Dianne Feinstein Faces Resign Calls After Missing 60 Senate Votes in 2023

Chew Toy McCoy

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Or Fetterman's.

Is he on the judiciary oversight committee? There's a good chance I don't know how things work here, but it's my understanding that anything related to the judiciary relies on that committee and Feinstein's absence is holding up things Democrats want to get done. This isn't an all members of Congress situation.

I'm not going to bother with the wall of obstruction on the right because what's the point and it would be completely hypocritical to blame Manchin for blocking everything on the Democrat agenda but in this case give Feinstein a pass and blame everything on the Republicans.


Mama's lil stinker
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Maybe we should consider age limits...


Seriously, she's put in her time and has earned a nice retirement to live out her days.


Mama's lil stinker
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Dianne Feinstein says she hasn’t ‘been gone,’ despite absence: Reports​

(KRON) — Senior Sen. Dianne Feinstein appeared not to remember being away from the Senate for nearly three months when questioned by reporters this week, according to reports. Feinstein (D-California) went on medical leave back in February to undergo treatment for shingles.

The 89-year-old senator was absent from late February until last week. During the two-and-a-half-month absence, Feinstein missed dozens of votes and faced calls to resign from Democratic colleagues, including Rep. Ro Khanna.


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Dianne Feinstein says she hasn’t ‘been gone,’ despite absence: Reports​

(KRON) — Senior Sen. Dianne Feinstein appeared not to remember being away from the Senate for nearly three months when questioned by reporters this week, according to reports. Feinstein (D-California) went on medical leave back in February to undergo treatment for shingles.

The 89-year-old senator was absent from late February until last week. During the two-and-a-half-month absence, Feinstein missed dozens of votes and faced calls to resign from Democratic colleagues, including Rep. Ro Khanna.

Senator Feinstein’s declining cognitive health has been an open secret for years and this is not the first example of her appearing totally out of it while in public. I can’t even begin to express how terrible it is that we have someone in this condition leading our country- it’s not fair to the public, especially her constituents, and perhaps most of all it’s not fair to Feinstein.

While I hope and assume those close to her are providing her with what they think is the best support, the question is are they actually working in her best interest. Feinstein may not be in a position to make such a judgement. I would be concerned about Feinstein being a victim of elder abuse/exploitation. To be clear, I have no reason to believe she is being abused in the way elder abuse commonly manifests. My concern is about the possibility of a more subtle form.

But frustratingly, it was only a month or two ago that people who raised concerns about this were called Sexist by people like Nancy Pelosi. I’m not sure who you hold responsible here- her staff, her family, her colleagues, etc- perhaps all of them to some degree. Regardless, this really should not be how things operate.


Mama's lil stinker
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Senator Feinstein’s declining cognitive health has been an open secret for years and this is not the first example of her appearing totally out of it while in public. I can’t even begin to express how terrible it is that we have someone in this condition leading our country- it’s not fair to the public, especially her constituents, and perhaps most of all it’s not fair to Feinstein.

While I hope and assume those close to her are providing her with what they think is the best support, the question is are they actually working in her best interest. Feinstein may not be in a position to make such a judgement. I would be concerned about Feinstein being a victim of elder abuse/exploitation. To be clear, I have no reason to believe she is being abused in the way elder abuse commonly manifests. My concern is about the possibility of a more subtle form.

But frustratingly, it was only a month or two ago that people who raised concerns about this were called Sexist by people like Nancy Pelosi. I’m not sure who you hold responsible here- her staff, her family, her colleagues, etc- perhaps all of them to some degree. Regardless, this really should not be how things operate.
The difference with Democrats is they act in the best interest of the people, Diane Feinstein served admirably but can not function nor be trusted in the position any longer and we need to act to get her out and replaced with someone who can, even if it costs us a vote.

Republicans defending the likes of Santos and Trump tells you all you need to know about them. They would run over their own mothers to save face.


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The difference with Democrats is they act in the best interest of the people, Diane Feinstein served admirably but can not function nor be trusted in the position any longer and we need to act to get her out and replaced with someone who can, even if it costs us a vote.

Republicans defending the likes of Santos and Trump tells you all you need to know about them. They would run over their own mothers to save face.

I’m not sure it can said that Feinstein is acting in the best interest of her constituents when she is not present to respond and represent their needs. One could argue her staff can take care of many of her duties, but no one elected her staffers. And as I understand her staffers cannot vote in Judicial appointments which seems like a pretty important issue. Feinstein has had an illustrious career but it has been an open secret for years she was not fit for office. I’m not very familiar with CA politics, but I imagine had she retired at the end of her last term, another Democrat would have easily taken her seat.

I don’t understand this inability for people, if they truly care about the best interest of who they represent, are so willing to let go of power. Especially when you’ve had a profoundly successful career. I’m not sure if it’s a lust for power or narcissism or an inability to let go. The irony is it only damages their reputation and legacy. To be fair, at this point, it sounds like Feinstein might not even be capable of understanding the need for resignation. Things should have never been allowed to get this far is my point.

RGB did a very similar thing by refusing to retire despite being quite ill physically for years… combined with expecting Clinton would win the election. In the end Trump ended up getting nominate another Justice.

I don’t think Republicans defending/ignoring Santos benefits his constituents, but I suppose at least ir can be justified in the sense that they can secure the numbers they need for voting in the short term and benefit the majority of the R party. I’m not sure it necessarily helps the republicans in long run or attracting new voters.


Resident Redneck
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Or perhaps she may not have the ability to think clearly and is simply not aware of her decline and inabilities.

The people around her need to step in. Whether it's family or the party or whomever.

I’m not sure if it’s a lust for power or narcissism or an inability to let go.

But perhaps it is the people around her's lust for power. If she goes, they lose working for one of the more powerful Senators.


Mama's lil stinker
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But perhaps it is the people around her's lust for power.
There is no better example of this than Republicans backing George Santos.

If she goes, they lose working for one of the more powerful Senators.
Democrats across the board are calling for her to step down, even those in her camp. There is nothing wrong with questioning those in your own party, it can be quite liberating.


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This horrific San Francisco event (the assassination of Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk) pretty much propelled Dianne Feinstein's political career:



Mama's lil stinker
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It's getting pretty ridiculous, she can barely make her votes, is confused all the time and was recently hospitalized again after a recent fall. Democrats don't want to lose her seat on the judiciary committee so they keep defending it, putting party before her well being. It's sad to watch.


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It's getting pretty ridiculous, she can barely make her votes, is confused all the time and was recently hospitalized again after a recent fall. Democrats don't want to lose her seat on the judiciary committee so they keep defending it, putting party before her well being. It's sad to watch.
they sure learned that from republicans.


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It's getting pretty ridiculous, she can barely make her votes, is confused all the time and was recently hospitalized again after a recent fall. Democrats don't want to lose her seat on the judiciary committee so they keep defending it, putting party before her well being. It's sad to watch.
If Feinstein were to resign, as I think she should, Newsom would appoint a Democrat to complete her term, which ends on January 3, 2025. Since the parties decide committee service, couldn't her successor be appointed to Judiciary (see this document)?

It'd be interesting to see who Newsom would appoint. Adam Schiff, Barbara Lee, and Katie Porter are all running. If he chose one of them, that person would obviously have a major leg up, though they'd all have to run in the primary. California has a non-partisan primary in which the top two vote-getters move on to the general, regardless of party affiliation.


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If Feinstein were to resign, as I think she should, Newsom would appoint a Democrat to complete her term, which ends on January 3, 2025. Since the parties decide committee service, couldn't her successor be appointed to Judiciary (see this document)?

It'd be interesting to see who Newsom would appoint. Adam Schiff, Barbara Lee, and Katie Porter are all running. If he chose one of them, that person would obviously have a major leg up, though they'd all have to run in the primary. California has a non-partisan primary in which the top two vote-getters move on to the general, regardless of party affiliation.

I think Schiff or Lee would be great! I don't know much about Porter.


Resident Redneck
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If Feinstein were to resign, as I think she should, Newsom would appoint a Democrat to complete her term, which ends on January 3, 2025. Since the parties decide committee service, couldn't her successor be appointed to Judiciary (see this document)?
In theory, yes.

But that is a coveted committee and it would not sit well with some other Senators for someone to come in off the street and get the slot.

Especially the person who believes they should be next in line for it.
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