I think it’s an interesting mindset that I don’t have. If in a potentially dangerous situation I think my reflex reaction would be to get away from it, not bust out my phone and start filming it. I might also be a bit paranoid about this, but I think becoming an impromptu on the scene reporter might also make you a target. It seems like we’re starting to get to the point where filming something is no longer plays a part in defusing a situation, might even serve as an irritant to some true believer (in whatever) who is willing to be some kind of martyr to the cause. But luckily there’s no shortage of other people who want to film anything and everything. I even believe there are people hoping to catch something juicy with little empathy for the actual situation. I suppose if it helps justice then the actual motivation for recording it doesn’t really matter.
I think it might be a mindset you don't feel you need. For others as George Floyd's murder clearly showed, it's become a necessity.
Yes there's a danger, as the old thread elsewhere about the 'mask triggered' demonstrated. Or even the video I shared last week of the 45 banner fan acting a fool in a public airport, but slapping the phone of another individual recording, suddenly claiming privacy concerns. Hell, let's go big & remember a certain get together on Jan 6th that one party & people would have you believe was more tame the most peaceful BLM protest. The days of when some people would regain their common sense faced with being recorded, passed with the rise of "Karen". Now it's a necessary documenting tool, because those same people haven't only lost common sense, but shame as well. They will deny anything happened and depend on the 'privilege' a court system that will often favor them, so video proof is a necessity.
It's a necessity.
Imagine a 'what if'. 'What if' there was video of the murder of Trayvon Martin? What if there was video to go along with the dispatcher's plea to Zimmerman to let the police handle the situation he imagined, but he ignored & initiated the situation? Would such video be enough to hammer home the unnecessary stupidity on Zimmerman's part to a jury? Seeing someone run up on Black kid with no proof, a third party screaming to stop as they film it, then panic and fire. Taking your scenario, perhaps Zimmerman shoots both people including the person filming, does that make Zimmerman look more sympathetic?
Recording is unfortunately the only thing PoC are allowed to 'open carry', and NOT get "legally" shot on sight for. (
Yes, I am walking around cases like Isiah Brown & Stephon Clark where having a phone gets you shot, I think that's overkill in hammering how some people can't win no matter what ) Yet. It's why there's an app developed after police stops & shooting Black motorists, that records video that is NOT stored on the phone but sent to the ACLU.
These things are needed!
That's the world some people are living in. A mindset isn't an option for them.
You never know what situation is an Ahmaud Arbery or George Floyd, and what situation is someone acting like they hadn't heard masks were necessary in public places yet this year.