Zero substance work complaint article

Chew Toy McCoy

Site Donor
Aug 15, 2020

What are they even complaining about? Paying the bills has never been about having a meaningful life. Get over it.

She looks young. She works a 40 hour week and has no energy for the weekend? Sounds like a dietary issue. I’m probably old enough to be her dad, work a 40 hour in the office job with a long commute and still have plenty of energy for the weekend.
What are they even complaining about? Paying the bills has never been about having a meaningful life. Get over it.

She looks young. She works a 40 hour week and has no energy for the weekend? Sounds like a dietary issue. I’m probably old enough to be her dad, work a 40 hour in the office job with a long commute and still have plenty of energy for the weekend.

You've just been well trained to be a compliant 9 to 5 worker and she's still in the shocked stage of discovering what life is like for a typical working adult.
You've just been well trained to be a compliant 9 to 5 worker and she's still in the shocked stage of discovering what life is like for a typical working adult.
Wait until she figures out that the line in the job description "Other related tasks" means they can ask you to stay late, take an on-call shift, have to fly out to nowheresville for the week for work, or be put on a project that has nothing to do with the job she was hired for! Gasp!