Donald Trump has a bonkers theory on how to win the war in Ukraine

Runs For Fun

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Jan 17, 2021

Trump told a group of Republican donors in New Orleans that the United States should paint Chinese flags on its F-22 planes and then use those planes to bomb Russia. “And then we say, ‘China did it, we didn’t do it, China did it,’ and then they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch,” Trump concluded.

Uh wow....
Imagine if this Cheeto was still in office.
I get the feeling a lot of people actually agree with Trump's stance, the biggest difference is he would not issue sanctions but in the end all they're doing anyway is inconveniencing a Russian people who mostly disagree with the war themselves.
actually he was somewhat joking about that but with him who knows? but ya if he was in office he would have handed them over to russia.
I get the feeling a lot of people actually agree with Trump's stance, the biggest difference is he would not issue sanctions but in the end all they're doing anyway is inconveniencing a Russian people who mostly disagree with the war themselves.
Russians are like mushrooms now covered in shit and left in the dark. the people that agree with trump are the shit.
Only a "stable genius" like Trump could come up with such a strategy. This rivals in brilliance his suggestion to look into injecting disinfectant to fight Covid.

No wonder he's such a successful businessman. That is, until the business goes bankrupt.
I think he was, but he really needs to stop trying to make jokes. The left will always take whatever he says in the worst possible way.

The stuff he says when he's not making jokes are usually just as bad. Sometimes, there isn't any other way to take something than the worst possible way, especially when you consider the source.

At least he's not telling us how great Putin and Russia are, so that's at least a small step in the right direction. I wonder how all this would have played out if he had been tough on Russia during his term, even from a talking points standpoint.
his plane had an emergency while over the gulf of mexico. I guess if you don't pay for maintenance or hire only the best its what you get.
Was he "joking" here? We've only got a couple pro-Trump folks on the boards.. what did he "mean to say" here?

I mean, to be fair, I know what he was getting at, sorta (and he would still be wrong). But he's so scatter-brained, stupid and inarticulate that it just comes out as laughable from a man who held the office of the presidency. I've met young children who express their thoughts better.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1501733405423251456/
Was he "joking" here? We've only got a couple pro-Trump folks on the boards.. what did he "mean to say" here?

I mean, to be fair, I know what he was getting at, sorta (and he would still be wrong). But he's so scatter-brained, stupid and inarticulate that it just comes out as laughable from a man who held the office of the presidency. I've met young children who express their thoughts better.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1501733405423251456/
Tens of millions of people voted for this moron after 4 years of seeing how incompetent and heartless he was. Gotta wonder what their reasoning was in 2020. I can give them a “we didn’t realize how bad he was” for 2016, but people get zero excuse for voting for him in 2020.