Fender Mustang Micro Heaphone Amp -


Power User
Sep 9, 2022
I just bought one of these and my first impressions are very good.


As headphone amps go it has surprised me because the cleans are so articulate. There's the usual array of dirty to super saturated but the quality of the FX and fender amp sims really worth the price for me. You need wired headphones (bluetooth latency would be a real issue otherwise). That said you can link it to a phone or computer to stream audio to it. And it acts as a usb input device so you can record straight to a DAW.

Downsides is the lack of a LCD display means you need the manual or reference card to select the desired amps (its all done by different coloured LEDS) and its not particularly southpaw friendly.
Interesting piece of hardware, so you just scroll through the effects and have default presets I take it? Perfect little unit if you just want to jam on your electric for practice it looks like.
Yeah, theres a few eq settings for each of the 12 amp models and similar variations for the 12 fx combinations. Its been fun over the last few days. I normally get ear fatigue from these devices but so far its been fine. I tried it with my some se425 iems but it sounded equally as good with a cheap pair of Sennheiser phones. Bluetooth streaming backing tracks from a phone works a treat and the phone controls the volume of playback so its easy to get a balance.
The reason I held off buying one for so long is is a Fender Mustang amp and I have always found them to be really poor in the past. I was waiting for Line 6 to do a Pod/HX version but they've never seen it as a viable market I guess. But imagine a helix stomp as a headphone unit with small led screen and a phone app for dialling in. That would be amazing.