Same with Anglicans and Episcopalians in the USA, earlier it was about female bishops, now it's primarily over recognition of same sex marriage or married gay clergy. Entire parishes have gone into schism in recent years and taken each other to court over the real estate, it's an unholy parody of much of Christian teaching. All in the name of God, of course.
On Barrett: to me it's not about her Roman Catholicism, it's about her relative inexperience on the bench, her clear adulation of the thinking of the late Justice Scalia, and that covenant-requiring group People of Praise that she has has hung out with (not all of them are RC but it's not so much about religion per se, more about allegiance to a belief system taken up with an oath before the God of her belief).
Some are trying now to make that bunch sound like no more than a fraternity or sorority, or maybe a bunch of folks who all buy Amway products or etc. Well but some who have left the group (and been shunned?) say that's not exactly what it's like. Long piece in Politico about it was illuminating on some of those points.
Putting a member of a “covenant” community on the high court would raise a whole new set of questions about religion and the Constitution.