You Thought QAnon followers were Loony toons? Hold my beer


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Aug 15, 2020
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (KOLR/KTVI) — A crowd of people gathered in Downtown Springfield, Missouri to attend the “Birds Aren’t Real” rally.

According to Peter Mcindoe, with the Birds Aren’t Real movement, all birds in the United States were killed by the government and replaced by federal drones.

“What makes me think that? I think the evidence is all around us, birds sit on power lines, we believe they’re charging on power lines, we believe that bird poop on cars is liquid tracking apparatus.”
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (KOLR/KTVI) — A crowd of people gathered in Downtown Springfield, Missouri to attend the “Birds Aren’t Real” rally.

According to Peter Mcindoe, with the Birds Aren’t Real movement, all birds in the United States were killed by the government and replaced by federal drones.

“What makes me think that? I think the evidence is all around us, birds sit on power lines, we believe they’re charging on power lines, we believe that bird poop on cars is liquid tracking apparatus.”

The movement itself is taking aim at Qanon.

They're deliberately doing this to further demonstrate the insanity of the followers of Q. They no more really believe in this message than you do.

They're "The Onion" of real world rallies.
The movement itself is taking aim at Qanon.

They're deliberately doing this to further demonstrate the insanity of the followers of Q. They no more really believe in this message than you do.

They're "The Onion" of real world rallies.
I was wondering I had not looked close it was too late at night but I was thinking this may have been why trump went on about birds and windmills cause he needed the spy capacity to keep track of non believers
The movement itself is taking aim at Qanon.

They're deliberately doing this to further demonstrate the insanity of the followers of Q. They no more really believe in this message than you do.

They're "The Onion" of real world rallies.
Yeah, I thought the whole birds aren’t real thing was basically a joke and no one actually took it seriously.
Birds descended from dinosaurs, but dinosaurs went extinct. It is so obvious. We been having the feathers pulled over our eyes for centuries, and it took the folks at The Qnion to set us right.
Birds descended from dinosaurs, but dinosaurs went extinct. It is so obvious. We been having the feathers pulled over our eyes for centuries, and it took the folks at The Qnion to set us right.
Birds of a feather flock together, just sayin’.