Dave Chappelle stirring up controversy...again

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What the F?!!!
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Pretty much sums up the direction this is all going...


It's all about the money, and once again running from the consequences or critique.

Chappelle’s pedestrian point is that he should be free to practice his art in public but he should be immune to public reaction. Apparently, he believes that laughter is the only response that he will consider valid. Chappelle is essentially saying that that the humanity of trans people is less important than his little film and his freedom to say whatever the fuck he wants. And to make his point, he is only using the trans community as a metaphor.
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Mama's lil stinker
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Pretty much sums up the direction this is all going...


It's all about the money, and once again running from the consequences or critique.
Yep, when this all started I was definitely in the "well, that's just Chappelle" but the more this thing goes in the more he's losing me. The way he's been handling it isn't helping, I know comedians are struggling to find the right tone in today's PC society but at least they're trying.

Dave is just going all in and I don't see this ending well for him and Netflix is still reeling from the backlash, do you think they'll greenlight his next special?


I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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Yeah, I don't get the continuous, increasingly worsening, digging in your heels over something that's just outside your wheelhouse (so to speak).

It's just a bizarre obsession. I understand, and always appreciated his perspectives on being black in America, I can get behind his outlook on racial divides, things like police abuse, but to go all in on THIS?


Mama's lil stinker
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Yeah, I don't get the continuous, increasingly worsening, digging in your heels over something that's just outside your wheelhouse (so to speak).

It's just a bizarre obsession. I understand, and always appreciated his perspectives on being black in America, I can get behind his outlook on racial divides, things like police abuse, but to go all in on THIS?
It's one thing to make a joke about something controversial as a comedian and it's another to get on a soapbox over something you're clearly offended by. He has an obvious bigotry here, if you're going to rail against the treatment of black people while oppressing LGBTQ in the same routine, you're completely missing the point of equality.


I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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Yes! I don't get it.

It's like if I was a popular white comedian, who supported BLM, stood with Black Americans against racism, used my platform to try to unify people and broadcast a message of equality - but then railed on Asian people.


I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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People always need someone to look down on. Now it is transgendered people.

Oh yeah, that's an inherent part of our makeup. Really, my "not getting it" wasn't about the underlying psychology, but just the career tactic - the latter being explained by @JayMysteri0 right up above I guess. Hell, that's in the same vicinity as Drumph saying I could shoot someone and nobody would care, Dave is doing a, "I don't like transgendered people, I'm going to say it every chance I guess, and really, WTF is anyone going to do about it? Look at the money I make for them".


Resident Redneck
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Dave is just going all in and I don't see this ending well for him and Netflix is still reeling from the backlash, do you think they'll greenlight his next special?

DC has FU money. He probably doesn't care.


Mama's lil stinker
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DC has FU money. He probably doesn't care.
That's safe to say, considering he turned down $50 million from Comedy Central way back when he's a man who doesn't care about money and that's refreshing. However, the onus after this incident will be on Netflix as to whether or not they allow him to continue as they face backlash.


Mama's lil stinker
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My sister in law told me that tickets to his latest tour are close to CAD $300. Wow.
And they'll have to check their phones at the door, or put them in locked cases. Nobody is worth all that IMO.


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And they'll have to check their phones at the door, or put them in locked cases. Nobody is worth all that IMO.

I agree. I wouldn’t pay this much for a great live band, let alone some stand up comedian.


And they'll have to check their phones at the door, or put them in locked cases. Nobody is worth all that IMO.
Phones AND Apple watches etc.

I mean, I get the phones because of cameras, but watches? GTFO…

He’s an arrogant tosser who makes money out of making people lauch with hate filled jokes about minorities he couldn’t give a crap about.


Interesting take on Chappellehere:

This guy gets it. Chappelle make make fun of his own race, because he’s black. He can make fun of straight people because he’s straight. He can make fun of men because he’s male.

Hell, he can make fun of white folk because we’re bloody everywhere. He can laugh about relationships with women because relationships can be funny.

What he’s not a part of, nor does he know of, is the trans community.

And what he really doesn’t care about is the exceptionally high mortality rate by African American trans women in America.

And his “jokes” only serve to increase that hostility by making it OK in other peoples eyes to treat trans folk as a joke.


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Comedians make fun of everyone. Sucks that some people are offended. Don't watch and move on. Jeff Dunham makes fun of muslims with his "Achmed The Dead Terrorist" puppet. He makes fun on southern alcoholics with his "Bubba J" puppet. Comedians are always at the edge of joking/offending. Do people think that because of Jeff Dunham, violence against muslims has increased?

I think snowflakes are reading to much into this. Ignore it if it bothers you and move on. I ignore things that I find offensive or disturbing to me.


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Comedians make fun of everyone. Sucks that some people are offended. Don't watch and move on. Jeff Dunham makes fun of muslims with his "Achmed The Dead Terrorist" puppet. He makes fun on southern alcoholics with his "Bubba J" puppet. Comedians are always at the edge of joking/offending. Do people think that because of Jeff Dunham, violence against muslims has increased?

I think snowflakes are reading to much into this. Ignore it if it bothers you and move on. I ignore things that I find offensive or disturbing to me.

The test isn’t whether violence against muslims has increased because of one comedian. The test is whether by contributing to the stereotype that muslims are terrorists, he contributes to the normalization of that stereotype, reinforcing it and allowing it to continue, thus allowing violence against muslims by people who mistakenly think the violence is justified.

And how is the solution to “ignore it” and “move on?” People spouting hate speech can result in bigotry and violence being directed at you whether or not you actually heard the hate speech.


Comedians make fun of everyone. Sucks that some people are offended. Don't watch and move on. Jeff Dunham makes fun of muslims with his "Achmed The Dead Terrorist" puppet. He makes fun on southern alcoholics with his "Bubba J" puppet. Comedians are always at the edge of joking/offending. Do people think that because of Jeff Dunham, violence against muslims has increased?

I think snowflakes are reading to much into this. Ignore it if it bothers you and move on. I ignore things that I find offensive or disturbing to me.

You think we’re “snowflakes”?

That’s pretty gosh darned insulting.

Do you know how many people take these jokes then use them to cause real harm to people?

Or do you not care because you’re not affected?

I can tell you from actual experience that these jokes are used to hurt people. Hurt them mentally. Hurt them to suicide.

We can’t “just ignore them” because these jokes are thrown in our faces in a derisory manner. These jokes are used against us by those who repeat them to belittle us.

And we’re supposed to “ignore them”?

Ah how easy that must be in your world.

Interesting factoid: The first use of the word “Snowflake” was used in the 1860’s to describe white slaveowners who valued white lives over black.
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Site Champ
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Comedians make fun of everyone. Sucks that some people are offended. Don't watch and move on. Jeff Dunham makes fun of muslims with his "Achmed The Dead Terrorist" puppet. He makes fun on southern alcoholics with his "Bubba J" puppet. Comedians are always at the edge of joking/offending. Do people think that because of Jeff Dunham, violence against muslims has increased?

I think snowflakes are reading to much into this. Ignore it if it bothers you and move on. I ignore things that I find offensive or disturbing to me.

I think the last sentence is great advice, in so many situations. Takes effort to jump over our own shadows of course.

I watched Dave’s The Closer and didn’t find it out of line with his other work that I came across over the years.
The story he tells about his dead trans friend and fellow comedian was revealing for both sides of the fence.
Comedy and satire are there to entertain, they’re art. Per se, they’ll please some and won’t work for others.

Chew Toy McCoy

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It's one thing to make a joke about something controversial as a comedian and it's another to get on a soapbox over something you're clearly offended by. He has an obvious bigotry here, if you're going to rail against the treatment of black people while oppressing LGBTQ in the same routine, you're completely missing the point of equality.

I don't think Dave cares about equality for everybody and never did. I also don't think he really cares about what is going on now. He'll still have his fans, maybe less now...or replace them with others, and has enough money where he doesn't need to worry about things financially.

Not saying this about anybody on here, but I think it really grates on some liberal's nerves when somebody does some perceived social injustice and doesn't suffer some severe consequence, and it has to be one they actually care about.

I think it's also an interesting time in comedy that there seems to be a divide growing between comics who are just going to do what they want to do and comics who are going to try to rise to the challenge of trying to offend as little people as possible, and honestly, there are audiences for both.
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