2024 Democrat Presidential Candidates

So what kind of drop? Any specific industry or across-the-board?

I just texted a buddy back in WV that does I guess what is called "hotshotting" where he has a few trailers and will make specific runs for say a pump motor that needs to be on a mine site tomorrow, but it is in Cleveland. He'll drive straight to Cleveland, pick it up and take it straight to the mine.

I'll be interested to see what he has to say. He has always made good money doing this.

Pretty much across the board. Locally being in Silicon Valley the corporate furniture business got hit pretty hard with all the work from home that is going on with tech. But we have branches all over the US and none of them are doing great. A lot of trucks and trailers just sitting idle and companies with large truck and trailer fleets are reducing what they have.
Here is a guess: trucking is largely built on a retail economy. The internets (that one thing that starts with A, in particular) and the covid lockdowns conspired to move people away from the traditional B&M retail economy. Products are being shipped to purchasers, rather than to distribution centers and retail stores, so the meat of pallet load trucking has been severely undercut by direct markets, because trucking has for decades basically been rail on rubber.

This was coming. People were already in the process of abandoning B&M retail for internet shopping with direct delivery. Covid merely accelerated the transition.

I saw this earlier and was wondering what is going to be done about it. I highly doubt the DNC will be changing dates. And I suppose it’s not as if Biden has a chance of picking up that state anyways. It’s not like democracy hangs on Alabama. I do wonder about the backlash Biden could face if it’s perceived as if he views a state as “not important enough” though.
I saw this earlier and was wondering what is going to be done about it. I highly doubt the DNC will be changing dates. And I suppose it’s not as if Biden has a chance of picking up that state anyways. It’s not like democracy hangs on Alabama. I do wonder about the backlash Biden could face if it’s perceived as if he views a state as “not important enough” though.
He won a primary state as a write-in. If I have to write him in, so be it.
I saw this earlier and was wondering what is going to be done about it. I highly doubt the DNC will be changing dates. And I suppose it’s not as if Biden has a chance of picking up that state anyways. It’s not like democracy hangs on Alabama. I do wonder about the backlash Biden could face if it’s perceived as if he views a state as “not important enough” though.
Yet Colorado can't take Trump off the ballot due to the Insurrection Act. How does this align?
I saw this earlier and was wondering what is going to be done about it. I highly doubt the DNC will be changing dates. And I suppose it’s not as if Biden has a chance of picking up that state anyways. It’s not like democracy hangs on Alabama. I do wonder about the backlash Biden could face if it’s perceived as if he views a state as “not important enough” though.

Ohio may face the same issue.

It won't affect the EC and who wins, but could tip the popular vote.
Heard another trio of middle aged Progressive pundits say they won’t be voting for Biden because of Gaza, even after one of them gave a long impressive list of Biden’s accomplishments they agreed with. I’ve already said any Progressive who thinks Trump is going to better serve their values and agenda is a fucking idiot.

But I’ll take it a step further. If you think Democrats are going to go more left if you punish them with a Trump win you are an even bigger idiot. DC brain, wrong or right, believes everybody from the far right to left of center doesn’t want Progressive policies. And that’s assuming they even know those people. They don’t. Who they know is their rich donors who definitely don’t want Progressive policies. Reagan scared the shit out of Democrats which caused them to lurch right. Clinton’s administration is defined by Wall St. money, deregulation, and more minorities doing more and longer prison sentences. If Trump gets another term the Democrats' takeaway is going to be they weren’t rightwing asshole enough and they caved to Progressives too much.
Heard another trio of middle aged Progressive pundits say they won’t be voting for Biden because of Gaza, even after one of them gave a long impressive list of Biden’s accomplishments they agreed with. I’ve already said any Progressive who thinks Trump is going to better serve their values and agenda is a fucking idiot.

But I’ll take it a step further. If you think Democrats are going to go more left if you punish them with a Trump win you are an even bigger idiot. DC brain, wrong or right, believes everybody from the far right to left of center doesn’t want Progressive policies. And that’s assuming they even know those people. They don’t. Who they know is their rich donors who definitely don’t want Progressive policies. Reagan scared the shit out of Democrats which caused them to lurch right. Clinton’s administration is defined by Wall St. money, deregulation, and more minorities doing more and longer prison sentences. If Trump gets another term the Democrats' takeaway is going to be they weren’t rightwing asshole enough and they caved to Progressives too much.

It's truly mind-boggling. They're concerns are valid - what they stand to gain by replacing Biden with someone who cares even less about the innocent lives is not going to help them, or the protestors. It'll perhaps give them even MORE to protest about, but that's about it.
It's truly mind-boggling. They're concerns are valid - what they stand to gain by replacing Biden with someone who cares even less about the innocent lives is not going to help them, or the protestors. It'll perhaps give them even MORE to protest about, but that's about it.

What irritates me the most is these people consider themselves informed but all they're informed about is every little slight big and small against their agenda.

I heard something interesting the other day. A lot of the famous once assumed liberal firebrands got their feelings hurt by the left and as a result moved to the right. Think Musk and Tulsi Gabbard among others. None of them have gotten their feelings hurt and moved more to the left as a result. That might say more about the individuals, but I’m not sure what that says about the group think.
Pretty much across the board. Locally being in Silicon Valley the corporate furniture business got hit pretty hard with all the work from home that is going on with tech. But we have branches all over the US and none of them are doing great. A lot of trucks and trailers just sitting idle and companies with large truck and trailer fleets are reducing what they have.

Got a text back from my buddy who is an independent "trucker".

He said his hot-shotting business is doing all he can handle. People need stuff and they need it tomorrow. He even thinks the slow economy is helping because some of the suppliers are keeping less inventory. I mean who wants to sit on a $20-50K electric motor you might sell 1 a quarter. It is just as easy to pay him to go get it and then add it on to the cost.

He has gotten his SIL to work for him doing longer range jobs, but most of them are hauling cars from a dealership to a buyer. He takes those, but thinks the prices for other hauls (goods) are too low, so he skips them unless working a backhaul.

So he kind of echoed what you are saying.

But I am surprised with Yellow going under that there is excess capacity.
Looks like the Alabama issue with Biden getting on the ballot has been quietly resolved...

A statement from Alabama Democratic Party Chair Randy Kelley: “The Alabama Democratic Party and the Democratic National Committee are in discussions regarding a resolution ensuring President Biden’s ballot access. While this issue with convention dates has occurred many times in the past, notably with the Alabama GOP in 2004, 2012, and 2020, it appears to only be a problem this year now that the Democrats’ convention is behind the deadline.
A statement from Alabama Democratic Party Chair Randy Kelley: “The Alabama Democratic Party and the Democratic National Committee are in discussions regarding a resolution ensuring President Biden’s ballot access. While this issue with convention dates has occurred many times in the past, notably with the Alabama GOP in 2004, 2012, and 2020, it appears to only be a problem this year now that the Democrats’ convention is behind the deadline.

When Republican politicians wake up in the morning the first thing they do is pray to God that he gives them a new opportunity to be a blatant hypocrite and he often answers that prayer.

Interesting take on this I heard on the webs if this decision stood. There’s no downside for Democrats on this. Biden isn’t going to win the state anyway, but if he isn’t on the ballot Trump supporters might not show up to vote in the no contest situation while more Democrats will show up to vote down ballot out of spite. However, since there are only 10 Democrats total in the state, the impact would be negligible.
Talk of Biden's age has declined dramatically since the SOTU. Hitler rantings and court cases have rightly put talk of Biden's age where it correctly belongs - about 349th down the list of important issues.

He's also still edging up in the head to head polls.

Talk of Biden's age has declined dramatically since the SOTU. Hitler rantings and court cases have rightly put talk of Biden's age where it correctly belongs - about 349th down the list of important issues.

He's also still edging up in the head to head polls.

That's exciting news. But the polls also keep getting things wrong. I can't ignore them for bad news and accept them when it's good news. So that's good, but I'm not reading too much into them at this point.