California Streamin’


Site Master
Aug 11, 2020
It seems like a foregone conclusion that Apple’s event tomorrow will feature new iPhones.

There is plenty we don’t know.

New watches? Macs?

Will new App Store policies be addressed?

Does the “streaming” just mean they will talk a lot about Apple TV+ offerings or will there be other things related to streaming?
It seems like a foregone conclusion that Apple’s event tomorrow will feature new iPhones.

There is plenty we don’t know.

New watches? Macs?

Will new App Store policies be addressed?

Does the “streaming” just mean they will talk a lot about Apple TV+ offerings or will there be other things related to streaming?
It's my year to upgrade the iPhone but if there aren't any significant updates I'll probably hold off.
I think it will be just the Apple Watch and the iPhone. I think we’ll see the iPad and iPad Mini along with MacBooks in a separate event.

I’m on the iPhone upgrade program so I’ll be getting a new one. I really want that 120Hz refresh rate. AoD would be pretty cool too.

Almost certainly going to skip the watch this year. No new sensors. I’ll be waiting for the Series 8.
I bought an iPhone 12 Pro in May 2021 and also still have and am using the iPhone 11 Pro so this really isn't going to be a year when I get all excited about the iPhone 13 and want to rush to preorder one or go over to the store on Launch Day and stand around for hours waiting for the opportunity to buy one in the model, capacity and color of my choice.... Even so I will be watching the keynote with interest, as I always do!

As for the Apple Watch, I probably will be buying one later in the autumn, so am definitely interested in what is going to be said about the new Series 7 (or is it 8?) To be honest, I've lost track and get confused between the actual number of the series model versus the number of the software version!) because my lovely Series 3 definitely has seen her better days and yet has valiantly kept on trekking in spite of all but is really ready for a nice retirement now. I am not in any urgent rush to replace her, though, can wait through the usual preorder and early-adopter madness and then when things have settled down go over to the store and choose what I want and get it at that time.

What I am really waiting for is the new MacBook Pros and what the configurations will be, the specs, etc., and although I wouldn't be buying immediately, one day sometime this winter or in the spring of 2022 I will be replacing my beloved 15" 2018 MBP, my wonderful workhorse, with one of the new machines -- assuming that the specs will work out to my satisfaction. Having spent rather a lot of $$$$ on photography equipment over this past year and especially recently, now I need to give my bank account some breathing space!

Looking forward to tomorrow's keynote......
We got a couple of iPhone 12 Pro Max in November. So no plans to update any time soon. Got a couple of Apple Watches a bit later. So definitely not upgrading those. I'm not expecting much: new iPhones; new Apple Watch; some software upgrades, with new App Store policies due to the partial loss in the Epic case, and the screaming & hollering from smaller developers.

We're waiting till the next event (late this month, some time in October?) where they'll hopefully introduce new desktops. We both want something to compliment our M1 MacBooks. Probably iMacs for both of us. He's a bit limited in terms of what he can buy through his school account. I'm not so limited and we saved a bit the last 15+ months of the Pandemic.

I don't get too excited by "leaks" and just wait to see what's introduced at the event. So much chatter winds up being so wrong.
It seems like a foregone conclusion that Apple’s event tomorrow will feature new iPhones.
I for one am hoping for a new awesome iPhone as I’ve started really considering an upgrade of my trusty old 8 Plus.

That said, it would amuse me to no end if they didn’t talk about iPhones at all. MR for example is labeling their countdown to the event “iPhone 13 Event”.
I'm still on my iPhone XR and have no desire to move on yet. I've played a tiny bit with the beta iPad OS so I'll be interested to see how Apple spins it as being the best OS yet.

I'm also waiting for the next event to see if new Macbook Pros are already on the way, as I'm thinking I may trade in my M1 air towards the new 16 if it has the ports & magsafe back.
I'm still on my iPhone XR and have no desire to move on yet. I've played a tiny bit with the beta iPad OS so I'll be interested to see how Apple spins it as being the best OS yet.

I'm also waiting for the next event to see if new Macbook Pros are already on the way, as I'm thinking I may trade in my M1 air towards the new 16 if it has the ports & magsafe back.
I'm considering the iPad Pro with the pencil (and procreate) for artwork, landscapes, trees and stuff. I'm still a beginner but really dig it with charcoal, it's just messy and I've seen a lot of great tutorials that have sold me on it.
There was one rumor about another rumor that the new Watch was going to be delayed due to some kind of manufacturing difficulty. We have have an S5 (mine), and an S4 (wife's) and they run great, support the latest OS, etc., I'm not in as quick of a cycle with the Watch (I mean, I only got this S5 about a year ago after having an S0 since launch).

I think I'm about ready for a new iPhone though, I usually do every other year, sometimes 3, depending on the details of that "second year" device. I held off a bit longer this time, I'm still on an X, so I passed on an XS, 11, 12. Wife has an 11 Pro, Daughter has an XR (so same generation).

The main deficit is the camera, 3 generations has improved that hardware/software a ton, especially with low light photography.

Plus, I think I'm ready to go back to a larger device, so I guess, assuming the rumors are correct, my interest would be in a 13 Pro Max.

Hahaha, so glad I won't be reading through the train wreck that is the event thread(s) over on MR, full of name calling, "disappointment", etc. We'll be watching on the main TV, a couple of drinks, I'll be kicked back with the iPad babbling into this thread, where the Happy People live :D
The main deficit is the camera, 3 generations has improved that hardware/software a ton, especially with low light photography.
For sure. That’s my main reason for considering an upgrade. Multiple “nice to have” improvements on the new phones so far, but nothing that’s tempting enough to warrant an upgrade save for the camera tech.

If the new iPhones are either “disappointing” or too pricey I might just replace the battery in my 8 Plus and wait. Or maybe get a used 12 Pro Max if I get a good deal somewhere.
I have an iPad 5th gen (2017). Works perfectly except the speakers went out 3 years ago and I’ve been living with it for some weird reason. It’s my main computer, as my demands and hobbies don’t require more. Tempted to go for a new Air but feels like a splurge for my needs.
My interest in a new MBP has now waned, and the work I wanted it for is already in progress on my old Mac. I really can’t justify one now, definitely not a month from now. However, I am jonesing for some new Apple goodness, so I will watch with great interest when they discuss the new phone. I’m on an 11 Pro Max, so I could upgrade….
There was one rumor about another rumor that the new Watch was going to be delayed due to some kind of manufacturing difficulty. We have have an S5 (mine), and an S4 (wife's) and they run great, support the latest OS, etc., I'm not in as quick of a cycle with the Watch (I mean, I only got this S5 about a year ago after having an S0 since launch).

I think I'm about ready for a new iPhone though, I usually do every other year, sometimes 3, depending on the details of that "second year" device. I held off a bit longer this time, I'm still on an X, so I passed on an XS, 11, 12. Wife has an 11 Pro, Daughter has an XR (so same generation).

The main deficit is the camera, 3 generations has improved that hardware/software a ton, especially with low light photography.

Plus, I think I'm ready to go back to a larger device, so I guess, assuming the rumors are correct, my interest would be in a 13 Pro Max.

Hahaha, so glad I won't be reading through the train wreck that is the event thread(s) over on MR, full of name calling, "disappointment", etc. We'll be watching on the main TV, a couple of drinks, I'll be kicked back with the iPad babbling into this thread, where the Happy People live :D
I went from the 8 Plus to the 12 Pro Max and the camera absolutely blew me away. Everything about the camera was such a massive upgrade. Night mode is really cool and even if you're not holding it completely still, the picture still comes out crystal clear.
Just upgraded my phone to the 12 mini in February. It was the first time I didn't upgrade after 2 years (it ended up being 3.5). New watch in January. I am looking forward to new AirPods, but I had trouble with both my first and second gens not consistently charging, so unless they make them water-resistant – I'm assuming it was my sweat that makes them not charge? – I'm not interested.

So, I won't be purchasing anything, but I'll still watch and see what's new.
I am in need of upgrading my iPhone. Almost did last year but waited. My iPhone 6 (surely a collector's item by now), is working fine. But the OS is old and more and more apps aren't available to reap the benefits of upgrades due to my old OS.
It‘s happening…

I was expecting the TV+ montage, but I wasn’t expecting them to spend a bunch of time on iPad and iPad mini. Gotta say that removing the home button from the mini was well overdue. For a small device, it ate up a lot of real estate. And the magnetic pencil is a nice bonus.