2023 Rock & Roll HOF Nominees


Resident Redneck
Jul 8, 2021
Here is the list of the 2023 Hall of Fame nominees.

I have been to the Hall and it was really fascinating, but I will probably never understand the process to get in. I remember a couple of years ago when Lionel Ritchie was inducted and all I could think was "Why the hell hasn't he been in for 20 years already?". Looking at the current list, I can't believe George Michael wasn't already in. Same with Sheryl Crow and Missy Elliott.
Here's what I don't get. Of the five major grunge bands, Nirvana and Pearl Jam got in on the first ballot. Soundgarden has been nominated twice. Yet, Stone Temple Pilots and Alice in Chains have gotten nothing but crickets. Culturally, Nirvana had the biggest influence. Vocally, Layne Staley is who every front man tried to copy. I simply don't understand the logic behind this.