Fox News Host Throws Hissy Fit Over 'Woke' Legos


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Aug 15, 2020
so anti woke is that everyone is like me the white christian male. everyone should identify as that. Now we will see Florida banning lego
Somehow, according to Failla, this is outrageous.
“It shouldn’t be going on the way it’s going on,” Failla beefed. “But the reason they force identity into toys is because they think identity comes with a built-in political orientation. And that’s what they’re after here. I’m not having it.”
Fox News hosts have made a habit of melting down over changes to everything from children’s toys to candy as part of the conservative culture war grievance over so-called “woke” efforts to increase diversity and representation.

Reading the headline up above I went right to the link thinking, uh-oh, fox news is going nonlinear and getting stirred up because Lego has the temerity to introduce non-white characters?

Well, I was partly right. JFC.
Reading the headline up above I went right to the link thinking, uh-oh, fox news is going nonlinear and getting stirred up because Lego has the temerity to introduce non-white characters?

Well, I was partly right. JFC.
I mean those silly kids born with problems they should only identify with white christian males too they are so woke.
my daughter has two different colored eyes and when she was little she wanted an american girl doll who looked like her. they had hundreds of variations and even some handicapped options but nothing for heterochromia. i think she’s still miffed by that 10 years later.

kids just want to play with toys that look like themselves, even (especially?) if they look different from a typical kid. it’s never bad to be more inclusive.
my daughter has two different colored eyes and when she was little she wanted an american girl doll who looked like her. they had hundreds of variations and even some handicapped options but nothing for heterochromia. i think she’s still miffed by that 10 years later.

kids just want to play with toys that look like themselves, even (especially?) if they look different from a typical kid. it’s never bad to be more inclusive.
it is if you are a republican everyone needs to identify as a white christian male. there is nothing else in this world you know.
After the revelation that Fox News hosts knew claims of election fraud were bogus, I assume that whatever they do or say is to appeal to their MAGA base in order to prop up their ratings and stock price. It's just unimaginable to me how someone could intentionally stir anger and discord in the nation for their personal financial benefit. Truly despicable people.
After the revelation that Fox News hosts knew claims of election fraud were bogus, I assume that whatever they do or say is to appeal to their MAGA base in order to prop up their ratings and stock price. It's just unimaginable to me how someone could intentionally stir anger and discord in the nation for their personal financial benefit. Truly despicable people.
look how many people died because of their covid misinformation. all it matters is profit.
so anti woke is that everyone is like me the white christian male. everyone should identify as that. Now we will see Florida banning lego
Somehow, according to Failla, this is outrageous.
“It shouldn’t be going on the way it’s going on,” Failla beefed. “But the reason they force identity into toys is because they think identity comes with a built-in political orientation. And that’s what they’re after here. I’m not having it.”
Fox News hosts have made a habit of melting down over changes to everything from children’s toys to candy as part of the conservative culture war grievance over so-called “woke” efforts to increase diversity and representation.

Huh..... When I was a child there were no dolls that looked like me -- heck, there were few people, too! I was twelve years old before I saw another child in the plastic surgeon's waiting room who kind of looked like me. The two of us stole brief glances at each other across the room but there was no effort at any sort of connecting between the families. Times were different back then, the late 1950's. Behavior was different then. Our parents minded their own business while the two of us shyly peeped at each other with curiosity which went unsatisfied. The fact that I am in my 70's now and still remember this so vividly says something, doesn't it? I'll bet that boy (if he's still alive) remembers it, too.

I don't think it ever even occurred to me or my parents that I wouldn't be perfectly content and happy playing with dolls who looked like my friends and family, albeit occasionally a little more glamorous in some cases such as with a couple of the Madame Alexander dolls. It certainly was not an expectation that there be a doll that looked like me!
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Huh..... When I was a child there were no dolls that looked like me -- heck, there were few people, too! I was twelve years old before I saw another child in the plastic surgeon's waiting room who kind of looked like me. The two of us stole brief glances at each other across the room but there was no effort at any sort of connecting between the families. Times were different back then, the late 1950's. Behavior was different then. Our parents minded their own business while the two of us shyly peeped at each other with curiosity which went unsatisfied. The fact that I am in my 70's now and still remember this so vividly says something, doesn't it? I'll bet that boy (if he's still alive) remembers it, too.

I don't think it ever even occurred to me or my parents that I wouldn't be perfectly content and happy playing with dolls who looked like my friends and family, albeit occasionally a little more glamorous in some cases such as with a couple of the Madame Alexander dolls. It certainly was not an expectation that there be a doll that looked like me!
of course all barbies were white like all children of the world are white. all you have to do is look at how children were effected by this.
I guess I should have made it clear in my earlier post that different skin color was not my particular situation -- a medical issue, a particular (rare) syndrome was -- and Barbies had not yet been inflicted upon the world when I was a little girl. (Of course, no normal human female looks like Barbie, either, right?!) I absolutely agree that in today's society it is much better to have available on the market dolls and other toys which represent and appeal to many more people in our population who have various complexions and who live with various medical conditions as opposed to every doll on store shelves simply looking like white people with no disabilities at all. Back in the 1950's those white, flawless dolls were the norm, and making changes in that was not something that most people could have imagined.
I didn’t realize yellow Lego people represented white people. Or didn’t represent non-white people. I suppose the argument goes both ways. I grew up in the 90’s and there were certainly Lego people of various races at that time. And I’ pretty sure the Peg-leg with the eye patch pirate constitutes physical disability. So let’s not pretend that any of this is really now.

I do think there’s a problem of companies pandering to “wokeness”while meanwhile in their corporate life not living up to what they are preaching. I find that disturbing and in such cases it needs to be called what it is- a form of marketing intended to play off one emotions of being inclusive.

I can’t say I know enough about Lego to make a judgement on that. But offering a more diverse and inclusive range of products doesn’t necessarily imply being woke.
of course all barbies were white like all children of the world are white.

There have been Black and Hispanic Barbie's for 43 of the doll's 64 years of existence.

I do think there’s a problem of companies pandering to “wokeness”while meanwhile in their corporate life not living up to what they are preaching. I find that disturbing and in such cases it needs to be called what it is- a form of marketing intended to play off one emotions of being inclusive.

Absolutely. Most companies only care to the point it 1) costs them money if they don't, or 2) see it can make them more money if they pretend to care.
Absolutely. Most companies only care to the point it 1) costs them money if they don't, or 2) see it can make them more money if they pretend to care.
Hasn't it always been the case that most companies are guided by what affects their bottom line? The difference now is that we hear about what they're doing much more rapidly than, say, 20 or 30 years ago. And sincerely benefitting a cause and improving a company's financial standing or reputation aren't mutually exclusive.

What's happened is that some politicians on the right, notably DeSantis, have adopted "woke" as a pejorative alternative to "libs." Heaven forbid that we should teach children about gender diversity or the country's history of slavery, lest we make them uncomfortable, require vaccinations, or provide gender-affirming care for trans kids.
There have been Black and Hispanic Barbie's for 43 of the doll's 64 years of existence.
Taking the original Barbie with its white features and dying it various shades of brown was never adequate. It was much later that they actually created new molds.
Much of the verbiage on "woke" seems to me just mean-spirited attacks for the sake of generating ratings or political advantage. If some kid who in some way is different from most others gets some satisfaction by playing with a toy that shares his distinguishing feature, what kind of person would object to that. And if they don't like it, then just don't buy it. It's that simple.

Based on the emails and texts from Fox hosts in the Dominion Voting Systems law suit, I wouldn't be surprised if some day we read an email from Tucker Carlson to Sean Hannity saying how all this stuff about "woke" is so stupid but we have to keep doing it to keep up our stock price.