Barr authorizes DOJ to investigate voting “irregularities”

"I saw this suspicious activity ..."

Okfine, everybody and their little sister has a phone with a camera on it. We are at the point of "vids or it didn't happen".
You'd think that…

But look at all the Yeti, Bigfoot, Sasquatch and so on sightings. But damn! Wouldn't ya know it? No one ever has their camera or phone handy.

Same with this bunch of hoaxers.
Annnnnnd... an update for those sure a recount in Wisconsin will solve Trump's upcoming housing problem:

Yes. Clearly the Deep State had leverage on those doing the recount..... and those watching them count ballots....

Trump's campaign is at the moment trying to exclude Wayne County's votes by preventing their certification.

Not familiar with this one, but the video appears to be legitimate

The Cheeto-Faced Extraterrestrial-Ferret-Wearing ShitGibbon has been credibly accused of sexual assault, possibly even actual rape, and yet, somehow, the nation is taken off guard to find that he is trying to force himself upon us.

I have long thought that the principle of informed and freely-given consent is (or ought to be) a core concept in both politics and in one's personal and private life.
The Cheeto-Faced Extraterrestrial-Ferret-Wearing ShitGibbon has been credibly accused of sexual assault, possibly even actual rape, and yet, somehow, the nation is taken off guard to find that he is trying to force himself upon us.
The perfect way of stating it.
Yes. Clearly the Deep State had leverage on those doing the recount..... and those watching them count ballots....

Trump's campaign is at the moment trying to exclude Wayne County's votes by preventing their certification.

Not familiar with this one, but the video appears to be legitimate

So, their grievance is primarily that they were only allowed to have, say, four poll watchers in the room instead of 400?

Yeah, good luck with that one.
FUBarr sent a memo to his prosecutors instructing them to pursue "substantial" allegations of vote counting irregularities.
The 16 assistant U.S. attorneys specially assigned to monitor the presidential election this month also said Barr’s Monday memorandum had thrust prosecutors into partisan politics and that the policy change was not based in fact, according to the Post, which saw a copy of the letter.

They basically asked him, with due deference, “Would you be so kind as to fuck off?”

(Please excuse my Français, but the stupid has really started to wear on me)
Meanwhile the AP has reported that if Trump wants a recount in Wisconsin (which went to Biden by 20,500 votes) it will cost him about $7.9 million. This is four times what a recount cost in 2016, due to all the extra expenses associated with keeping recount workers safe during the cornavirus pandemic and having more mailed-in ballots to deal with.

Recounts are not automatic under Wisconsin law. But any losing candidate who is within 1 point of the winner can request one. Trump lost by about six-tenths of a point, based on unofficial results. Candidates must pay for recounts if they are more than 0.25 points behind the winner.

The $7.9 million figure is based on estimates provided by each of the 72 counties that would have to bring workers back in for the recounts.

Trump has been soliciting funds online from donors for the recount, but Wisconsin authorities have not received a go-ahead yet. Not clear what happens to the money Trump collected if he decides to forget about it. He has until Wednesday to decide. Recount could begin Thursday and take up until December 1st to complete.

Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes are not enough to change outcome of this presidential election.

Meanwhile the AP has reported that if Trump wants a recount in Wisconsin (which went to Biden by 20,500 votes) it will cost him about $7.9 million. This is four times what a recount cost in 2016, due to all the extra expenses associated with keeping recount workers safe during the cornavirus pandemic and having more mailed-in ballots to deal with.

The $7.9 million figure is based on estimates provided by each of the 72 counties that would have to bring workers back in for the recounts.

Trump has been soliciting funds online from donors for the recount, but Wisconsin authorities have not received a go-ahead yet. Not clear what happens to the money Trump collected if he decides to forget about it. He has until Wednesday to decide. Recount could begin Thursday and take up until December 1st to complete.

Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes are not enough to change outcome of this presidential election.

What legal basis could he have for requesting a recount with such a margin to overcome?

Unless it is to delay the certification of the election and therefore allow for a further delay in confirming Mr Biden's election and thereby bestowing a fig-leaf of spurious legality on his decision to deny Mr Biden the necessary federal resources to prepare for a (or, the) transition?
What legal basis could he have for requesting a recount with such a margin to overcome?

Unless it is to delay the certification of the election and therefore allow for a further delay in confirming Mr Biden's election and thereby bestowing a fig-leaf of spurious legality on his decision to deny Mr Biden the necessary federal resources to prepare for a (or, the) transition?

That, for sure... or trolling about doing this to Biden's transition for the hell of it... plus then having money to do whatever he wants or needs to do with it, there's probably fine print says "you gave this moolah to me and I thank you". Trump is really an insufferable POS, it just never ends.

The legal basis is just that he must have ended up (and is) within a point of his opponent in the original count, and so may request the recount if he wants to pay for it.
That, for sure... or trolling about doing this to Biden's transition for the hell of it... plus then having money to do whatever he wants or needs to do with it, there's probably fine print says "you gave this moolah to me and I thank you". Trump is really an insufferable POS, it just never ends.

The legal basis is just that he must have ended up (and is) within a point of his opponent in the original count, and so may request the recount if he wants to pay for it.

My understanding is that a signifiant percentage (close to half, if not more) of the money he is currently seeking will go to pay his debts, the debts of his campaign, other than funding challenges to the outcome of the election, such as re-counts.