Can’t Believe I’m 70


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Aug 11, 2020
I can remember looking in the mirror as a 16 year old (1969) shuddering at the idea of being 47 years old in 2000, god, being old, and wondering if I’d still have hair. I still have some, just not on top. ;) Now, it feels like that was another life, how things have changed so much, and so many moved onto the next phase whatever that is. No I’m not worried about the Grim Reaper, because I don’t think the journey will be over, just reflecting about this life, this taste of a reality.

When you are young, you think you have forever, but the reality is time accelerates and it flies by faster than you think it will. I could add, it’s just as well, as things for humanity seem to be going to hell. I’ve said it before, that this could be The Earth Simulator, one of thousands of experience offered as the next adventure you're sure you want to go on, have some excitement and adventure, only $10k credits. :D
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, and wishing you many more happy ones to come.
Happy, happy birthday! 🥳

I’m not worried about the Grim Reaper
Why would we think the reaper is grim? I imagine a cheerful countenance and sort of a light-hearted approach to the job ("hey, just chill out, you have nothing to worry about now, it's all good"), because it would be a real drag if your job depressed you all the time.

Oh, and enjoy your eighth decade.
It is interesting how we look at our own timelines. I can also remember wondering what it would be like in the year 2000, and would I feel old. Having just received my new insurance card with Medicare, I understand what you’re saying. But I don’t feel any different than I did in 2000, or in the 70’s when I was wondering who I’d be.
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It is interesting how we look at our own timelines. I can also remember wondering what it would be like in the year 2000, and would I feel old. Having just received my new insurance card with Medicare, I understand what you’re saying. But I don’t feel any different than I did in 2000, or in the 70’s when I was wondering who I’d be.
I feel much different, as I've experienced an arc that could go another 20 years at least in this place, Dad is 95... If I've gained anything it is perspective, but I've also become a cynic about our species. I think we are headed for the rocks.
Now I admit that in my life I've run into many old grumpy people, but when I look at what is going on with the planet, our role in it, I'm not throughly depressed because I'm not going to be around, but it makes me see what we are as a group. We don't have our act together, it's arguable that we will sink together. Some of us likely will survive into the future, but what is a shame is if we "the smart ones", as a species trash the planet.

But I'll also admit that possibly this is an inevitable arc, I think the idea of The Great Filter is valid, you can look at us and understand how civilizations destroy themselves. But I also realize there are those among us who appear to be smart enough to fix this, if they could get all the other slow, selfish, or in their own little world types to follow their advice.:(
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But I don’t feel any different than I did in 2000, or in the 70’s when I was wondering who I’d be.

Please share your secret. 😊

I’m only 57, but the miles have definitely started to take their toll. Both shoulders are junk, my knees are good 95% of the time, but one wrong step and I can’t walk right for a week. Hands are starting to get arthritis.

So please tell us how we can feel like we did in 2000. 😊
please tell us how we can feel like we did in 2000. 😊

I, personally, have celebrated my 29th birthday more times than all my other birthdays combined. It just will not let the next one happen. The real of it, though, is that I seem to be about 12. That is how I feel, though my body has other things to say about that.

Just, get out of your head, so's you can live in your head. And make friends with the pain, because you are better off not abiding with an enemy the rest of your life.
My secret to dealing with increasing age: Never grow up. Stay goofy.

As the famous philosopher Chuckles the Clown once said:

"A little song, a little dance. A little seltzer down your pants"

Please share your secret. 😊

I’m only 57, but the miles have definitely started to take their toll. Both shoulders are junk, my knees are good 95% of the time, but one wrong step and I can’t walk right for a week. Hands are starting to get arthritis.

So please tell us how we can feel like we did in 2000. 😊
It’s all in your head. Ignore the body and concentrate on the mind.
It’s all in your head. Ignore the body and concentrate on the mind.
While realizing that today is probably the best day of the rest of your life from a physical standpoint. Your life is something given, and then it slowly takes away until there is nothing, at least nothing here as you currently know it.

Personally, although I label myself agnostic, it is my spiritual view that gives me hope, or I would actually believe that as precious as this experience is, if it is just a nano-second in the infinite time continuum, then over, finished, then none of this would matter. :unsure:
My secret to dealing with increasing age: Never grow up. Stay goofy.

You do have to grow old, but you don't have to grow up. :)

I just turned 40, and I'm riding around on a scooter aimed at 20-somethings. At the same time, I also just got the e-mail telling me that my spot on the wait list for some shiny astronomy kit just came up after 2 years in line, which I fully intend to use to look up and stay in awe of just how tiny we are in relation to the universe.

I think the irony is that when I was a kid, I had two dreams: becoming an astronomer, and starting my own software company. I didn't quite do the first (although I could certainly do some neat stuff there), and I am still pushing towards the second with my spare time these days. Yet if you asked me 20 years ago if I felt I'd do either? The answer would be no. There's something comforting knowing that what I wanted as a kid is still possible ~30 years later.

I'd add that another secret to dealing with age is be active. It doesn't have to be strenuous, but the more active I am, the fewer joint issues I have. And I inherited issues that started plaguing me in my teens. Yet the last couple of years have been better than my early 30s.
At the same time, I also just got the e-mail telling me that my spot on the wait list for some shiny astronomy kit just came up after 2 years in line, which I fully intend to use to look up and stay in awe of just how tiny we are in relation to the universe

I think the irony is that when I was a kid, I had two dreams: becoming an astronomer, and starting my own software company. I didn't quite do the first (although I could certainly do some neat stuff there), and I am still pushing towards the second with my spare time these days.

Sounds like an opportunity to do both.

Perhaps creating/developing some slick image processing/enhancing software (prototyping algorithms and ideas in MATLAB) to go along with your new telescope. Which then could be further developed as your own standalone software product (not using MATLAB) marketed and sold to others into amateur astronomy. Just noodling...
My mom once told me she would know I was grown up when I no longer found “farts” funny.

By that standard, I will never grow up. 😂
Nothing makes me laugh harder than fart videos on YT, to the point that I can't breathe sometimes. Not sure why but has and always will be hilarious to me.