The screen...the screen on the Air isn't the same quality as the Pro? You're shitting me. I thought we were done with that shit. Is the screen on the Air a lower quality than my 2019 iMac? I'll also looked into used/refurbished Macbook Pros but as somebody who doesn't frequently replace computers I've always been a believer in trying to get a current model which theoretically should mean it will last longer.
The screen on the air is regular level "great" in the context of competitor laptop displays.
The 14" and 16" pro screen is fucking amazing. The fact that they managed to get a display of this spec in a machine for this money with this performance is nothing short of incredible in my opinion. If you go look at one in the Apple Store be sure to ask someone to compare some HDR content on it because that's when it literally comes alive. Its a great display under normal circumstances but HDR content really shows what it is capable of.
It ruined me for non-HDR displays basically. I didn't "get" the fuss over HDR content until I got my 14" MacBook Pro. Forced me to upgrade my home theatre setup as well

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