
Trump must be having a meltdown.
Well that piece suggests someone in the admin made a couple of conciliatory tweets for him to ship out...
But yeah, I'm sure Trump is melting down more and more.
Surely he was not happy about the letter biz execs sent urging the transition be allowed to begin either.
Nor that the Congressional oversight group rejected GSA's earlier half-concession to demands that Emily Murphy appear and answer questions om the delay: she had said a deputy could do a briefing "sometime next week", which response fetched up a letter from Congress today saying no way, you do it tomorrow, Tuesday, and if your group can't handle the tech for a remote briefing, "we can help you"...
And then as if by miracle, GSA Emily punches out a letter saying no need for briefing, I just authorized the transition, of my own free will.
This is a big deal. Besides money for the transition, Biden can now place transition team members in the federal agencies and he must be given the full and classified President's Daily Briefing... plus info on the plans for coronavirus vaccine distribution.
So but now,,, what should I do with the popcorn I had laid in during anticipation of seeing Congresswoman Katie Porter grilling GSA-Emily on C-Span, I wonder.
Well I guess there's still the chance of a
remove-me-if-you-can scene on January 20th if Trump still thinks he can get SCOTUS to crown him.
By the way the Boston Globe ran a hilarious piece about that today... it's likely paywalled but worth hunting around for an aggregated pickup somewhere. They asked a hostage negotiator, an animal control officer, a "toddler whisperer" plus a behavioral economist and a dog trainer for ideas on how to get Trump outta that bunker if he hasn't vacated it on time.
Even a nation hooked on drama does not want to see a US president dragged out the front door of the White House on Jan. 20, so we asked experts in the art of persuasion how they go about dislodging the reluctant.
I liked the dog trainer's idea at the wrap of the piece:
"Some dogs are tricky, he said. “They come out of the crate, grab the food, and go back in. So we make adjustments, we close the crate door quickly, or we move the food further away.”
“Dogs like to play,” he added, “so sometimes you can get them out of the crate if you show them a ball.”
Or maybe a golf cart.