Sometimes it really pays off to evolve with a high level of the "adorable" attribute, that's for sure with panda bears anyway. But they couldn't have known 19 million years ago, when they diverged from other bears, that we'd come along and find their black and whiteness so cute that we'd work extra hard to save their species when it became threatened by habitat loss.
When my sister and brother-in-law were dairy farmers, one of their female barn cats adopted a small litter of baby skunks after something must have happened to the mama skunk... so that the little ones, about two or three weeks short of being weaned, had straggled crying into the farm lane alongside the barn one morning and were spotted by Mama Kitty. She dragged them one by one under the barn to where she used to hide her own litters, and nursed them for those extra few weeks until they naturally turned to foraging for grass and bugs on their own. She'd lead them out from under the barn and head out into the meadow and eventually they stopped showing up back at their adoptive home.
I said I couldn't imagine why the mama kitty would rescue baby skunks, but my sister said "well just look at them, they're so cute"... which of course as babies they really were! Still don't know if Mama Kitty rescued them for that reason though. I was just astounded to see them parading around behind her.