Christmas gag gifts post the pics if you have them.


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Aug 15, 2020
love giving gag gifts. what do you get a one year old a a gag gift? I got her a rubber squeak dog you a beer bottle. fit thing did was try to drink from it. so funny. I cant remember what I got her last year but now she is 4 so no holds barred. she loves goldfish crackers so I got her this. though I went and put the crackers in a big back and put each goldfish in a big bag of crackers so they wont be spilled all over. like 4 gag gifts all in one. I thought of this last Christmas and have been waiting to give it. (the crackers are fresh)
My granddaughter was charged with wrapping a couple of smaller presents for two of her cousins. So she wrapped them in paper and sealed them with tons of scotch tape, wrapped that in multiple layers of cellophane, again with tons of scotch tape, and repeated the process over and over until there were about a dozen levels of multi-layer cellophane and scotch-tape-covered wrapping, each of them nigh impossible to open. Then she sat back and watched their growing frustration as it took something like fifteen minutes for each of the cousins to get past the wrapping of one stinking present.

She's a little sadist.