Apple designing its own micro led screens

Apple is expected to still use manufacturing partners to mass-produce the display, however. If the report is accurate, it will be the first display that Apple will have designed from first principles itself, though.
This seems wrong. It's been easy to tell just by job listings that Apple has been designing its own LCD panels for years.
Apple is expected to still use manufacturing partners to mass-produce the display, however. If the report is accurate, it will be the first display that Apple will have designed from first principles itself, though.
WTF does designing a display from first principles mean.
WTF does designing a display from first principles mean.
Well, first what you do is you derive Schroedinger’s equation…

(for one of my oral exams to get into the PhD program all those years ago, the professor asked me to explain the operation of a BJT “from first principles”. I started talking about diodes and he kept interrupting me to ask questions forcing me to go backward, until I indeed ended up having to derive maxwells and schroedingers equations and derive each of the energy bands for the electrons in a silicon atom. It was a very tortuous and long day for me)