Why Apple Might Buy Football (Soccer)


Elite Member
Oct 25, 2022
Specifically broadcasting rights.

A short, interesting video on why Apple bought MLS broadcasting rights and is likely to compete to win further global football broadcasting rights. I don't think the video will contain any huge revelations to the audience here (it boils down to obtaining popular content for their ecosystem) but the video is still quite interesting about the economics of the deals and is especially interesting from a perspective of covering Apple from a football* channel's perspective.

*this description is somewhat dismissive of TIFO which has done excellent journalism covering everything from history to current geopolitics to crime to business around football and not just the game itself so this is somewhat more in their purview than one might expect from a "sports" channel.
So after years of development and a couple months of availability, we had 4 immersive videos and now 1 more 5 minute video.

If Apple really wanted to sell these things they shoulda had a lot more awesome content available. I think they think of this as a developers kit that they just happen to be able to make some money off of.