As a lacto-ovo-pesceterian that list of weird stuff on the west includes beef and pork.This reminds me of a conversation I had with some crazy fuckwit on Facebook the other day. He was talking about how people in Asia were so poor, they were forced to eats cats and dogs.
I explained to him that A. they don't eat cats and dogs because they're poor. They do it because they like the taste. And B. if you're about to get all high and mighty about them eating weird stuff, keep in mind we're not much better. A friend of mine told me his uncle BBQed an armadillo last week because he wanted to see what it tasted like.
...apparently, it was pretty good.
But Armadillos?! WTF, they are notorious vectors of leprosy..

How Armadillos Can Spread Leprosy
These tank-like creatures are the only animals besides us known to carry leprosy
I don't think the taste is good enough to get leprosy for.