Cindy McCain joins Biden’s transition team.

Chew Toy McCoy

Site Donor
Aug 15, 2020
While Trump is continuing his whine, divide, and lose strategy Biden is already working on lessening the divide.

I said in another thread both Democrats and Republicans need to work together to destroy Trumpism. But a big part of that is giving his supporters something like economic and jobs help. Just beating them back under their rocks isn’t going to be effective. Both parties have fed people scapegoat lies. Now is the time to fix that. We’ve already seen a 4 year preview of how things will go if they don’t. Trump supporters didn’t choose to be ignorant. It was by design and force fed to them by their politicians and media before Trump even entered the political landscape.
Now if that ignorant bitch at the GSA will start the ball rolling so that the Biden transition team can do their damn job....
I like that she's on the team, but I doubt her presence will serve as any sort of unifying signal to Republicans. The Trumpsters are, during this post-election period, proving themselves beyond redemption. If she's not going to go along with the official fabrication that there is some kind of electoral heist going on, then she's joined the enemy as far as they're concerned.

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