Bluesy Jazz Track


Mama's lil stinker
Top Poster Of Month
Aug 10, 2020
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This is a pattern I've noodled with for years now and decided to do a quick lay down of it from the Helix, I solo in this one but also have just the backing if anyone is interested. Fun easy stuff in G.

I hear a mix of Joe Satriani and Carlos Santana in your playing here. I don't know if either of those are considered influences of you, but that's what I hear. 🤘 Satriani is a huge influence of mine, so I obviously liked it. 😁
Thanks guys! Yes, huge Satriani fan and who doesn't love Carlos. Recently worked out the opening to Satch Boogie, a pretty good achievement for little old me, like that he did a video slowing it down and teaching it so all the notes are right, execution (especially with the right hand on that one) is another story though.
The comping sounds really good and I love the wah effect sound that kicks in. What guitar(s)?
The comping sounds really good and I love the wah effect sound that kicks in. What guitar(s)?
Thanks sting, this is my trusty American Standard strat. It has a double coil on the bridge so it covers most of what I want to do with clean and rock stuff.