Sexuality Has Gotten Complicated


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
…or more complex and we are becoming more aware. First it was LGB and has gradually expanded to LGBTQIA+

Added references:

The prefix cis- is not an acronym or abbreviation of another word; it is derived from Latin meaning on this side of, and the English word cissexual was coined in the 1990s, based on the slightly earlier German word zissexuell.

Gender Identity

My question is how closely related to Lesbian and Gay is being a Transgender person? My impression is that in gay and lesbian relationships it is not unusual to see a more masculine with a more feminine personality. Yet my impression is that they are distinctly different:
  • such as gay: I am a guy who likes guys
  • compared to a transgender female: I am biologically male, but identify as a female, and am romantically attracted to males.
Homosexuality and transgender are two separate concepts. Homosexuality usually refers to romantic/sexual attraction or behaviour between people of the same sex, while transgender is a matter of gender identity, meaning that a person identifies as a different gender than the one they were assigned (usually) at birth. It can also refer to an individual who identifies as neither a man nor a woman. Clear-cut distinctions between homosexuality and transgender are often impossible to make in different cultures and across time, especially where third gender social categories or gender-structured homosexuality exist.

I would guess that before transgender gained public awareness and maybe still today you might find transgender people identifying with the LG community. Of interest is the historical relationship at least according to the above link of some level of hostility between the LG community and transgender people:

Also, during the 1970s and 1980s, there was a considerable backlash in the gay and lesbian community towards transgender people [1], which culminated in the publication of "The Transsexual Empire" by Janice Raymond [2], a book that claimed feminine androphilic transwomen were "tools of patriarchy for upholding stereotypes of women" and lesbian (gynephilic) transwomen were "tools of patriarchy, fifth columnists infiltrating women's space and raping women's' bodies". It dismissed transmen (presumably heterosexual gynephilic ones) as "deluded and misguided lesbians, afraid of the label 'homosexual'". No distinction is made for describing homosexual androphilic transmen.

In the celebrity corner, I‘m currently playing a game called Beyond:Two Souls that features Williem Defoe and Ellen Elliot Page which made me make a double take, because I am very familiar with this actress from Inception, X-Men: Days of Future Past, and Umbrella Academy. I say good for him. :)


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…or more complex and we are becoming more aware. First it was LGB and has gradually expanded to LGBTQIA+

My question is how closely related to Lesbian and Gay is being a Transgender person? My impression is that in gay and lesbian relationships it is not unusual to see a more masculine with a more feminine personality. Yet my impression is that they are distinctly different:
  • such as gay: I am a guy who likes guys
  • compared to a transgender female: I am biologically male, but identify as a female, and am romantically attracted to males.
Homosexuality and transgender are two separate concepts. Homosexuality usually refers to romantic/sexual attraction or behaviour between people of the same sex, while transgender is a matter of gender identity, meaning that a person identifies as a different gender than the one they were assigned (usually) at birth. It can also refer to an individual who identifies as neither a man nor a woman. Clear-cut distinctions between homosexuality and transgender are often impossible to make in different cultures and across time, especially where third gender social categories or gender-structured homosexuality exist.

I would guess that before transgender gained public awareness and maybe still today you might find transgender people identifying with the LG community. Of interest is the historical relationship at least according to the above link of some level of hostility between the LG community and transgender people:

Also, during the 1970s and 1980s, there was a considerable backlash in the gay and lesbian community towards transgender people [1], which culminated in the publication of "The Transsexual Empire" by Janice Raymond [2], a book that claimed feminine androphilic transwomen were "tools of patriarchy for upholding stereotypes of women" and lesbian (gynephilic) transwomen were "tools of patriarchy, fifth columnists infiltrating women's space and raping women's' bodies". It dismissed transmen (presumably heterosexual gynephilic ones) as "deluded and misguided lesbians, afraid of the label 'homosexual'". No distinction is made for describing homosexual androphilic transmen.

In the celebrity corner, I‘m currently playing a game called Beyond:Two Souls that features Williem Defoe and Ellen Elliot Page which made me make a double take, because I am very familiar with this actress from Inception, X-Men: Days of Future Past, and Umbrella Academy. I say good for him. :)

Put simply being Trans has nothing to do with being gay, straight or BI.

Transgender folk have a brain gender that for one reason or another, does not match that of the physical body. Some transgender people identify as members of the opposite gender of the body they were born with, others don't have a specified gender they perceive.

Being LGB defines what the gender is of the person you are attracted to.

Ergo, when I transitioned for a heterosexual male, one of my nephews asked "Does this make Aunty **** a lesbian now?"

There are sadly a loud and vocal contingent of the LGBQ community that feel that now they have achieved acceptance, it's time to jettison the troublesome T's.

Fortunately most of the LGBQ+ community vehemently disagrees.
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I am prejudiced against all people. (That’s how you get out of jury duty)

some people are gay. Some people‘s gender does not their biological gender. Some of those people can be gay.

Who cares really though? Live and let live. People should be free to shag whatever gender they want to and identify as whatever their brain tells them.
That's the thing - too many shitheads equate being gay to being a pedophile, and being trans to being a bathroom peeping perv.

Ergo they want to legislate us out of existence.

Chew Toy McCoy

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Transgender folk have a brain gender that for one reason or another, does not match that of the physical body. Some transgender people identify as members of the opposite gender of the body they were born with, others don't have a specified gender they perceive.

I have wondered how much of it is a struggle against traditional societal gender expectations and in transitioning is a good part of it just swapping traditional societal gender expectations for the opposite gender? If we somehow managed to create a gender neutral viewpoint would there be less people transitioning?


I have wondered how much of it is a struggle against traditional societal gender expectations and in transitioning is a good part of it just swapping traditional societal gender expectations for the opposite gender? If we somehow managed to create a gender neutral viewpoint would there be less people transitioning?
It would perhaps help the gender neutral folk, but not others. Not sure on the figures myself but it's an interesting question. Might reach out to a person I know who is gender neutral.

The irony is of course that many feminine things were originally masculine. High heels where the purview of male horse riders for example and the color pink was seen as a male color.

And even clothing has changed - for the longest time men wore nightgowns as well as women.

And then there's Franklin D. Roosevelt in a picture taken in 1884...


Chew Toy McCoy

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It would perhaps help the gender neutral folk, but not others. Not sure on the figures myself but it's an interesting question. Might reach out to a person I know who is gender neutral.

The irony is of course that many feminine things were originally masculine. High heels where the purview of male horse riders for example and the color pink was seen as a male color.

And even clothing has changed - for the longest time men wore nightgowns as well as women.

And then there's Franklin D. Roosevelt in a picture taken in 1884...

View attachment 7513

If FDR was the gold standard we'd also all be married to our cousin.

It's kind of weird to believe that things were much more conservative back then but yet with certain things about certain people it was like there was some secretive "Hey, are we going to talk about that? No? OK." meeting.


If FDR was the gold standard we'd also all be married to our cousin.

It's kind of weird to believe that things were much more conservative back then but yet with certain things about certain people it was like there was some secretive "Hey, are we going to talk about that? No? OK." meeting.
If one looks back to beyond the European invasion to the American colonies, you'll find many native American tribes were very open an accepting to both gender preference and identity.

The only reason we have this hangup now is because certain other religions preach such things as being 'evil'.
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