Cindy McCain is going to bat for Biden


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Like many rational Republicans, she's endorsing Joe Biden.

From the AP
WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Cindy McCain is going to bat for Joe Biden, lending her voice to a video set to air during Tuesday night’s Democratic National Convention programming focused on Biden’s close friendship with her late husband, Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona.

She’s just the latest Republican to join in the convention, after a number of notable GOP former elected officials — including former Ohio Gov. John Kasich — endorsed the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee on Monday night. It’s a continuation of a major theme that Democrats have pushed through the first night of the convention — an effort to broaden the party’s appeal to occasional Republicans and disaffected Trump voters.

In an advance clip from the video shared with The Associated Press, Cindy McCain talks about how Biden, then a Delaware senator, met her husband when John McCain was assigned to be a military aide for him on a trip overseas. The two became friends, and the families would gather for picnics in the Bidens’ backyard.
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