Cuomo should be held to the same standards as Trump

The GOP has lost their morals completely

We need to pound on that. "You are a member of the WGAFF Greasy Old Perverts Party. You have nothing to say about this. Go look at some pornography and let the adults in the room handle this." Republicans deserve no quarter and must not be allowed to speak of "morality". They must be hounded into dust.
Someone help me with my memory. But didn't Franken happen right after another politician, can't remember if D or R, had to resign over sexual misconduct? It was almost like he was caught up in the wrath caused by someone else's issues.
Yes, politicians were and are being accused. It’s a movement where the Democrats are saying this kind of activity is not acceptable in our party and Republicans may say it, unless it’s The Head Sexual Harasser and Groper, he gets a pass because of the dumb shits in the base who cheer his malfeasance.
Donald Trump? Oh wait... he did far worse but nobody on the right gave a shit.
In this climate both ironic and disgusting hypocrisy. Until The Head Malignancy, no candidate for President would have stood a chance at being elected in this country on the heals of the Access America tape. Think of the Republican reaction if Trump had been running as a Democrat.
Any Republican who sat idly by during all of the Trump victims now bashing Cuomo are a total joke, worthless hypocrites. They are the party of "personal responsibility" and apparently the only ones they're holding accountable have a D next to their names.

Franken and Cuomo were (and are) being dealt with and removed by their party as to where Republicans embraced Trump for far worse.
Disgusting, but this reflects their base more than any elected politician.
Do you agree that it wasn't for the photo though?

(I agree with the rest, but for those who very peripherally followed this, they made it out to be the result of the "air groping" photo).
I defended him with respect to the "air groping" photo. Still don't think he was touching her breasts and given the context of their mutual joking, it was a setup. However, it got other women to come out and complain about his touching. His apology and iffy response made his continuation impossible.

Usually, such resignations are tendered (and accepted) with immediate effect, unless there is a contract already in place that stipulates matters such as a notice period.
After the Al Franken debacle, many on the left probably realized that one can easily get carried away in calling for someone's resignation amid sexual assault allegations (especially if the primary purpose of calling for their resignation is to prove to the other side that you're not hypocritical). Cuomo was asked to resign earlier, he refused, and that was the end of it for a while. It proved that if someone refuses to step down, there isn't much else you can do if you're not willing to go the impeachment route. When more evidence came out, though, it became inevitable, more people turned against him, impeachment was threatened, and he has now resigned. (I also think the allegations against Cuomo are far worse than the allegations against Franken and I agree that in both of these cases, its their own party that has asked them to step down and that is a significant difference from your enemies calling for your ouster).
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Usually, such resignations are tendered (and accepted) with immediate effect, unless there is a contract already in place that stipulates matters such as a notice period.

He resigned because it looked like there was enough support in the Assembly to impeach him. Would have been only the second time a NY State governor was impeached and it didn't look like he'd skate. Better for the party that he resign. He can still salvage something in the history books for how he stepped up initially on covid when Trump was saying the coronavirus wasn't even a thing.

I don't really see how he can undo his resignation statement, so yeah the two weeks' notice does seem odd.
We can even close this thread by concluding, that Cuomo is held to a higher standard than Trump.

End of story.

He has some pretty good spinmeisters, making sure everyone realizes he's about serving the people not himself. Not bad lemonade-making, with the lede buried halfway though the spiel.
Bye Felicia!

He should retire to a life of fishing, but since he's only estimated to have a worth of $5 million he most likely will move on to a life of wealth building and hoarding with plenty of people willing to help him do it. He can pick up the random low level scraps that almost made it to the lower classes. He'll be like the loose change janitor for the super-wealthy. "Don't let them get a taste, Andrew! They'll only want more."
I’m just still so disappointed in him. His big statement was that he didn’t realize how much the line had changed. Say what?

Yeah, when I heard that I was all like, uh... wtf, does he think we're still in the 1950s?

uh, wut? (eagle photo by Albert Beukhof).jpg
Bye Felicia!

He should retire to a life of fishing, but since he's only estimated to have a worth of $5 million he most likely will move on to a life of wealth building and hoarding with plenty of people willing to help him do it. He can pick up the random low level scraps that almost made it to the lower classes. He'll be like the loose change janitor for the super-wealthy. "Don't let them get a taste, Andrew! They'll only want more."

Naw, that's what the two weeks is for. :eek:
After fighting it for so long, why did he decide to resign now?

New York lawmakers are pushing for a bill to take away the pension of any elected official who is convicted on impeachment charges.

The proposed bill is currently in committee.

As it stands, if Governor Cuomo were to get impeached and removed from office, he would still get his pension. Back in 2017, the state constitution was amended so any state employee who was convicted of a felony would not receive a state pension.

I don't know what the story is on his pension if he "merely" gets convicted in a criminal court.