Driver freaks out after a man attempts to return non-working product to Amazon by tossing it into a delivery van.

Someone get Greg Abbott and Ted Cruz on this… clearly if the government wasn’t trying to betray our constitution, then our Amazon driver could have defended himself by returning fire with a grenade launcher.

Amazon has failed here too…. Delivery trucks should have a driver side door and that’s it. One way in, one way out, no opportunities for criminals to toss grenades into vehicles.

These stories always want you to believe the weapons are at fault, but this guy was mentally ill. Grenades don’t throw themselves.

It’s a real shame because my family and I are big grenade enthusiasts. We all have AR15 ugly sweaters for Christmas where we pose with our guns in family pics, but my grenade sweater will have to remain unworn until our tyrannical government respects our 2A and allows responsible weapon enthusiasts to purchase these tools of defense.
Recently passed Oklahoma law empowers citizens to lob grenades at anybody considering having an abortion. If the driver wasn't the intended target then it is possible that they could be brought up on charges for using their vehicle to obstruct a citizen performing a legal obligation.