Fox pundit claims Biden is acting like a dictator

Chew Toy McCoy

Site Donor
Aug 15, 2020
Sorry no link. Watched it yesterday going through a YouTube rabbit hole. You’ll just have to believe me.

Let's just ignore the hilariously hypocritical accusation of that statement.

They are saying Biden is acting like a dictator because he is already putting together his staff and task forces and requesting intel. “He’s not even President yet! We don’t have 2 Presidents!”

First off, what Biden is doing is completely normal for a transition.

Second off, let’s look at what our current President is doing.

By all accounts:

-Watching news
-Twitter storms
-Filing election lawsuits
-Spite firing left, right, and center
-Completely ignoring Covid-19 related health and economic issues (for months now)
-Playing golf

So I’d like to know exactly where in there Biden is overlapping what our current leader is doing and most likely will continue to do for the rest of his Presidency. It’s a shock such a hardworking and focused patriot got voted out of office.
They're catering to the lowest common denominator, this virus was the biggest issue among voters during exit polls and most are freaked out about it. The nutbag faction of the Trump base are the ones spreading this virus like wildfire and I don't care if they hate mandates, they either need to put on their fucking masks or stay out of public, it's a shame that we should have to enforce this but there are so many idiots out there that it's become necessary.
They're catering to the lowest common denominator, this virus was the biggest issue among voters during exit polls and most are freaked out about it. The nutbag faction of the Trump base are the ones spreading this virus like wildfire and I don't care if they hate mandates, they either need to put on their fucking masks or stay out of public, it's a shame that we should have to enforce this but there are so many idiots out there that it's become necessary.
On a positive note, if you had to pick one, they’ll largely just be killing each other.

This also discounts the long term effects for survivors we aren’t even aware of yet. I look forward to when they’re screaming at some town hall about related medical issues they want the government to do something about and their elected officials can respond. “Sorry, that would require socialism. Next question.”
On a positive note, if you had to pick one, they’ll largely just be killing each other.

This also discounts the long term effects for survivors we aren’t even aware of yet. I look forward to when they’re screaming at some town hall about related medical issues they want the government to do something about and their elected officials can respond. “Sorry, that would require socialism. Next question.”
The 'smart' elected official points & responds with "Oh so YOU want Obamacare!!!"
Sorry no link. Watched it yesterday going through a YouTube rabbit hole. You’ll just have to believe me.

Let's just ignore the hilariously hypocritical accusation of that statement.

They are saying Biden is acting like a dictator because he is already putting together his staff and task forces and requesting intel. “He’s not even President yet! We don’t have 2 Presidents!”

First off, what Biden is doing is completely normal for a transition.

Second off, let’s look at what our current President is doing.

By all accounts:

-Watching news
-Twitter storms
-Filing election lawsuits
-Spite firing left, right, and center
-Completely ignoring Covid-19 related health and economic issues (for months now)
-Playing golf

So I’d like to know exactly where in there Biden is overlapping what our current leader is doing and most likely will continue to do for the rest of his Presidency. It’s a shock such a hardworking and focused patriot got voted out of office.
Was this a known Fox pundit like a Carlson, or an assimilated Nobody?
On a positive note, if you had to pick one, they’ll largely just be killing each other.

This also discounts the long term effects for survivors we aren’t even aware of yet. I look forward to when they’re screaming at some town hall about related medical issues they want the government to do something about and their elected officials can respond. “Sorry, that would require socialism. Next question.”
I’ve said that although there would be some collateral damage, a COVID death rate of 30-50% but low enough to not cause a post apocalyptic breakdown might have done us a favor. A purely pragmatic statement. :unsure: As it is lots of Darwin Awards to hand out.
The 'smart' elected official points & responds with "Oh so YOU want Obamacare!!!"
Poll after poll from both sides show most people want greatly expanded government healthcare. It's 100% the politicians from both sides blocking it on behalf of their donors. Republicans block it by refusing to name it specifically and default to "Americans don't want Socialism." Democrats block it by saying "No you don't".

Listened to a good podcast yesterday explaining how Democrats respond with studies, committees, and task forces to give off the impression they give a shit but ultimately aren't going to do squat. There are things that already have decades of studies and science behind them but the politicians will insist we need more.
I’ve said that although there would be some collateral damage, a COVID death rate of 30-50% but low enough to not cause a post apocalyptic breakdown might have done us a favor. A purely pragmatic statement. :unsure: As it is lots of Darwin Awards to hand out.
Also young people dying creates job openings and old people dying reduces the burden on medicare and social security.
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I'm using this great photo by Mark Smith for my last half of November desktop... eagles and vultures... a pecking order,,,

The photo was taken at the Cowingo Dam in Maryland, Near enough to DC for political thoughts to waft up.

photo credit Mark Smith Eagles and Vultures Cowingo Dam Maryland.jpg
Poll after poll from both sides show most people want greatly expanded government healthcare. It's 100% the politicians from both sides blocking it on behalf of their donors. Republicans block it by refusing to name it specifically and default to "Americans don't want Socialism." Democrats block it by saying "No you don't".

Listened to a good podcast yesterday explaining how Democrats respond with studies, committees, and task forces to give off the impression they give a shit but ultimately aren't going to do squat. There are things that already have decades of studies and science behind them but the politicians will insist we need more.
Wait, Democrats say you don’t want expanded govt healthcare? Since when. 👀
This has to be pure projection: It is not Mr Biden who has been seeking to overturn the results in Pennsylvania, Georgia and Michigan.

And it is shocking and shaming that so few in the GOP are concerned by any of this.
I realize I’m repeating myself, but this event has me questioning my country, what do we stand for? And I’m depressed when I bother to dwell on it, because the Biden win although good illustrates how deeply in trouble we are. This is just round one of a turn around and the future is far from written. I picture the news blurb in V for Vendetta, the reference about the continuing civil war in the United States and that was broadcast in a fascist UK, with Prime Minister Sutler as a cleaned up Donald Trump. :oops:
It's not Trump, people like him are a dime a gross cases. It's the godforsaken Republican Party. Power mad cornered rats now,
Willing to go to the mat for Mr Shit and FUCK DEMOCRACY, it’s overrated if I can’t have my way. 😢
Willing to go to the mat for Mr Shit and FUCK DEMOCRACY, it’s overrated if I can’t have my way. 😢
He’s not too far off from where they already were. He just sped up the process to tell bigger lies and tell them often. Ignore all evidence to the contrary including your own statements in the recent past. I see Trump as a test run of how far they can push this but ultimately blame him if it goes completely sideways. They can gauge how far they can take it before it got to that point. “These are the lies we can get away with and these are the ones we can’t.” As far as I can tell so far questioning the election results to Trump’s level might be the only one they’ll scrap in the future, which is a shame for them because that was one of their favorites.
In the end really I'm with Wittes, this will wrap up soon... "this" being the delay in Biden's transition and inauguration. The states are doing what they are supposed to do, and so are the courts when Trump's sideshows appear there.

But it's going to take a long time for this country to recover from the damage this version of the Republican Party has wrought by tolerating and enabling Trump. And I do think we're vulnerable to a more competent and politically mainstream protofascist in future than Trump turned out to be.

We really need to step up civic education of Americans. Not Trump's "patriotic education" mind you. That thought was thoroughly alarming. Just regular ol' education about how the Constitution expects branches of government in the USA to function on behalf of all the people.

This whole thing with Trump and how it rolled out should never have been stood for by the GOP or their own voters. It has been about a fear of loss of power... and a twisted belief that the only way forward then is minority rule by force of an autocratic executive taking advantage of generous powers our Constitution happens to give the office of the president. I fault the GOP for scaremongering for 30 years... people get too afraid of ideas, as if they'll be engraved on our foreheads before nightfall.

What it boils down to now though is our possibly too great dependence on character of the WH occupant -- and on his/her understanding that our rule of law includes norms that also constrain how a president uses the granted powers. All that sure did go by the wayside w/ Trump. But it was the party and the party's base that stood by and gawked at what happened, only because they had the majority power of the Senate and believed they could extend their grip on power indefinitely by enabling an autocratic president.

It's only if we trust that either party can work in the interests of the country that we can get them (and us) to work together, as well as tolerate gracefully the loss of an election. Seems like a challenge right now, but the one great thing about Joe Biden for starters is that he's in no way like Donald Trump. We've forgotten what it's like not to be gaslighted and played off against each other every day by a phenomenally unfit and selfish head of state. Biden is not that guy, whatever else he is policy-wise. I actually do expect McConnell to operate differently in the 117th Congress w/ Biden in the White House. Time will tell.