Final Cut Pro and Logic coming to iPad


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All the iPad apps will work on the goggles - I wonder if that was the impetus here.


Mama's lil stinker
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Over the last year I've been getting more into video editing, a definite learning curve coming from still photography (at least for me) and landed on Davince Resolve. The main reason was that I simply don't want another subscription fee, you buy it and that's it. Everything is moving to the subscription model and I don't mind if I constantly use it as I do PS and LR but for the occasional use I won't pay it.


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I have to say this is quite upsetting to me. I mean, I'm glad they're coming to iPad. The subscription model is what bothers me. I bought Final Cut. I've considered buying Logic though for my needs I've been well enough served by GarageBand. Buying FCP always made me feel good. I've gotten a lot out of it and I just own it. A subscription model stresses me out. Even if I can subscribe for 20 years and still pay less than buying it outright, the fact that it is an active subscription will hurt my enjoyment of the thing. There's a psychological aspect to it. Final Cut Pro can happily sit in my Dock, ready for me when I need it. And it's there for me. It's mine. If it were a subscription I would feel bad seeing it there, because it would no longer be a tool ready to be used when I needed it. It would be a tool that was an unnecessary expense all the moments I weren't using it. Every minute it was in my Dock without a little dot below it indicating it's open and in use would be a moment I felt I wasted money. I already have this issue with my Apple Music subscription and while I do get enough out of it to accept it, it actively bothers me. I really don't like this. And I fear this is an indication of FCP 11 for Mac going subscription too and I am scared


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A shame it's a subscription. This would be Apple's first for a mobile app, wouldn't it?


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A shame it's a subscription. This would be Apple's first for a mobile app, wouldn't it?
I think it might be the first for Apple where it's "just" an app and not a "service" with serverside aspects like Music, TV, Books, Fitness with the trainer videos and such.


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I think it might be the first for Apple where it's "just" an app and not a "service" with serverside aspects like Music, TV, Books, Fitness with the trainer videos and such.

This sort of thing used to bother me, too, but the good news with apple subscriptions is they are very easy to turn off and on when you need them.


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This sort of thing used to bother me, too, but the good news with apple subscriptions is they are very easy to turn off and on when you need them.
But that's still an administrative burden. Imagine having to do that for every single piece of software you ever interact with. I don't want that world. Charge me for new versions, okay. Ask me to subscribe and unsubscribe all the time, no thanks


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All the iPad apps will work on the goggles - I wonder if that was the impetus here.

Maybe iPad FCP will have some kind of interesting (and not so obvious role) with Apple's AR device, making it "worthy" of a subscription?

Chew Toy McCoy

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I'm excited about both. Unfortunately my iPad is too old to run them.

I had a Macbook Pro for years when I realized it rarely left my desk. So I got a 27" iMac for the large screen, but recently I don't like being anchored to a desk for creative work.

I don't really have the money right now for a Macbook, especially considering the memory upgrades I would need to upgrade to for "power" work. On my iMac I have a 3 TB built-in drive with 2 - 4 TB external drives and 64 GB of RAM. I could probably buy a car for the same price as that would cost to get in a Macbook, but it's all necessary for "power" audio and video work.

Interestingly I could probably get a new 12.9" iPad with the fancy keyboard and pencil for 1/3 the price of the laptop I would need and be comfortable working within its limitations.

Chew Toy McCoy

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On the subscription thing.....I have several software subscriptions that I am happy with based on the fact that they regularly release major new content and features that would cost a fortune to buy outright even at their reasonable price. I'm talking hundreds of dollars a month compared to $20 - $30 for a subscription. And if you do drop money on the individual products you may find out it wasn't what you thought or you won't get as much use out of it as you thought you would. So maybe you dropped 6 - 9 months worth of a subscription on something you won't use and all you have is that product.

The subscriptions I do have problems with are when it's basically a maintenance fee with occasional minor to medium new features. I fear what Apple is offering here falls into this category but also the price isn't too unreasonable given that. But also I bought Logic and Final Cut years ago and both had major upgrades over the years and I didn't have to pay extra for any of it. So that's kind of weird mixing that with a subscription on a different platform.


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Perth, Western Australia

$4.99 a month or $49.99 a year.

It’s about time.

Now bring back aperture …

I suspect they will make a killing with this.

And to those who under-estimate the iPad in video production... if the UI is decent, the processing power is there - and you can tweak/epxeriment with things on the same device you shoot it on (for iPad Pro with the better lenses) - with no data transfer off the device.

For on-set experimentation with footage to rapidly iterate over different versions of footage I can see this being a game changer.

Additionally... the subscription model will get a heap of new users. Now bring the same model to the Mac!


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I think this is a big drawcard. It isn't expensive in terms of $/year and if you only need Final Cut occasionally for example for an annual holiday trip you can pay for it on and off per month.
I'd rather have it optional. I'd personally prefer paying $500 once compared to $50 per year or even less with the overhead of disabling/enabling the subscription as needed. A subscription service just makes me feel miserable and like I have to constantly manage it and can''t just be happy with owning the thing. It's stressful


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Perth, Western Australia
I'd rather have it optional. I'd personally prefer paying $500 once compared to $50 per year or even less with the overhead of disabling/enabling the subscription as needed. A subscription service just makes me feel miserable and like I have to constantly manage it and can''t just be happy with owning the thing. It's stressful
I get it and in the past I'd agree.

But that's how you end up with people running software that's 15 years out of date and breaks because the vendor either can't afford to maintain it, or the end user(s) refuse to pay to upgrade it.

The whole idea/model of software being a one off purchase just isn't realistic any more in an internet connected world, imho.


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But that's how you end up with people running software that's 15 years out of date and breaks because the vendor either can't afford to maintain it, or the end user(s) refuse to pay to upgrade it.

The whole idea/model of software being a one off purchase just isn't realistic any more in an internet connected world, imho.
Banks *choose* to run their OS/2 systems with COBOL programs, it's not because they bought them and don't want to upgrade - well partially but not because it wasn't a subscription :P

Kidding aside, if running 15 year old software is the choice of the user, shouldn't that be fine then? And where does it end then? Will literally every single piece of software be a subscription service?


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I don't mind it being a subscription to be honest. $50 per year for this kind of software is absolutely ok in my book and if it helps getting features out faster I'm all for it. I hate subscription model for small apps, that's just gouging, but for large professional suite it's fine as long the price is reasonable.

What I really find annoying though is that this is iPad only. This should be cross-platform (Mac + iPad) for the same price.


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
Kidding aside, if running 15 year old software is the choice of the user, shouldn't that be fine then? And where does it end then? Will literally every single piece of software be a subscription service?

I have a fondness for the Aldus/Macromedia Freehand app, and I can still run it on my G5 iMac. But, times change. Looks like my closest alternative to not using Illustrator is some variant of InkScape. Subscriptions vs GPL. Meh vs meh.


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I have a fondness for the Aldus/Macromedia Freehand app, and I can still run it on my G5 iMac. But, times change. Looks like my closest alternative to not using Illustrator is some variant of InkScape. Subscriptions vs GPL. Meh vs meh.

Looong ago I used Deneba Systems's Canvas graphics drawing app. For sketching project/product ideas, block diagrams, home remodel projects, landscaping, schematics, to do lists, creating collateral graphics for products, map making, and on and on. It was perfect for my needs. Sadly, Deneba was acquired by ACD and no longer offered a Mac version. And after Rosetta support stopped, that was it. A really sad day.

After awhile, and with a lot of skepticism of it being a decent graphics software replacement, I finally went with OmniGraffle Pro by the Omni Group. It's been great. Frequent updates, good service, and available as a subscription or perpetual license.

Might be worth a look.


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I have a fondness for the Aldus/Macromedia Freehand app, and I can still run it on my G5 iMac. But, times change. Looks like my closest alternative to not using Illustrator is some variant of InkScape. Subscriptions vs GPL. Meh vs meh.
What issues do you have with the GPL? Are you not in favour of copy-left? I checked and Inkscape is GPL v2, the generally more favoured of the bunch.
I personally tend to license more open source as CC/MIT/BSD/Crapl but I don't think there's anything that wrong with GPL
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