Do you hoard PTO?

Well, now I'm being forced to take some PTO, sorta. I reached the accrue limit so at this point I'm not earning PTO. So I gotta spend PTO to get more PTO. This sucks cause I was really gunning to be a PTO billionaire, but this is where the system draws its limits. We can't tolerate PTO rich in modern society.
I have the max of 22 days that I keep in my back pocket that I can carryover every year. I actually got an extra week of PTO last year for my 15th year of service, but of course since we were in lock down for a good part of 2021 and not many options to travel, I ended up forfeiting 2.5 days of PTO. Just wasn't going to spend more time staring at the same 4 walls I was every other day.