Did COVID Originate in a Wuhan Lab?

This reminds me of a conversation I had with some crazy fuckwit on Facebook the other day. He was talking about how people in Asia were so poor, they were forced to eats cats and dogs.

I explained to him that A. they don't eat cats and dogs because they're poor. They do it because they like the taste. And B. if you're about to get all high and mighty about them eating weird stuff, keep in mind we're not much better. A friend of mine told me his uncle BBQed an armadillo last week because he wanted to see what it tasted like.

...apparently, it was pretty good.
As a lacto-ovo-pesceterian that list of weird stuff on the west includes beef and pork.
But Armadillos?! WTF, they are notorious vectors of leprosy..

I don't think the taste is good enough to get leprosy for.
I hope, no matter how, they do find out what caused it, surely that would help us learn more about viruses going forward, and be better prepared for them.
As a lacto-ovo-pesceterian that list of weird stuff on the west includes beef and pork.
But Armadillos?! WTF, they are notorious vectors of leprosy..

I don't think the taste is good enough to get leprosy for.

Well, as long as you don't lick them or anything, you'll probably be okay.

Though considering how rare they are around here (I only see 2-3 dead on the side of the road per year), and that they apparently taste quite a bit like pork, you may as well just eat pork.
This reminds me of a conversation I had with some crazy fuckwit on Facebook the other day.
Should I be offended by that?
He was talking about how people in Asia were so poor, they were forced to eats cats and dogs.

There is a market here (as in its sellable not a single physical marketplace) for rat meat. For human consumption. The theory is that they catch field rats from rice paddies. A guy living in a shanty/shack (not even kidding about that) next door sold some to an old woman down the street. And no, we don’t live near any rice paddies.

But on a more relatable aspect - my brother in law (who is Thai) only eats the heads of bbq prawns. Won’t eat the tail (ie the meat).

edit: clarify about BIL
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I hope, no matter how, they do find out what caused it, surely that would help us learn more about viruses going forward, and be better prepared for them.
I honestly wouldn’t expect a definitive 100% answer given the location of origin.

The Australian government said we (humans) need an inquiry into the origins of the virus, and China’s response was to obliterate a bunch of foreign trade with the country.
Maybe he just wanted an excuse to make an armadillo helmet
...this is true.
This is a true story from the very short stretch of me living in rural mid west:
There was a roadkill groundhog at the side of the road on for a week. It got puffier and puffier over a week or two, and one day I drove by a furless still puffy groundhog. Somebody flayed it, took the fur but still left the carcass on the side of the road. This was the point I told my wife we needed to move the fuck outta there.
Somebody flayed it, took the fur but still left the carcass on the side of the road.
Well thats nuts.gif
This is a true story from the very short stretch of me living in rural mid west:
There was a roadkill groundhog at the side of the road on for a week. It got puffier and puffier over a week or two, and one day I drove by a furless still puffy groundhog. Somebody flayed it, took the fur but still left the carcass on the side of the road. This was the point I told my wife we needed to move the fuck outta there.