Wow. No Lives Matter.

Chew Toy McCoy

Site Donor
Aug 15, 2020
I realize there are people who don't like this genre but this song nails it. It's getting huge attention right now. So if you're not yet aware of this track this isn't me being "Check out my favorite obscure artist." I'm not even a big fan of the genre. On a side bar, as somebody who is a big fan of reaction videos this is singlehandedly the most annoying song to watch reaction videos for because of the constant pauses for chiming in on what was just said every 5 seconds. It's all positive but still super annoying.

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Interesting. I just don’t understand why he’s jumped onto the bandwagon and blaming the media.
It's not the media saying that no lives matter. It's a bunch of trolls, whatever their lean.
A white guy adorned with tattoos wearing a singlet..........

The visual cues alone do not inspire me.

Why is this song worthy of attention, or with listening to?

What points does it make?
It's not the media saying that no lives matter. It's a bunch of trolls, whatever their lean.
Exactly. But they always blame the media. I always get a kick out of Fox blaming the media - since they’re not?