Fighting in Israel

I wonder how they would react if a predominantly Black mob marched on the capital, regardless of whether said mob espoused BLM support. It wasn't until recently that I figured a lot of these guys really are jackasses rather than just misinformed.
His motivation is confirmation bias, so he would be more than happy to denounce such mob. What's weird about these guys is their ideology starts off of something legitimate, for him is "catching the news on small but consistent lies". For example, Trump's both sides statement blasted off while not mentioning that a day before he did denounce white supremacists, and that Trump also sheepishly [implied to have] done so again in the same context the both sides thing came. But then if you go over the transcripts and videos of all these, you can also see how much he dialed back on the denunciation. My Frenemy's impression was that the media tried to paint him something he isn't and he started sympathizing with Trump. My impression was that Trump is an incoherent idiot who also realized that he could lose support of his most hardcore supporter base if he's to firm on his stance here. My frenemy has since then been quite eager to interpret disclaimer comments from Trump as items that absolve him of legal liability his speeches pose, so his interpretation of "fight like hell" and "walk down Pennsylvania ave" automatically becomes a request for peaceful fprotest if he adds "peacefully" and "lawfully".
His motivation is confirmation bias, so he would be more than happy to denounce such mob. What's weird about these guys is their ideology starts off of something legitimate, for him is "catching the news on small but consistent lies". For example, Trump's both sides statement blasted off while not mentioning that a day before he did denounce white supremacists, and that Trump also sheepishly [implied to have] done so again in the same context the both sides thing came. But then if you go over the transcripts and videos of all these, you can also see how much he dialed back on the denunciation. My Frenemy's impression was that the media tried to paint him something he isn't and he started sympathizing with Trump. My impression was that Trump is an incoherent idiot who also realized that he could lose support of his most hardcore supporter base if he's to firm on his stance here. My frenemy has since then been quite eager to interpret disclaimer comments from Trump as items that absolve him of legal liability his speeches pose, so his interpretation of "fight like hell" and "walk down Pennsylvania ave" automatically becomes a request for peaceful fprotest if he adds "peacefully" and "lawfully".

I make qualified comments too sometimes, just because if I go into every detail or even a large percentage of them, I get the glazed stares in response.

Trump is a vile individual though. If a commission actually happens, I'm wondering whether these guys will still rationalize his statements.
I worry the cease-fire will not last. Israeli police decided to toss stun grenades into Al-Aqsa mosque again:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1395757429640597504/