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That'd be a nightmare for me. I hate snakes.

I seem to have this cycle of similar dreams, all based upon similar themes, though always different in the details. I have the town dream, where, for myriad reasons, I'm walking around what I take to be my home town, but with entirely imagined, though usually consistent landmarks.

There's the imaginary neighborhood dreams, where I'm out driving around, and somehow end up in these set of little neighborhoods way out in the middle of nowhere. They're either the dilapidated trailer park on the hill, the corn field on the other side of the swamp, and the cozy subdivision. 

Then there's the storm dreams. They take on two flavors, either tornadoes or floods, and they're always really strange, and overly exaggerated. Like I'll be crossing a bridge over what should be a little creek, and it's practically a raging sea. Or I'll be traveling out on the plains somewhere, and I'll see a funnel cloud, and I have to bring all these people somewhere to take shelter.

There's the haunted house dream, which is basically this old house I used to break into and explore when I was a kid, but with exaggerated, scary details. It always seems to be inserted into the middle of another dream.

Then there's the exploring the underground everchanging megabasement, complete with crazy pipework, huge tunnels, and signs of previous explorers. Of the bunch, it's probably the most intense, since I always have this feeling of trespassing in a dangerous place where I don't belong, with tons of people have been lost in these tunnels previously. I'm sure it came about due to my old obsession with House of Leaves.

I don't feel like I'm explaining them enough. They're usually really vivid, always filled with multiple little details, or reasons for my being there. But they're almost always the same similar settings and themes.

Number of states in our country minus the number of Supreme Court Justices?