You're looking to park and see this


Mama's lil stinker
Top Poster Of Month
Aug 10, 2020
Main Camera
Brave I would say, asking to be keyed or have a rock tossed through a window of your $200,000+ car.

In a public parking garage that would piss me off no end.

OTOH, is it a block of apartments? Perhaps they own both?

Still… it does make it look as if a prime asshole drives it.
Brave I would say, asking to be keyed or have a rock tossed through a window of your $200,000+ car.

I at least get the concern, people don't pay attention, don't GAF, but using multiple spaces is not only an a-hole move, but like you said, probably attracts the wrong kind of attention.

Just give yourself some time, I'm also a super careful parker, who is pretty concerned about the condition of their vehicle(s), so here's what I did at the Orlando airport, you can see the very nice M4 Cab in front of me did the same:


An end spot with a nice extra bit of buffer, in fact, I've used this same area more than once, it's a nice hidden spot with a kind of "secret" airport entrance :)

One thing I'd mention about the photo: that is some funky parking, look how long the spaces are, it looks like they're designed to park multiple cars in the numbered space, so maybe this is some kind of valet area.