DC Movie Universe

I've said it before, if you want good stuff from DC media wise, check out their animation.

Until DC gets a unified lead like Marvel has, that can dodge executives who have no interest in the property & just mining the properties. DC products will continue to look the scattered projects with no unifying theme or message.

For now though, having accepted that like Sony they tend to f up things they get involved, DC is going with individual projects meant to highlight the property.

I still say that the Supermax movie needs to be made. Softest most subtle reboot if done right.

Literally present it as another prison escape movie, only refer to the prisoner as Ollie or 'Q' no context. Already in jail. You have your options; Ollie is there intentionally to get something from prison, to get revenge, or plans to escape & embrace the true vigilante lifestyle. Drop crumbs along the way it's the DC universe, Dinah wants to visit or Speedy. Shit goes south in prison, Ollie uses it as a means to escape and goes John McClane in prison with makeshift bow. Start surprising audience when he runs into other super ( NOT powered ) trained prisoners, which gives away about midway you're watching a DC universe film. Then start laying out the world building intended for this new DC movie universe. No casting needed of the big three yet, as they aren't in it. Just surprise the audience that they've been watching an action movie that lays the foundation for a new DCU.
The Red Son animated film snuck onto HBO Max without me noticing. Watched it yesterday and liked it.
re: Danny Elfman

I don't know if anyone listens to Podcasts (in general) or WTF with Marc Maron (specifically), but Elfman was the guest just last week, really good stuff:

You can stream or download from that link, or track it down in your favorite podcast app.
I found this article today, an amusing story about Danny Elfman composing his famous score for 1989’s “Batman”.

It, uh, didn’t all go as planned.

Thanks, loved the story!

My visualization didn’t go as planned either. Imagine Elfman running back and forth Yakety Sax style, but with a remixed sixties Batman soundtrack… Elfman may or may not have had the likeness of Burgess Meredith in said visualisation.
I just finished Sweet Tooth on Netflix. I found it to be pretty engaging. Way too many convenient coincidences and things just working out… but it is a TV show based on a comic, so that is unavoidable I think.
It's interesting because of a few sites that I do go to, they weren't big on that moment.

Batwoman has been going hard on their criticism of the Crows—and law enforcement by proxy—so it is no surprise that the show would Go There. Yet despite the season-long setup for Crows or cops to do something blasé, like shoot an unarmed Black man, the fact that they made me watch an unarmed Black man get shot on my television in this year of our lord is truly a f*cking choice. Is it crack? We spend time in the episode proving that Tavaroff is a racist piece of shit with no moral compass—he and his team literally gun down a building full of people. We absolutely did not need to punctuate that little massacre with additional violence.
Separate from the decision to evoke unnecessary trauma, Batwoman writers undermine themselves in a way that is truly egregious. Ryan gets harassed by white GCPD cops who respond to a “noise complaint” during a fundraiser at the bar, despite it being daytime… and a bar. She talks back to them, and Luke steps in, hoping to appease the officers and defuse the situation. They both get manhandled and arrested. In their cell, they argue about it, and Luke tells Ryan that growing up around rich white folks didn’t teach him to go along, it taught him to keep his head down.

So riddle me this… WHY THE F*CK would Luke see a white man breaking into a car and think, “hmm… let me interfere here.” This is within hours of being released from custody, after being racially profiled and unfairly detained. How does that make sense? Then, when the Crows pull up, the white man accuses Luke of trying to steal the car, and Luke—who took a photo of the guy committing the crime before confronting him— pulls out his phone! (Never mind that he could’ve just called the cops, or sent the photo to a tip line if he was truly against minding his rich, Black business.) A Black man makes a sudden movement in front of armed cops?! A Black man who earlier this very same day proved he passed Existing While Black 102: How To Talk To Police. He has the good sense to “yes sir, no sir” the cops at the bar but somehow forgets all of that to be a Captain Save-A-Beamer in the streets?!! I am truly aghast.

The imagery of a Black man being shot by police is upsetting, yes. But it’s the hoops the writers go through to put Luke in that position that really grates me. Luke physically stepping in to stop any crime is a stretch, but stepping in to stop a white man from stealing a luxury car is downright ludicrous. Luke comes from wealth, so I find it odd that he wouldn’t just think, “I’m sure it’s insured,” shrug, and walk away. But not only does he think stolen property is a worthwhile thing to prevent, he thinks it’s important enough to personally intervene. It’s not just contrived, it’s also really goddamn dumb. And it completely ignores everything that happens earlier in the episode. I have to assume that the Black writers took that week off because I don’t see how that gets pitched and no one in the room says “why would Luke do that, though?”

That seems like a broader issue with CW shows. Science fiction and fantasy have pretty much always embraced social issues, but CW's writing never seems to work them in organically. Arrow differed slightly. The rest just seem to follow the typical network formula where messaging takes priority over believable writing, given the setting.
I just finished Sweet Tooth on Netflix. I found it to be pretty engaging. Way too many convenient coincidences and things just working out… but it is a TV show based on a comic, so that is unavoidable I think.
OMG, I’ve been binging that all weekend. I have 2 episodes (?) left for this afternoon. I think the narrator made it perfectly clear from the get-go about the convenient coincidences. And in my book, any show with Nonso Anozie is worth watching.
Apparently, “heroes” (such as Batman) don’t do a certain thing in bed…

https://Twitter or X not allowed/search?q=Batman&src=trend_click&vertical=trends
Apparently, “heroes” (such as Batman) don’t do a certain thing in bed…

https://Twitter or X not allowed/search?q=Batman&src=trend_click&vertical=trends
Apparently, “heroes” (such as Batman) don’t do a certain thing in bed…

https://Twitter or X not allowed/search?q=Batman&src=trend_click&vertical=trends

Just replace the phrase "burn it down" with one that sounds similar.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1405042212178628610/
Apparently, “heroes” (such as Batman) don’t do a certain thing in bed…

https://Twitter or X not allowed/search?q=Batman&src=trend_click&vertical=trends
I kind of hated Batman Returns. :)
Odd little tidbit:

It's not exactly the DC movie universe, but Victoria Cartagena has been hired to play Renee Montoya on the CW's Batwoman...and yes, this is the same character she played on Gotham. According to reports, that doesn't mean the two universes are connected.

I like the DC universe better than the Marvel one for sure. You simply don't need to know every single thing a character has done in their lifetime. Plus way back in the 70's, I mostly read DC comics.

But Wonder Woman 1984 sucked.
Hey @JayMysteri0 this thread is a good candidate for a Wiki, you've probably seen how it works over at MR but I can turn the first post of this thread into a Wiki and others can updated it. Not sure if the goal is to capture all of DC Universe or not, just thought I would throw that out there if interested.
Hey @JayMysteri0 this thread is a good candidate for a Wiki, you've probably seen how it works over at MR but I can turn the first post of this thread into a Wiki and others can updated it. Not sure if the goal is to capture all of DC Universe or not, just thought I would throw that out there if interested.
I confess I had never looked into anything about a wiki here or what it entails.

Whatever the forum wants & is helpful is cool to me.
I confess I had never looked into anything about a wiki here or what it entails.

Whatever the forum wants & is helpful is cool to me.
It's new to us here so it would essentially be a beta test, but if you look over at MR in any of these Wiki threads it gives the idea. Essentially, it opens your first post up so that anyone can update it. I know it has added functionality like moderating updates, etc but I haven't really tested any of that yet. If you're up for it I can do that on this post, if not, no hard feelings. This is your thread.
It's new to us here so it would essentially be a beta test, but if you look over at MR in any of these Wiki threads it gives the idea. Essentially, it opens your first post up so that anyone can update it. I know it has added functionality like moderating updates, etc but I haven't really tested any of that yet. If you're up for it I can do that on this post, if not, no hard feelings. This is your thread.
Give it a go, I don't mind.

Or did you want to start a new thread like @Huntn has done before, but a little more in general about such movies?

At first thought, discussing how multi dimensions has taken over super hero movies and their ties to the early versions in comics would cover a lot. Leaving a wide area of things for others to update.