, part of Dominion's defamation lawsuit, reveals the inner-workings of Fox post-election.
I'm guessing there will be some sort of reckoning over there after all is said and done.
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Not to call out @Herdfan or @ag_fam, but where’s the outrage?

Here’s your chance, guys.

Surely you’ve now heard about it?

I thought their reporters were just stupid. I fervently hoped they weren’t evil. I was proven wrong.

I assume by “ag_fam” you’re referring to me?

I’m not sure why people are so surprised to find that Fox News is essentially the PR wing of the Trump campaign. The past 6 years or so should have made that abundantly clear. I would say the MSNBC is similarly effectively the Democrat Party’s mouthpiece. I’m also not surprised that Fox was propagating ideas that the hosts themselves did not believe in. I mentioned just the other day in another thread politicians say things all the time they don’t actually believe. When media outlets are essentially an extension of political parties, it’s no surprise that the talking heads are voicing opinions they do not actually hold either.

Considering I never believed the outcome of the 2020 election was fraudulent because the facts never remotely supported it and anyone with more than several neurons firing in there brain could understand the statistical and practical impossibility of Trump’s claims. And considering I believe Trump should have been impeached (actually I believe Trump should have done the hone table thing and resigned to spare the nation the distraction of another impeachment during a global pandemic and crisis. Of course, that was never going to happen). Trump’s refusal to accept the 2020 election results and subsequent actions (or lack of actions in regards to 1/6) election outcome highlights the dangers of someone with pathological narcism having so much.

Obviously Fox’s decision to go along with election denial despite knowing it was ridiculous is quite concerning- as they are effectively stirring a civil war with such propaganda. But it’s hard to say if this is all because they feel they do not have the power to cross Trump/Trump supporters or it’s an anti-Democratic ends-justifies-the-means deal… or some combination of both. And while this stands out as remarkable action, in my mind it’s only the natural progression of where our extremely partisan media has been heading.

I would say I’m rarely ever “outraged” about anything. People who know me IRL have called me very calm and stoic. Rage is not emotion I’m very familiar with. My interest in discussing Trump wained years ago. I never liked the guy, I never voted for him let alone considered voting for him, and never will vote for him. I’m sorry if you feel I have not virtue signaled enough anger over the years. I guess I don’t often find the need to complain about things people are already complaining about. It also doesn’t help people wasted so much energy complaining about the most asinine things in regard to Trump- it’s rather desensitizing.

But if it makes you feel better I will say it’s absolutely insane people voted for Trump, who among many personal faults is unable to accept reality- and that’s who was leading our country/the world for 4 years. And it’s totally unacceptable many at Fox went along with his delusion. And as bad and unconscionable as a situation that is, I think it’s a reflection of our country’s political state and the $***show our media has become. And fundamentally I believe it’s the media that has created much of the partisanship. Not to minimize the Fox and Trump situation, but I see it as a symptom of a much greater problem.

I can’t speak for the other person you have called out, but I can’t help but think you’re insinuating that being an independent is not a real position. Or I’m not a real independent because I don’t virtue signal outrage enough?

I suspect if you took a moment to assess your emotions, you might while this media deceit is outrageous in itself, you are probably not actually outraged because it’s really not surprising. These people are not idiots. They know exactly what they’re doing. And while this is undoubtedly an extreme and tremendously dangerous example, in general it’s not exclusive of Fox. But we now live in a post-truth world where all that matters is whatever benefits the party or agenda.
... I would say the MSNBC is similarly effectively the Democrat Party’s mouthpiece...

Obviously Fox’s decision to go along with election denial despite knowing it was ridiculous is quite concerning- as they are effectively stirring a civil war with such propaganda. But it’s hard to say if this is all because they feel they do not have the power to cross Trump/Trump supporters or it’s an anti-Democratic ends-justifies-the-means deal… or some combination of both...
I don't think that MSNBC outright lies as Fox does. And really, between Trump, Santos, Green, etc. there's so much craziness to cover from one side of the aisle, while the other side is busy passing legislation, that it may give the impression of bias.

Tucker Carlson made it clear in one of his messages - he was concerned about Fox's falling stock price due, I believe, to loss of viewership to another right-wing network that was pushing the big lie.
I love how they were so desperate tp get their followers back after telling people Biden won they put Sidney Powell on. Her source of election fraud? was some lady why heard about it from the wind. How desperate do you have o be to chose that as your source?
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I assume by “ag_fam” you’re referring to me?

I’m not sure why people are so surprised to find that Fox News is essentially the PR wing of the Trump campaign. The past 6 years or so should have made that abundantly clear. I would say the MSNBC is similarly effectively the Democrat Party’s mouthpiece. I’m also not surprised that Fox was propagating ideas that the hosts themselves did not believe in. I mentioned just the other day in another thread politicians say things all the time they don’t actually believe. When media outlets are essentially an extension of political parties, it’s no surprise that the talking heads are voicing opinions they do not actually hold either.

Considering I never believed the outcome of the 2020 election was fraudulent because the facts never remotely supported it and anyone with more than several neurons firing in there brain could understand the statistical and practical impossibility of Trump’s claims. And considering I believe Trump should have been impeached (actually I believe Trump should have done the hone table thing and resigned to spare the nation the distraction of another impeachment during a global pandemic and crisis. Of course, that was never going to happen). Trump’s refusal to accept the 2020 election results and subsequent actions (or lack of actions in regards to 1/6) election outcome highlights the dangers of someone with pathological narcism having so much.

Obviously Fox’s decision to go along with election denial despite knowing it was ridiculous is quite concerning- as they are effectively stirring a civil war with such propaganda. But it’s hard to say if this is all because they feel they do not have the power to cross Trump/Trump supporters or it’s an anti-Democratic ends-justifies-the-means deal… or some combination of both. And while this stands out as remarkable action, in my mind it’s only the natural progression of where our extremely partisan media has been heading.

I would say I’m rarely ever “outraged” about anything. People who know me IRL have called me very calm and stoic. Rage is not emotion I’m very familiar with. My interest in discussing Trump wained years ago. I never liked the guy, I never voted for him let alone considered voting for him, and never will vote for him. I’m sorry if you feel I have not virtue signaled enough anger over the years. I guess I don’t often find the need to complain about things people are already complaining about. It also doesn’t help people wasted so much energy complaining about the most asinine things in regard to Trump- it’s rather desensitizing.

But if it makes you feel better I will say it’s absolutely insane people voted for Trump, who among many personal faults is unable to accept reality- and that’s who was leading our country/the world for 4 years. And it’s totally unacceptable many at Fox went along with his delusion. And as bad and unconscionable as a situation that is, I think it’s a reflection of our country’s political state and the $***show our media has become. And fundamentally I believe it’s the media that has created much of the partisanship. Not to minimize the Fox and Trump situation, but I see it as a symptom of a much greater problem.

I can’t speak for the other person you have called out, but I can’t help but think you’re insinuating that being an independent is not a real position. Or I’m not a real independent because I don’t virtue signal outrage enough?

I suspect if you took a moment to assess your emotions, you might while this media deceit is outrageous in itself, you are probably not actually outraged because it’s really not surprising. These people are not idiots. They know exactly what they’re doing. And while this is undoubtedly an extreme and tremendously dangerous example, in general it’s not exclusive of Fox. But we now live in a post-truth world where all that matters is whatever benefits the party or agenda.
I agree with much of what you say, and, for the record, I don't think it was fair to call you and another forum member out by name. However, we differ on two key points:

1. While there are indeed many examples of news media across the political spectrum stretching the truth or frankly lying, I don't believe left-leaning organizations such as MSNBC have done it to the extent Fox News has. For example, I don't think you'd find many instances where MSNBC's prime time hosts knew they were lying to their audience the way Carlson, et al did.

2. Outrage and surprise aren't mutually exclusive. Like you, I wasn't stunned to learn that Fox News hosts knowingly lied to keep up ratings. But, how many fewer people would have stormed the Capitol on January 6 or committed other anti-democratic acts had Fox News not perpetuated the lie that Trump won and given voice to crazy proponents of the Big Steal? And, somewhat beyond the political realm, how many people died of COVID because Fox News provided a platform for anti-vaxxers at the same time the company required its employees to be vaccinated? Yes, I believe we should be outraged and not accept the current status quo as the new normal.
I agree comparisons between Fox and MSNBC can be legitimate to a point, but when you’re talking about pushing election lies, it’s a false equivalence. This is really being kind to Fox, you could go on for years about their bullshit.
I agree comparisons between Fox and MSNBC can be legitimate to a point, but when you’re talking about pushing election lies, it’s a false equivalence. This is really being kind to Fox, you could go on for years about their bullshit.
Plus fox uses very dubious people. Sidney Powell is just one of the super flakes they use.
Plus fox uses very dubious people. Sidney Powell is just one of the super flakes they use.
I’ve stopped “monitoring” Fox some time ago. You can predict exactly what they’ll say about anything. Powell’s credibility was dog shit almost immediately following that election. Does Fox still use her for anything?
I’ve stopped “monitoring” Fox some time ago. You can predict exactly what they’ll say about anything. Powell’s credibility was dog shit almost immediately following that election. Does Fox still use her for anything?
who knows. but when she told them her source of election fraud was some lady who heard about it I the wind and still used her thats when you have lost any credibility at all.
I don’t think anyone outside of the Fox orbit is surprised by any of this. Much like all things Trump, this has played out in front of our eyes anyways.

The question is, has the law caught up to these cretins? If it has, great. If not, expect worse down the line.

Fox should have stuck with its classic routine of right-oriented news by day and bigoted/crotchety conservatives at night who spin but don’t roll. Fox rolled over for Trump and, like everyone in his path, is now paying the price - figuratively and hopefully literally.

Many lawyers on TV have said based on what they see, this is an amazing amount of evidence for a defamation case, which are usually hard to win, for numerous reasons. You have to show intent with defamation, but you also have to show harm and damages. If I lie about you, it’s not defamation unless you can show actual damage. There’s no doubt Dominion, Smartmatic and others have faced financial damages, and as a bonus in their case, staff will also be able to prove how they’ve suffered personal damages simply because they work for a company Fox, Trump and the usual suspects slandered and lied about and in turn, supporters of the “big lie” have threatened them.
I don't think that MSNBC outright lies as Fox does. And really, between Trump, Santos, Green, etc. there's so much craziness to cover from one side of the aisle, while the other side is busy passing legislation, that it may give the impression of bias.

Tucker Carlson made it clear in one of his messages - he was concerned about Fox's falling stock price due, I believe, to loss of viewership to another right-wing network that was pushing the big lie.

With respect, I think I have a bridge to sell you in NY. ;)

Inevitably this will turn into a discussion where someone will try to argue which lies matter more than others and that lying is excusable provided it’s less than someone else.

I agree with much of what you say, and, for the record, I don't think it was fair to call you and another forum member out by name. However, we differ on two key points:

1. While there are indeed many examples of news media across the political spectrum stretching the truth or frankly lying, I don't believe left-leaning organizations such as MSNBC have done it to the extent Fox News has. For example, I don't think you'd find many instances where MSNBC's prime time hosts knew they were lying to their audience the way Carlson, et al did.

2. Outrage and surprise aren't mutually exclusive. Like you, I wasn't stunned to learn that Fox News hosts knowingly lied to keep up ratings. But, how many fewer people would have stormed the Capitol on January 6 or committed other anti-democratic acts had Fox News not perpetuated the lie that Trump won and given voice to crazy proponents of the Big Steal? And, somewhat beyond the political realm, how many people died of COVID because Fox News provided a platform for anti-vaxxers at the same time the company required its employees to be vaccinated? Yes, I believe we should be outraged and not accept the current status quo as the new normal.

I wouldn’t say it’s very often that we have the opportunity to know what reporters actually think compared to what they display in their work.

I don’t disagree that the implications of Fox’s deception are incredibly serious, as I previously stated. I would also say generally speaking unnecessarily sewing outrage and division is quite destructive.

I think there is a lot to be said about the media’s discussion of COVID and vaccines based on information readily available at the time and how this may have affected the response and other connected issues. And how the media perceived people holding the same opinions depending on what “group” they belonged to.

But how about all those politicians who personally enacted or media figures who vocally supported COVID policies, only to skirt them themselves? Like having parties, traveling to vacation homes, sending their children to private schools that still had in-class learning, etc. Based on kid’s vaccination rates, there’s a decent some of these people’s kids aren’t vaccinated either.

Along similar lines I think Carlson who appears to be against aid to Ukraine is probably informed enough with history and geopolitics to conclude we should be supporting Ukraine. I believe they say the opposite in order to stir division against Biden/democrats and bring attention Americans’ personal domestic issues that they do not believe are being addressed.
With respect, I think I have a bridge to sell you in NY. ;)

Inevitably this will turn into a discussion where someone will try to argue which lies matter more than others and that lying is excusable provided it’s less than someone else.
Before I give you the downpayment on the bridge, can you provide an example of when Morning Joe, Rachel Maddow or Lawrence O'Donnell obviously and knowingly lied? You can say that they spend a lot of time bashing Trump and the GOP, but that's not the same as lying about Trump. On the other hand, Fox News kept pushing the Big Lie and bringing on guests such as the pillow guy when they knew that the election was not rigged. They intentionally deceived their audience, and all for propping up their ratings, as their own communications show.
Before I give you the downpayment on the bridge, can you provide an example of when Morning Joe, Rachel Maddow or Lawrence O'Donnell obviously and knowingly lied? You can say that they spend a lot of time bashing Trump and the GOP, but that's not the same as lying about Trump. On the other hand, Fox News kept pushing the Big Lie and bringing on guests such as the pillow guy when they knew that the election was not rigged. They intentionally deceived their audience, and all for propping up their ratings, as their own communications show.

I think generally MSNBC’s biggest issue in recent memory is how far they went with the claims of Russian influence in the 2016 election. You would have thought Russia determined the outcome of the election through social media manipulation and that Trump was a Manchurian candidate.

What is true is that Russia did try to meddle in the election. They were successful in hacking Podesta’s email- to which MSNBC responded with a campaign saying the WikiLeaks dump not only could contain fabricated material, but was in fact “obviously” fake despite not having evidence to suggest that- same strategy used with the H. Biden laptop. Trump did publicly ask Russia to ask Hillary and whatever happened with the whole alleged Trump tower meeting situation- but I don’t think there was some intimate relationship as MSNBC and particularly Maddow entertained. And while Russia tried to influence social media, it has been found many times over not to have had anything remotely touching a significant impact. Manafort was receiving information from a Russian spy,

And if you look into what voting statisticians and experts (ie Nate Silver) consider to be the determining factor in the 2016 election, it’s James Comey and her server scandal. Clinton seems to agree with this as well (though she’s also blamed everyone and everything).

She also ran with the Steele Dossier despite it originally being known to the intelligence agencies as fabricated and to the media as well. I’m assuming she never reported on the extensive sanctions Trump placed on Russia or that Trump approved military aide to Ukraine.

I think what happened with Maddow in particular was not necessarily conventional lying, but reporting based on some legitimate facts, but ignoring pertinent information and bolstering with circumstantial or low quality information and speculation and opinion and presenting her conclusion as indisputably factual when the evidence was not there to support it. And then when finally there is strongly conclusive evidence against the narrative she has created, she does not accept it and does not report it.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think Trump is squeaky clean and soliciting dirt from Russia is disgusting, but the degree to which any conspiracy took place and direct intimate collusion occurred is nowhere near what Maddow and others implied in their reporting.

And don’t get me wrong, Maddow has done some very good, very thorough reporting in her career, especially touching topics not often ignored. But in this case she went too far. And AFAIK she never made a statement correcting the story. It’s also worth mentioning this is not a unique phenomenon to MSNBC. Take the Obama birth certificate nonsense for instance.

I think the Kyle Rittenhouse coverage was dramatically misreported by much of the left leaning media too. There was an awful lot of ignoring of evidence, ignoring of laws on the books, and ascribing of motives despite not having supporting evidence- to the point where many people thought he had shot black people. That said the right wing media often ignored any culpability he may have had for putting himself in that situation. For both sides of the media, the circumstances weren’t relevant to the story, the story was almost entirely a commentary on gun rights and playing up themes of either white conservative racism/oppression or BLM/Antifa/liberal violence.
Before Trump I don’t know if it would be possible to do the mental gymnastics involved in attempting to keep the viewers' trust by lying to them and not seeing the blatant contradiction there.

I think the only honest answer to the review question about your five year plan at Fox News is to continue to grift as long as possible and cash out before the ship sinks. I guarantee most there detest their viewers much like Trump with his supporters. Liberal media assumes a good percentage of their viewers are educated. Right-wing media assumes their viewers are gullible/useful idiots.
I think it's fair to say both networks are partisan but what Fox News did with knowingly propagating false election fraud claims takes things to a new level, now they're facing the legal reality of that and rightfully so. Not acknowledging this while throwing out other networks as red herrings simply shows political bias.
And while Russia tried to influence social media, it has been found many times over not to have had anything remotely touching a significant impact.

Can you expand on that? Reading the Mueller Report, along with trump campaign involvement, I find that hard to believe.
I think generally MSNBC’s biggest issue in recent memory is how far they went with the claims of Russian influence in the 2016 election. You would have thought Russia determined the outcome of the election through social media manipulation and that Trump was a Manchurian candidate.

What is true is that Russia did try to meddle in the election. They were successful in hacking Podesta’s email- to which MSNBC responded with a campaign saying the WikiLeaks dump not only could contain fabricated material, but was in fact “obviously” fake despite not having evidence to suggest that- same strategy used with the H. Biden laptop. Trump did publicly ask Russia to ask Hillary and whatever happened with the whole alleged Trump tower meeting situation- but I don’t think there was some intimate relationship as MSNBC and particularly Maddow entertained. And while Russia tried to influence social media, it has been found many times over not to have had anything remotely touching a significant impact. Manafort was receiving information from a Russian spy,

And if you look into what voting statisticians and experts (ie Nate Silver) consider to be the determining factor in the 2016 election, it’s James Comey and her server scandal. Clinton seems to agree with this as well (though she’s also blamed everyone and everything).

She also ran with the Steele Dossier despite it originally being known to the intelligence agencies as fabricated and to the media as well. I’m assuming she never reported on the extensive sanctions Trump placed on Russia or that Trump approved military aide to Ukraine.

I think what happened with Maddow in particular was not necessarily conventional lying, but reporting based on some legitimate facts, but ignoring pertinent information and bolstering with circumstantial or low quality information and speculation and opinion and presenting her conclusion as indisputably factual when the evidence was not there to support it. And then when finally there is strongly conclusive evidence against the narrative she has created, she does not accept it and does not report it.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think Trump is squeaky clean and soliciting dirt from Russia is disgusting, but the degree to which any conspiracy took place and direct intimate collusion occurred is nowhere near what Maddow and others implied in their reporting.

And don’t get me wrong, Maddow has done some very good, very thorough reporting in her career, especially touching topics not often ignored. But in this case she went too far. And AFAIK she never made a statement correcting the story. It’s also worth mentioning this is not a unique phenomenon to MSNBC. Take the Obama birth certificate nonsense for instance.

I think the Kyle Rittenhouse coverage was dramatically misreported by much of the left leaning media too. There was an awful lot of ignoring of evidence, ignoring of laws on the books, and ascribing of motives despite not having supporting evidence- to the point where many people thought he had shot black people. That said the right wing media often ignored any culpability he may have had for putting himself in that situation. For both sides of the media, the circumstances weren’t relevant to the story, the story was almost entirely a commentary on gun rights and playing up themes of either white conservative racism/oppression or BLM/Antifa/liberal violence.
Nice try, but you didn't address my points in this and your previous post. (I'll also note that while you prefaced your "bridge for sale" comment with "with respect," it was condescending and disrespectful.)

But, getting back to the topics at hand, I said I didn't believe there were many instances where MSNBC's prime time hosts (I was referring to Hayes and Maddow) lied to their viewers solely to promote viewership, as Carlson et al did. Fox News repeatedly provided a forum for people like Sidney Powell, despite knowing their conspiracy theories were crazy. And, although we don't have the texts to prove it, I suspect the same was often true of their airing of interviews with anti-vaxxers, including people pushing unproven treatments.

These actions had significant adverse consequences, which was the core of my second point. We may not be surprised by the revelations, but we should be outraged by them, lest they become normalized. If anything good comes of the lawsuits against Fox News in addition to monetary damages, it would be a requirement that their hosts repeatedly, explicitly acknowledge what they did on air.
Can you expand on that? Reading the Mueller Report, along with trump campaign involvement, I find that hard to believe.

I think it was determined that the Russian disinformation and misinformation was a very small percentage of the same info that was already being put out there by US operatives.

At least one Russian national said this whole thing indirectly was a massive gift to Putin, making Russians think he is so powerful that he can decide the results of a US election.