Apple Explained - Not sure what to make of it


Power User
Nov 16, 2021
Apple Explained is a YouTube channel which purports to, well, explain Apple. After watching a couple of its videos I am sort of puzzled.

The presentation is good enough and at a high level I suppose it is somewhat informative (if inaccurate). It just feels like for something called "Apple Explained" that it does not really explain Apple. for example, in its Apple Silicon video while it does nail the Apple obsession with PPW it perpetuates the "ARM for Apple" myth which leaves it having issues explaining why Apple Silicon not only outperforms x86 chips but also other ARM chips. Anyway, for you consideration...

Out of curiosity I clicked on the video titled Why Apple Stopped Using Intel Chips...

You may have recently discovered that Apple stopped using Intel chips in their computers.
Recently? It has been over four years! OK, I bit less if you start the clock when they fully eliminated Intel in the computers.

Which is a bit surpsing...
Is it, though? I almost had a bet with one of my former colleagues, because I said that Apple will start using their own chips at least in MacBooks, since they were clearly up to the task, but the colleague didn't believe me. That was quite a few years before the M1.

...considering Steve Jobs said this in 2005
That was almost 20 years ago, which is half an eternity in terms of computer development.
Maybe I should add this quote in the comment section:
“I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” - Thomas Watson, president of IBM, 1943

I'm not totally sure that video is worth my time. But maybe it is for people who lived an old PCB for the last few years. The question is why they would watch the video and how they would find it.

How did you come accross the channel? Some random Youtube recommendation?

I continued a little bit and he mentions but that was almost two decades ago.
And then: But first I want to thank Saily for sponsoring this this video.
I wonder if this is yet another scam like Honey or BetterHelp...
I wonder if this is yet another scam like Honey or BetterHelp.

No, not a scam. I watched a couple videos, and they seem to be on the mark. They are long videos that would be better served, for me at least, as text, because a lot of what is said is what we already know – it is kind of hard to skim video content. And, it has a truly annoying feature of zoom-skips: he finishes a statement and the zoom jumps in or out by a tiny bit, for no apparent reason.

The information appears to be solid, well-researched and not incitive (i.e., fairly neutral). It is not scam-ish or partisan, from what I can tell.
No, not a scam. I watched a couple videos, and they seem to be on the mark. They are long videos that would be better served, for me at least, as text, because a lot of what is said is what we already know – it is kind of hard to skim video content. And, it has a truly annoying feature of zoom-skips: he finishes a statement and the zoom jumps in or out by a tiny bit, for no apparent reason.

The information appears to be solid, well-researched and not incitive (i.e., fairly neutral). It is not scam-ish or partisan, from what I can tell.
I think @KingOfPain was referring to the sponsor Saily rather than the channel. A lot of YouTube sponsors have been scammers of late, including scamming the channels they were sponsoring.
The information appears to be solid, well-researched and not incitive (i.e., fairly neutral). It is not scam-ish or partisan, from what I can tell.

With scam I did not mean the video content (but it's good to know that they are more or less well made, although I concur with you that with text-based information it is much easier to skip the parts one already knows), but rather the sponsor.
Recently, Honey (which apparently sponsored thousands of channels) was revealed to replace the cookie for affiliate links with their own to steal the bonus. Also, the addon did not show the best coupon code available (although they claimed as much), but rather a coupon code they agreed with the shop on.
And I believe BetterHelp was selling the medical information of their users.

While I typically just skip the sponsor messages in videos, now that two big sponsors have been revealed to be at least partly scams, I start to wonder what the scam is with the next one I might see.
And, it has a truly annoying feature of zoom-skips: he finishes a statement and the zoom jumps in or out by a tiny bit, for no apparent reason.

I actually found it while watching a WWDC video from Apple - YT recommended it after I watched the WWDC 24 Apple video.
Out of curiosity I clicked on the video titled Why Apple Stopped Using Intel Chips...

You may have recently discovered that Apple stopped using Intel chips in their computers.
Recently? It has been over four years! OK, I bit less if you start the clock when they fully eliminated Intel in the computers.

To normie types who buy a new Mac once every 5-10 years, 5 years ago measured in purchasing cycles is "recently" in context. Its likely the last machine they bought was intel and if they're looking into a new machine, anything Apple Silicon is "new" to them.

You need to take into account the target audience, and perhaps his intended audience is a little less on the pulse than those of us who live and breathe this stuff.

Think: the typical casual Mac user who just wants something that works and replaces the machine when the battery dies, it gets stolen, it gets too slow to use, etc.