Your Dream (Actual Dream)


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Aug 11, 2020
If you post, please don’t post long boring dreams, just the best, and keep it short. 😛 The dreams I seem to remember are when I am close to waking up. Sometimes I can lay there, knowing I am dreaming and stay in it. Sometimes I‘ve had lucid dreams where not only do I know I am dreaming, but I can control my actions to some degree, versus watching a movie of yourself where you don’t have any active choice of what happens. Yes, for non-lucid dreams, your brain is choosing, but you don’t have any active control in the dream. My lucid dreams mostly happen in the morning when I‘m on the verge of waking up.

This was not a lucid dream. This morning I dreamed of living in a house, with palm trees out back, and I become aware of the 3 large bags of snakes up in one of the trees as if they are being stored or incubated. One has burst and there is a ball of large snakes wreathing over it and slowly the snakes extend closer to the ground. Note, this is not a nightmare, no anxiety. My desire is to capture these snakes, as I don’t want them to escape, there is no threat, I want to keep them, but I tell our small dogs to go into the house so they don’t get eaten. My focus is on capturing the prettiest snakes first, yes they are in color, but I don’t actually take any action, spending my time on a lounger in the back yard watching them.

The most interesting aspect of this dream is that it switches and I’m now at work on a base (I frequently dream about my Navy days) talking to a colleague about my dream with bags of snakes up in a tree and he seems interested. :)

Note, I’ve had several pet snakes during my life, one a boa and one a ball python.
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That'd be a nightmare for me. I hate snakes.

I seem to have this cycle of similar dreams, all based upon similar themes, though always different in the details. I have the town dream, where, for myriad reasons, I'm walking around what I take to be my home town, but with entirely imagined, though usually consistent landmarks.

There's the imaginary neighborhood dreams, where I'm out driving around, and somehow end up in these set of little neighborhoods way out in the middle of nowhere. They're either the dilapidated trailer park on the hill, the corn field on the other side of the swamp, and the cozy subdivision.

Then there's the storm dreams. They take on two flavors, either tornadoes or floods, and they're always really strange, and overly exaggerated. Like I'll be crossing a bridge over what should be a little creek, and it's practically a raging sea. Or I'll be traveling out on the plains somewhere, and I'll see a funnel cloud, and I have to bring all these people somewhere to take shelter.

There's the haunted house dream, which is basically this old house I used to break into and explore when I was a kid, but with exaggerated, scary details. It always seems to be inserted into the middle of another dream.

Then there's the exploring the underground everchanging megabasement, complete with crazy pipework, huge tunnels, and signs of previous explorers. Of the bunch, it's probably the most intense, since I always have this feeling of trespassing in a dangerous place where I don't belong, with tons of people have been lost in these tunnels previously. I'm sure it came about due to my old obsession with House of Leaves.

I don't feel like I'm explaining them enough. They're usually really vivid, always filled with multiple little details, or reasons for my being there. But they're almost always the same similar settings and themes.
A few months ago I had a dream where I got shot trying to protect someone. I was shot in the chest. It didn't hurt and I had the most incredible feeling of "inner peace" in the dream and that feeling stayed with me for at least a minute when I woke up.
Yikes! I think I would have felt uneasy the rest of the day.
A few months ago I had a dream where I got shot trying to protect someone. I was shot in the chest. It didn't hurt and I had the most incredible feeling of "inner peace" in the dream and that feeling stayed with me for at least a minute when I woke up.
I think you can easily have that feeling and not feel scared in a dream. Once as a teen I dreamed I died, it’s been so long, but I think I was shot, a peaceful fade to black but it was more as an experience, a curiosity than as a trama. As a retired pilot, and dreams that deal with mortality, I had a plane crash dream, where the plane was in trouble and I was flying it though a forest between and around large trees before I woke up, but this was not traumatic, although I seemed to end it before it’s conclusion.

Correction: we landed but no one was hurt…:unsure:
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I could hardly articulate mine its way above my communication skills. But man I have had dreams like watching an epic movie sometimes I am watching sometimes its from my eyes or both. sometimes my mind comes up with pretty crazy things and I often question them in my dreams. I remember once doing that then I woke up to go to the bathroom went back to sleep and analyzed the dream and the questioning of the dream. my dreams almost always reflect my food issues. once in awhile I will eat something I cant and I will question that in the dream.
That'd be a nightmare for me. I hate snakes.

I seem to have this cycle of similar dreams, all based upon similar themes, though always different in the details. I have the town dream, where, for myriad reasons, I'm walking around what I take to be my home town, but with entirely imagined, though usually consistent landmarks.

There's the imaginary neighborhood dreams, where I'm out driving around, and somehow end up in these set of little neighborhoods way out in the middle of nowhere. They're either the dilapidated trailer park on the hill, the corn field on the other side of the swamp, and the cozy subdivision.

Then there's the storm dreams. They take on two flavors, either tornadoes or floods, and they're always really strange, and overly exaggerated. Like I'll be crossing a bridge over what should be a little creek, and it's practically a raging sea. Or I'll be traveling out on the plains somewhere, and I'll see a funnel cloud, and I have to bring all these people somewhere to take shelter.

There's the haunted house dream, which is basically this old house I used to break into and explore when I was a kid, but with exaggerated, scary details. It always seems to be inserted into the middle of another dream.

Then there's the exploring the underground everchanging megabasement, complete with crazy pipework, huge tunnels, and signs of previous explorers. Of the bunch, it's probably the most intense, since I always have this feeling of trespassing in a dangerous place where I don't belong, with tons of people have been lost in these tunnels previously. I'm sure it came about due to my old obsession with House of Leaves.

I don't feel like I'm explaining them enough. They're usually really vivid, always filled with multiple little details, or reasons for my being there. But they're almost always the same similar settings and themes.
Would you classify them as traumatic or worry dreams or a bit of both? I think they all represent some sort of anxiety, In that category, for myself, it’s more of a worry dream, I either have can’t get to where need or want to go, in time like catching a plane and not being able to find the right terminal, or something that happens that would get me in trouble at work. I stop the latter category pretty fast. :)

I’ve had a few adventure dreams with some impressive cinematic episodes, but infrequently. One was I’m in a city and discover a bomb about to go off, by the entrance of a building, so while yelling to clear the area, me and a friend run down the street and hide behind a barracade and as a large tractor trailer drives by, the bomb, like a tactical nuke goes off causing the entire truck to come careening in our direction. Not scary in the dream, adventure. :)

I’ve not had the real nightmare, haunted house or monster kind of dream in a long time. I can remember a dream as a child with a friend or relative, hiding in a cabin from a bear dream. Also a rope swing in the forest over a gully with steep sides, and while playing, I take the rope and start to swing, but a girl grabs the rope as I start, I lose my grip and fall into the gully. And at the bottom of this gully is a cave with something in it that may come out and get me, as I watch and try to climb back up and out. Those were high anxiety dreams. :)
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Last night in, what I’d categorize as an adventure dream was at a (my?) cabin (I don’t own a cabin) up on a ridge, with friends or family, not quite sure, but the damn had broke and we were wondering if the rising water was going to reach us. Soon after the water was here, it wrenched the cabin off it’s foundation, over the top of the ridge, and we were floating down a new river. It ended soon after. I don’t know what triggered the end of the dream but there was no anxiety associated with this dream. I don’t recall ever dreaming this before.
Had two dreams last night about riding a bike with handlebars made from raw meat and bone. I had one woke up to go to the bathroom and had another one. As usual I questioned the dreams while dreaming them.
Had two dreams last night about riding a bike with handlebars made from raw meat and bone. I had one woke up to go to the bathroom and had another one. As usual I questioned the dreams while dreaming them.
Maybe you were hungry. ;)

What find very interesting about dreams are:
  • regarding your dream, how normal something like this might seem, but also,
  • recognizing people from previous dreams whom only exist in your dream,
  • revisiting imaginary places where you seem to have a memory of being there before although it’s an imagined location,
  • how you can be in extraordinarily dangerous situations, even facing death or dying and not be afraid,
  • but then having high anxiety dreams about not being able to find your way, make an appointment, get to work, or not being prepared for a test of some kind.
I had what I believe is a first in my dreams, at least what I can remember. It was a typical bothersome, the category might be an “anxiety dream” trying to gather a variety of items to travel somewhere, but these items were not in one place, scattered about the dreamscape, hard to find, hard to move, hard to get to the departure point, trying to make it to the airplane in time.

But last night during my dream, after some period of time trying to get organized, I simply declared, saying the words, “all these obstacles are resolved”, and they were and I was able to continue on to something else in my dream, but damned if I can remember any more. 😆
Last night, what started as a repair the big old house, turned into a extended The Walking Dead Scenario. Nope I can’t tell you why it was not scary. I seemed to be not the target, almost as an invisible presence Although I kept on the move the entire time.