Welcome new members!


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Hello everyone.

Cmaier alerted me to this site a few months ago. Have been in lurk mode since, and very much enjoying the intelligent, civil and often amusing chat here, especially compared to the mostly insane ‘other place’

I’m a retired but still active social scientist and a developer before that (mostly C++ in the 90s and 2000s, these days swift and SwiftUI). I hail from a small, distant southern land actually not too far from Antartica, place of penguins, seals, shivering scientists and collapsing ice shelfs.

Not sure I have much to contribute although I just did my first post in the Mac studio thread. Etiquette dictates I introduce myself in consequence.

Should’ve done that first - oops!


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Hello everyone.

Cmaier alerted me to this site a few months ago. Have been in lurk mode since, and very much enjoying the intelligent, civil and often amusing chat here, especially compared to the mostly insane ‘other place’

I’m a retired but still active social scientist and a developer before that (mostly C++ in the 90s and 2000s, these days swift and SwiftUI). I hail from a small, distant southern land actually not too far from Antartica, place of penguins, seals, shivering scientists and collapsing ice shelfs.

Not sure I have much to contribute although I just did my first post in the Mac studio thread. Etiquette dictates I introduce myself in consequence.

Should’ve done that first - oops!
Very happy to see you here. Now please send me a baby seal. Thanks.
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