RIP Bob Saget has died at 65

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Hmmm, he was a very close friend of Norm MacDonald.

edit: Please don’t let my obit read “found dead in a Florida hotel room”.
This is a real shame -- he was a delight! I wonder if cause of death was cardiac arrest or something similar?
He was hilariously filthy in his stand up. Saw him at the improv a couple of times.
I wonder if cause of death was cardiac arrest or something similar
Reports I have seen say there is not sign of external causes like substance abuse or violence.

What appears to be the case is his dying in the midst of "I Don't Do Negative Tour" seems like his ultimate punchline. Only Dick Shawn dying in the middle of a routine was more dramatic.
There’s a joke called The Aristocrats that comedians tell amongst themselves. There’s a basic structure to it but the teller layers in details of their own creation. There’s a documentary about this and Sagat loves to tell his version.

Is it worth your time? Probably not but I laughed.