17 Year-old Blue Lives Matter Activist with AR 15 Charged With Murder After Two Killed at Protest

My understanding is that it works differently for self defense cases. I guess the defense wants to show that he was scared and all the bs that comes with it.

And honestly with this prosecution even Hitler would be acquitted. They self owned again today, multiple times, and the photographer destroyed them… on their own questioning.

I understand why you would want the defendant to testify in a normal self-defense case. But normally the prosecution doesn't basically hand the defense an acquittal multiple times during the trial.

Any chance for a directed verdict?
I'm pissed about this because if his victims were "rioters" then Rittenhouse is a "rioter" too.

Morally, and ethically I don’t disagree. With a small caveat (below), but as I said in an earlier post, none of them had a legit “claim” on who could be there or not.

Sure. You made a very simplistic statement on the situation (KR didn't break any law) you probably did not intend the way it read. But then I see you arguing 1st vs. 2nd degree murder and I get annoyed, because it depends on the state how such is defined.

Very true. Obviously it’s my interpretation of the situation based on the trial and what I know - admittedly, not much. No intention to annoy you.

Edit: I watched the snippets from the Grosskreutz testimony and I got even more pissed, because based on all the A-HAs I expected to learn that Grosskreutz was the one shooting before the first person was killed by Rittenhouse. He only testified to what we already saw on the video and what happened after KR already dropped 2-3 people. How the fuck is this exculpatory?
I agree that in itself the testimony is not exculpatory, and certain cheers from a certain crowd are uncalled for and also premature. However, if you put it in context with the rest of the testimonies, you’ll see why it was a damning testimony for the prosecution (and he was a witness called by the prosecution). Let me try to summarize my understanding of the importance of Mr Grosskreutz’s testimony (to the best of my abilities):

An undisputed fact is that there were three shootings on that night.
- Shooting 1 is by an unknown individual while Mr R was running away.
- Shooting 2 is by Mr R, in which Individual 1 (I1 from now) was killed.
- Shooting 3 is by Mr R in which I2 (Skateboard man) was killed, and I3 (Mr G) was injured.

Now, the prosecution tried to prove that I1 was illegally shot by focusing on the shot in the back, and that I3 demonstrates that Mr R was trying to kill because he shot I3, and I3 is seen with his hands up. In other words the prosecution tried to use I3 as evidence of the mental state of Mr R (premeditation to kill unknown individuals, basically).

The argument about I1 collapsed when the FBI drone footage was enhanced and revealed, and when (yesterday) the ME testified that I1 was shot in the back from the top because he was lounging forward (=reaching for the gun). Several other videos and witnesses (by the prosecution!) basically verified that I1 was a disturbed individual, and that he was looking for violence. He also threatened, directly, Mr R.

I2 seems not much in dispute. It doesn’t seem the prosecution talks much about him because the video, the ME (or at least some doctors), and the police confirm that I2 hit Mr R with his skateboard, causing trauma, and that he was shot after he hit Mr R (I believe multiple times) on the ground.

This is where I3 comes into play. I believe that Prior to his testimony some of the events surrounding I3 were disputed. I3 confirmed that he had a gun, that he displayed it, and that he ran towards Mr R that was running away. There was some back and forth between I3 and the defense because I3 claimed that he wasn’t chasing Mr R but was unable to explain why he was running towards Mr R, and then he was on top of Mr R. At any rate, I3 is in the video with his hands up. I3 then confirmed that after a bit, he reached for his gun, and he pointed it at Mr R, and Mr R then and only then shot. Then Mr R stopped and ran towards the police again. This damns the argument that Mr R just wanted to kill people during the shooting (important distinction).

So the question remained about Mr R. Was he there requested by someone or just to provoke. Another witness was the owner of the car dealer. Another prosecution witness that ended up being awful for the prosecution. He claimed basically that he had no idea who Mr R was, and that he didn’t want him there. It was then found out that the dealership is shady af and that to avoid probing by the FBI they tried to distance themselves from Mr R. It seems that they also lied under oath. Several witnesses and documents demonstrate not only that the dealership owners knew that Mr R and friends were there, but that they even paid them, and purchased some material for them. They also took several pictures together. I wouldn’t be surprised if the owners are trying to flee to Bermuda right now.

Another note: yesterday the defense also called an amateur photographer that was on scene. He took many of the pictures that we have seen. His testimony to the defense was almost useless, the only notable thing was that he mentioned how chaotic the situation was. But you gotta watch the prosecutor’s cross questioning. It’s handbook of what NOT to do, ever. This will be studied for years in my opinion. Basically they completely misread the witness and tried to have him contradict himself. The result? He confirmed that the two prosecutors tried to have him change his written testimony because they also have another trial related to this one. When they tried to prove that he simply was misremembering, he demonstrated that it was them misremembering and that he as an incredible memory. Worse than that, the prosecutor started being frustrated and acted like a total jerk, asking irrelevant questions, and even questioning why he (the photographer) would sell the pictures to the media (he’s a photographer…), and why he couldn’t remember every single detail (he was shocked and they didn’t ask him specific questions). More than that, the prosecutor basically killed the other trial by the other prosecutor (he wasn’t happy).

All of the above is my understanding and I am not trained in any way whatsoever to claim other than amateurish understanding.

This is probably my last post on the topic for a bit. Let’s see how it plays out.
I understand why you would want the defendant to testify in a normal self-defense case. But normally the prosecution doesn't basically hand the defense an acquittal multiple times during the trial.

Any chance for a directed verdict?
I bet they won’t even ask for it. With a prosecution like this they might get a full acquittal which would make Mr R 100% innocent even in the public eye.
Morally, and ethically I don’t disagree. With a small caveat (below), but as I said in an earlier post, none of them had a legit “claim” on who could be there or not.

Very true. Obviously it’s my interpretation of the situation based on the trial and what I know - admittedly, not much. No intention to annoy you.

I agree that in itself the testimony is not exculpatory, and certain cheers from a certain crowd are uncalled for and also premature. However, if you put it in context with the rest of the testimonies, you’ll see why it was a damning testimony for the prosecution (and he was a witness called by the prosecution). Let me try to summarize my understanding of the importance of Mr Grosskreutz’s testimony (to the best of my abilities):

An undisputed fact is that there were three shootings on that night.
- Shooting 1 is by an unknown individual while Mr R was running away.
- Shooting 2 is by Mr R, in which Individual 1 (I1 from now) was killed.
- Shooting 3 is by Mr R in which I2 (Skateboard man) was killed, and I3 (Mr G) was injured.

Now, the prosecution tried to prove that I1 was illegally shot by focusing on the shot in the back, and that I3 demonstrates that Mr R was trying to kill because he shot I3, and I3 is seen with his hands up. In other words the prosecution tried to use I3 as evidence of the mental state of Mr R (premeditation to kill unknown individuals, basically).

The argument about I1 collapsed when the FBI drone footage was enhanced and revealed, and when (yesterday) the ME testified that I1 was shot in the back from the top because he was lounging forward (=reaching for the gun). Several other videos and witnesses (by the prosecution!) basically verified that I1 was a disturbed individual, and that he was looking for violence. He also threatened, directly, Mr R.

I2 seems not much in dispute. It doesn’t seem the prosecution talks much about him because the video, the ME (or at least some doctors), and the police confirm that I2 hit Mr R with his skateboard, causing trauma, and that he was shot after he hit Mr R (I believe multiple times) on the ground.

This is where I3 comes into play. I believe that Prior to his testimony some of the events surrounding I3 were disputed. I3 confirmed that he had a gun, that he displayed it, and that he ran towards Mr R that was running away. There was some back and forth between I3 and the defense because I3 claimed that he wasn’t chasing Mr R but was unable to explain why he was running towards Mr R, and then he was on top of Mr R. At any rate, I3 is in the video with his hands up. I3 then confirmed that after a bit, he reached for his gun, and he pointed it at Mr R, and Mr R then and only then shot. Then Mr R stopped and ran towards the police again. This damns the argument that Mr R just wanted to kill people during the shooting (important distinction).

So the question remained about Mr R. Was he there requested by someone or just to provoke. Another witness was the owner of the car dealer. Another prosecution witness that ended up being awful for the prosecution. He claimed basically that he had no idea who Mr R was, and that he didn’t want him there. It was then found out that the dealership is shady af and that to avoid probing by the FBI they tried to distance themselves from Mr R. It seems that they also lied under oath. Several witnesses and documents demonstrate not only that the dealership owners knew that Mr R and friends were there, but that they even paid them, and purchased some material for them. They also took several pictures together. I wouldn’t be surprised if the owners are trying to flee to Bermuda right now.

Another note: yesterday the defense also called an amateur photographer that was on scene. He took many of the pictures that we have seen. His testimony to the defense was almost useless, the only notable thing was that he mentioned how chaotic the situation was. But you gotta watch the prosecutor’s cross questioning. It’s handbook of what NOT to do, ever. This will be studied for years in my opinion. Basically they completely misread the witness and tried to have him contradict himself. The result? He confirmed that the two prosecutors tried to have him change his written testimony because they also have another trial related to this one. When they tried to prove that he simply was misremembering, he demonstrated that it was them misremembering and that he as an incredible memory. Worse than that, the prosecutor started being frustrated and acted like a total jerk, asking irrelevant questions, and even questioning why he (the photographer) would sell the pictures to the media (he’s a photographer…), and why he couldn’t remember every single detail (he was shocked and they didn’t ask him specific questions). More than that, the prosecutor basically killed the other trial by the other prosecutor (he wasn’t happy).

All of the above is my understanding and I am not trained in any way whatsoever to claim other than amateurish understanding.

This is probably my last post on the topic for a bit. Let’s see how it plays out.
In essense we've learned nothing new other than what the videos showed. The issue is both legal and ethical. Rosenbaum (let's not dehumanize these people) who was killed first was lounging towards KR and he had to make a split second choice in the context of already shots being fired. So every single idiot did their best to escalate this situation, including KR. What happened after is a lot more significant. People screaming that KR killed someone, i.e. he is an active threat and is trying to get away with murder.

This doesn't answer the biggest questions that are:
What was the perception/understanding of the situation of the two subsequent people who attacked KR. Did they see the first homicide? Did they hear people screaming someone was killed (they must have heard 2-3 shots at least)? How much did they see of the behavior of KR before and/or after the first homicide? As I mentioned above, the math is completely different if they've attacked KR because they thought they are defending their peers.

Grosskreutz also stated in his testimony, that his understanding was that after KR shot him the first time and he put his hands up, he thought KR pulled the trigger but the gun didn't fire. It's also not clear to me whether Grosskreutz aimed his weapon at KR before he Huber was killed or after. The sequence of events is absolutely critical, and this is why I got pissed about a bunch of so-called zoom lawyers doing commentary like it was some kind of sporting event. It was nothing of substance.

Again, at the end of the day all of these people were somewhere they shouldn't have been. Some took items with them they should not have brought and some committed acts they shouldn't have. The result is two people dead and the legal system is tested whether - other than cops - vigilantes get the encouragement to escalate situations and expect impunity.
As I mentioned above, the math is completely different if they've attacked KR because they thought they are defending their peers.
Again, I don’t disagree with most of your post. However the question that this trial is trying to answer has little to do with the mindset of the chasers and all to do with the mindset of the defendant. It is very possible that they thought he was an active shooter and at the same time he - not as an active shooter - feared for his life and with legitimacy shot in self defense. That night, I repeat, was a total clusterfuck.

A similar, very simplified example is: person A is walking. Person B points a gun at A to rob. Person A is quick enough and shoots person B. Person C turns his head and sees that Person A shot person B, he thinks that person A is an active shooter and points his own gun at Person A. Person A fears for his life and shoots person C. Both person A and C would be innocent as they both acted in good faith and for fear of their life. At a trial for person A, what person C was thinking is virtually irrelevant. At a trial for person C, what person A was thinking is virtually irrelevant.
Again, I don’t disagree with most of your post. However the question that this trial is trying to answer has little to do with the mindset of the chasers and all to do with the mindset of the defendant. It is very possible that they thought he was an active shooter and at the same time he - not as an active shooter - feared for his life and with legitimacy shot in self defense. That night, I repeat, was a total clusterfuck.

A similar, very simplified example is: person A is walking. Person B points a gun at A to rob. Person A is quick enough and shoots person B. Person C turns his head and sees that Person A shot person B, he thinks that person A is an active shooter and points his own gun at Person A. Person A fears for his life and shoots person C. Both person A and C would be innocent as they both acted in good faith and for fear of their life. At a trial for person A, what person C was thinking is virtually irrelevant. At a trial for person C, what person A was thinking is virtually irrelevant.
This is exactly why i asked you if you had a law degree or formal law training. Without that i see too much confidence in this reasoning and little substantiation. Especially in precedent law. You told me that this case won’t create a precedent, but you’re also claiming something that either has a precedent, or this case will create one.
This is exactly why i asked you if you had a law degree or formal law training. Without that i see too much confidence in this reasoning and little substantiation. Especially in precedent law. You told me that this case won’t create a precedent, but you’re also claiming something that either has a precedent, or this case will create one.
Well, as I said. Of course it’s an opinion, and I am an anonymous dude on the internet. Take it for what it is. I don’t think that I have to preface it every time and talk conditionally every single time. We’re just chatting, friendly (I hope). And I am ready to be proven very wrong.

Is there any criminal lawyer on this forum?
Well, as I said. Of course it’s an opinion, and I am an anonymous dude on the internet. Take it for what it is. I don’t think that I have to preface it every time and talk conditionally every single time. We’re just chatting, friendly (I hope). And I am ready to be proven very wrong.

Is there any criminal lawyer on this forum?
Sure. Take my friendly comment that if we are talking law, precedents matter the most. I hated the the mental masturbation of the ethics classes (and consults) I’ve had in the past, when the ultimate decisions are always determined by other major factors than our benevolent reasoning.
What happens when Rittenhouse takes the stand and is unable to show that he was scared (because he wasn’t) or that he feels any remorse for what he’s done?
What happens when Rittenhouse takes the stand and is unable to show that he was scared (because he wasn’t) or that he feels any remorse for what he’s done?

He's already testified, hasn't he?

What happens when Rittenhouse takes the stand and is unable to show that he was scared (because he wasn’t) or that he feels any remorse for what he’s done?
He's already testified, hasn't he?


He's performing testifying today I believe.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1458499587904192514/

Supposedly these tears were recently, since they weren't present when questioned by prosecutors.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1458479837992001539/

When actors are chiming in on your performance...
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This kid needs rehabilitation of some kind. Ignore the “justice” aspect of it. He needs to spend some time in prison to be rehabilitated, because he has serious issues that won’t go away if he gets off scot-free. I believe he is still a danger to society. Maybe 5 years to think about things and gain some maturity as a human being? He doesn’t seem to think he did anything wrong, so he will continue with similar behavior unless the system does something.
"But wait, there's more!"

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1458520482534264837/

I can't wait for a few years from now, when there's some book that has a picture of the judge, defense, and defendant all in the judge's chambers laughing it up together.
I saw the whole exchange (which is actually 3 exchanges at different times). The judge is right here and the defense is right in asking mistrial with prejudice (judge will never agree) because it might help in appeal if needed. What the prosecutor did was absolutely, utterly insane if not unconstitutional. I have no idea why he even tried to first defy an order by the judge to introduce elements that are external to the trial and weren’t disclosed and then went all over into 5th amendment rights. I truly do not understand this prosecutor.
Maybe he's just tired of being a prosecutor.
Well, I am not sure he’s going to be working in the legal system after this prosecutorial exchanges. I was hoping for a much more solid prosecution to be honest, regardless of the innocence or not of mr Rittenhouse.
The justice system in Kenosha is a joke. This judge started the trial with massive advantages for the defense, banning the word “victims” but allowing the defense to call these non-victims “rioters” instead? The prosecutors are the legal version of keystone cops. A juror removed for an offensive joke about the Jacob Blake shooting... do we really think he’s the only juror with that mindset? A teenager is put on the stand by the defense team, which is a dumb move and should be like a nice slow pitch right across home plate with the bases loaded for the prosecutors... but I’m not seeing them taking the advantage at all. And the fake crying on the stand... gotta say, maybe he should have taken acting lessons from somebody OTHER THAN Justice Kavanaugh.

Well, I am not sure he’s going to be working in the legal system after this prosecutorial exchanges. I was hoping for a much more solid prosecution to be honest, regardless of the innocence or not of mr Rittenhouse.

Considering the general mood and vibe these days, it seems to be going about par for the course.

Screw competence! We're here for the SPECTACLE! Give us a SHOW!