2021 Health Insurance Open Enrollment Options (US, Non-Political Discussion)


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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Aug 11, 2020
Today I looked at reenrolling my Wife for Health Insurance through my former employer (I'm retired and on Medicare) and I see through United Health Care that for a high deductible Bronze Plan, her monthly rates have jumped from $650 to $750 per month and the annual deductible has jumped from $3500 to $5000 and I wondered if I can do any better?

Is anyone enrolled in the Affordable Care Act through Healthcare.gov? My understanding is my income to too high for any kind of financial assistance, but I thought I'd still see what the going rates are. What kind of deal are you getting there?
What about other alternatives?
I have till 13Nov to make a decision on keeping her in her current plan or moving somewhere else. Thanks! :D
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My brother has the family covered through ACA, but I don’t know any of the details. I just know it works for them, and the boys can stay on it until they turn 26 or they get their own insurance through work or a new UHC.