Bernie to force Senate vote on $2,000 stimulus checks

Here's a curveball. Now even Trump's ass barnacle Lindsey Graham wants a separate standalone vote on the $2,000 check once the new Congress is sworn in.

I seriously don't understand the mentality of gifting more taxpayer dollars to the super-rich who will just toss it in their treasure vault to collect dust being perfectly fine, but the thought of even just 1 couch potato receiving a check for $2,000 is reason enough to screw everybody. I don't think it could be possible to be more out of touch with the general population during this crisis.
I listened to Ron Johnson on TV yesterday respond to the accusation that he’s withholding money from people that need it. He started complaining that “families of 4 making just under $150K will get $8000 - they don’t need it!” And when asked “aren’t you being hypocritical since you gave corporations a massive tax break?” He started bloviating about how *that* helps the economy. Of course, there is no evidence of that, but conservatives constantly trot that out as “gospel” whenever they are asked. Funny how terrible he is at economics: money given to people who need it for immediate expenses WILL GET SPENT IMMEDIATELY! This is proven to help the economy. Tax breaks to the wealthy - hmm funny it didn’t grow the economy much. He even started claiming that the tax break was going to pay for itself if we just wait a couple years... sorry, I won’t be holding my breath. They always say that and it never happens.

Fool me once....
Here's a curveball. Now even Trump's ass barnacle Lindsey Graham wants a separate standalone vote on the $2,000 check once the new Congress is sworn in.
LG will never get Trump’s flaccid cock in his throat deep enough. The 180 this motherfucker did on Trump should be studied in polysci classes and investigated by the DOJ. Something is very much up with this creep.
LG will never get Trump’s flaccid cock in his throat deep enough. The 180 this motherfucker did on Trump should be studied in polysci classes and investigated by the DOJ. Something is very much up with this creep.
He’s almost certainly committed a serious felony (with 5+ years prison time) that Trump knows about.

That said McConnells strategy on the $2000 dollars is dumb - I don’t get why he didn’t cave on the unanimous consent and move on.
I listened to Ron Johnson on TV yesterday respond to the accusation that he’s withholding money from people that need it. He started complaining that “families of 4 making just under $150K will get $8000 - they don’t need it!” And when asked “aren’t you being hypocritical since you gave corporations a massive tax break?” He started bloviating about how *that* helps the economy. Of course, there is no evidence of that, but conservatives constantly trot that out as “gospel” whenever they are asked. Funny how terrible he is at economics: money given to people who need it for immediate expenses WILL GET SPENT IMMEDIATELY! This is proven to help the economy. Tax breaks to the wealthy - hmm funny it didn’t grow the economy much. He even started claiming that the tax break was going to pay for itself if we just wait a couple years... sorry, I won’t be holding my breath. They always say that and it never happens.

Fool me once....
I read a transcript of that interview. I thought the interviewer asked some tough questions, but let’s say a household of 4 employed people got $8,000. So what. Odds are they would put the extra money back into the economy. Sure, some would save it or use it to pay off or down bills but most people will spend it. They’d contribute to keeping local businesses open. I know I’d use some of it to get some local take out, something I won’t be doing without it.
Here's another thing. If you told everybody back in April that for the next 8 months covid cases and deaths will increase exponentially while lockdowns and business closures continue and the government will do absolutely nothing more about the economic fallout in those 8 months there would be a nationwide "Get the fuck out!"

We should be talking about the 3rd or 4th aid and stimulus bill by now, not the 2nd.
And now even Newt Gingrich says there should be a standalone vote on the $2,000 check. Is McConnell trying to win the world record for most people pissed off at you?

And McConnell is calling it socialism for the rich, which is ironic. As the long-standing reality based saying goes, socialism for the rich and the free market for everybody else. Does he even know that most households aren't making 6 figures? Does he honestly believe the people in those majority of households are going "Yeah, those rich bastards shouldn't get that money and therefore I shouldn't either! Keep at it Mitch, I can wait."
And now even Newt Gingrich says there should be a standalone vote on the $2,000 check. Is McConnell trying to win the world record for most people pissed off at you?

And McConnell is calling it socialism for the rich, which is ironic. As the long-standing reality based saying goes, socialism for the rich and the free market for everybody else. Does he even know that most households aren't making 6 figures? Does he honestly believe the people in those majority of households are going "Yeah, those rich bastards shouldn't get that money and therefore I shouldn't either! Keep at it Mitch, I can wait."
They’ll spout any kind of lie to make sure they can keep funneling money away from the middle and lower class and up to their billionaire friends, it seems.
They’ll spout any kind of lie to make sure they can keep funneling money away from the middle and lower class and up to their billionaire friends, it seems.

That usually works but I think they crossed the line this time. There are way too many people on all sides that want this to at least go to a vote. And I don’t think Mitch’s socialism schtick is going to play well this time. A). This is a one time check during an economic, jobs, and health crisis. B). This might actually cause socialism ignorants to look into it for the first time ever because if it’s being used as a reason to block this one time check which would actually benefit them then maybe they’ve been mislead about socialism on everything else.

But Mitch fears a vote even more than it actually passing. It will put a bullseye directly on every Republican Senator that votes against it and unlike most votes citizens are going to pay attention to this one.
They’ll spout any kind of lie to make sure they can keep funneling money away from the middle and lower class and up to their billionaire friends, it seems.

Speaking of funneling money, I read an article on some conservative news site, don't remember which, not Fox but I believe right or Fox, a couple weeks ago about Trump's failing legal disputes and at the time Trump and his legal team distancing themselves from Sidney Powell. Among the many Trump supporter comments attacking the author and claiming Sidney Powell is the real deal who has the goods there was one gem of a comment.

"The reason Trump and his legal team are distancing themselves from Sidney Powell is because her lunacy is a threat to them fleecing more money from you rubes. It's not complicated." :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
That usually works but I think they crossed the line this time. There are way too many people on all sides that want this to at least go to a vote. And I don’t think Mitch’s socialism schtick is going to play well this time. A). This is a one time check during an economic, jobs, and health crisis. B). This might actually cause socialism ignorants to look into it for the first time ever because if it’s being used as a reason to block this one time check which would actually benefit them then maybe they’ve been mislead about socialism on everything else.

But Mitch fears a vote even more than it actually passing. It will put a bullseye directly on every Republican Senator that votes against it and unlike most votes citizens are going to pay attention to this one.
That’s why I favoured unanimous consent.
Should we abolish the senate? A president can veto legislation, which is a pretty good check against a House that might narrowly pass crazy legislation. As the population of our country becomes more centralized in urban areas, the Senate is highly undemocratic. I cannot recall anything positive the Senate has done in the last 40 years.

I mean, even the way a Senator can be appointed by a governor is absurd. They don’t at least require that the state legislature vote somebody in? Right now Kamala Harris was replaced by a personal friend of the governor. So now we have a person who might be great, might not be... I honestly don’t know. But he is now in a position in which he can single-handedly block any legislation he doesn’t like because of how the Senate is run. That’s not democracy. And if anybody writes “America is a Republic, not a democracy...“ I will probably throw something through a window.
The Senate has often slowed us down in the past 40 years. When one thinks about what we've learned about the American electorate and the powers of corporate persuasion of masses of people in just the past four years, that's probably a good thing. Looking back farther takes more patience but the lessons are there as well, even if sometimes only in the Senate's failure to exercise its powers to Slow.Things.Right.The.Hell.Down.

I mean the tendency in our commercialized entertainment and corporate-hive existence has been to go ever faster and get there (wherever) sooner. Report the bottom line faster. Dump the whole TV season online at once. Answer the email faster. Forget the email, ship a text. Go to war and worry about funding it later.

As for news distribution, forget world news, that's probably made up, focus on what your own social media timeline suggests because that's right in your living room so how can it possibly be wrong, you can see it for yourself...

And regarding presidential action on legislation, what about a president approving legislation that was passed by a unicameral legislature full of the proverbial hotheaded representatives of "the people"?
Let's not have any income taxes any more!
Let's have the federal government run the elections!

Could go full five-year-old Trump: "let's say a good idea is whenever I have it and tell you to vote for it or else!"

But even in McConnell's day, we still do have more than half a Senate's worth of elected officials ready to put a thumb down on that one. The GOP side of the chamber was too craven back then to see a national interest in convicting and removing Trump for at least abuse of power. It's possible now some Republican Senators have had second thoughts about the wisdom of McConnell's having treated us to a sham trial of serious charges levied against Trump, even if those Senators do at least for now keep their own counsel. What they learned becomes institutional memory.
The Senate's longer term of office and more distributed accountability is what tends to make them a more deliberative body. Even if we like the idea of term limits, there is usefulness in memory that goes back farther than a few years.

The other upside of a legislative official like a US Senator --who is ostensibly accountable to an entire and often still mostly rural state-- is that he's likely also accountable to some urban donors, not just farmers or whatever blue state residents think red states are all about besides low population density and a history of [traditional] conservatism.

A Senator is a little further away from populist pressures, whether those come from the right or the left. And what's the matter with populists? Well, a lot of them are authoritarians themselves. If they all happen to point the same way on a given day, they're like a school of fish perfectly willing to swim into the shark's mouth. The Senator is a fish who maybe remembers the last time the school nearly did that. Today's right leaning populists are not actually conservatives and some of today's Senators remember that also.
The Senate was able to override Trump’s veto of the defense spending bill without adding in any provisions that Trump wanted. The work of this Congress is finished. Any new legislation will come from the next Congress.
Passing this should be one of the Democrats’ first actions in the new Congress once Biden is in office. Trump shouldn’t be allowed to be any part of it. It was widely popular in the country and on both sides of the isle before McConnell just did what he’s always done. It being well deserved salt in the fresh wound of Republicans will just be a bonus.