Freshman Representative Will File Impeachment Articles Against Biden on Jan 21

well maybe he should have flushed to toilet more often. but he left it fill up to the broom with shitstains.
That reminds me of a story making the rounds concerning the secret service:

You know Mitch McConnell is pissed by all these walking shit stains that have taken over the party, both in office and in voting for them, and the dignity train already left before he could hitch a ride.

Oh yeah McConnel is furious but managing to control it somehow. He takes a long view, counts to 1,000.

I do think he may have misjudged how bad it could get with "Trump being Trump" and egging on those guys on the far right in the House. Working with Trump has pretty much put paid to his legacy: filling the judiciary with young ideologues cannot now outweigh his deliberate choices to let Trump destroy so many norms, abuse power and yet remain in office.

Anyway after paying the price that Trump exacted in only four years, with incitement of the Capitol incursion now looking like an Olympic gymnast's perfectly stuck landing ("Did ya see me, coach? i NAILED it!") the GOP is left now with the one play that says "Yeah, so what?" whenever they're accused of being so craven that only retaining power matters to them any more.

The GOP have lost all but the court piece of the three branches of government, except for the filibuster in the Senate... and looking forward, their ability to hang onto incumbency via gerrymandering and on overweight of the red states in presidential elections is starting to slip. The voters are getting schooled now on how that stuff works, and the ones paying attention are not white supremacists. They are voters awakened by the likes of Stacey Abrams and LaTosha Brown.

To me it's perhaps most disturbing that the Republican leadership --McConnell, Thune, McCarthy, Scalise-- watched Trump put "acting" appointments into his cabinet and the GOP just gawked as the agencies reacted to these new guys, most of whom had their own agendas and to whom Trump paid little attention once they were installed.

The agencies have been honeycombed with pro-Trump hires in subordinate positions. They've also been decimated of institutional knowledge and expertise via intentional reductions in favor of deregulation and less enforcement, pretending to drain the swamp and sometimes installing some truly swampy replacements.

Biden is truly inheriting an awful mess. It's good to see that he's gone about lining up Obama era replacements for some of the less high profile positions that an incoming president often leaves open in agencies for quite a bit longer. He will need more time to vet replacements for some of those slots, but in the meantime there will be some experienced eyes and oversight there.. and it's great that those folks are stepping up to the call to serve. (Yeah this is my nod to a honeymoon for Joe... and ten days after he's inaugurated I'll probably be retweeting AOC posts).
Oh yeah McConnel is furious but managing to control it somehow. He takes a long view, counts to 1,000.

I do think he may have misjudged how bad it could get with "Trump being Trump" and egging on those guys on the far right in the House. Working with Trump has pretty much put paid to his legacy: filling the judiciary with young ideologues cannot now outweigh his deliberate choices to let Trump destroy so many norms, abuse power and yet remain in office.
And even then, yeah, okay, he's filled so many seats with Republicans. But they're Trump Republicans. Not all of them are batshit, but some of them are. Quite a few are simply unqualified. McConnell may be furious, but he's also been a more than willing enabler of that.

...their ability to hang onto incumbency via gerrymandering and on overweight of the red states in presidential elections is starting to slip.
I wonder about all the hand-wringing that's going on about all these Republican states drawing their districts in their favor again. I hope Biden's Justice Department will bring legal action against these states.

Biden is truly inheriting an awful mess.
Yes, for all the reasons you mentioned. It's the same old story. Every time a Republican gets in the Oval Office, they leave an enormous mess for the Democrats to come along and clean up. Only each time it seems to get worse. To me, this insurrectionist Trump cult will be a much harder job to clean up than the Great Recession was for Obama.

And frankly I don't see how Biden does it without hiring more intelligence and enforcement officers. Not to mention they will have to be carefully screened to weed out the radical Trumpers.
Yeah, there was someone in the other place touting Term Limits! and you have to think, what would Congress look like being full of people who have no idea what they are doing or how to do it.
The Trump followers think you can do anything you want just by tweeting it. That’s why they flipped their lids when his account got blocked. Even Trump didn’t do much with Twitter down. I guess it’s harder to fire somebody in person than just tweeting it.
Nothing tells the world how sincere your parties calls & hopes for unity, more than declaring articles of impeachment on a guy because he had the audacity to win an election.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1352359178355011586/

...And she is so proud of herself.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1352307930893316096/
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Nothing tells the world how sincere your parties calls & hopes for unity, more than declaring articles of impeachment on a guy because he had the audacity to win an election.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1352359178355011586/

...And she is so proud of herself.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1352307930893316096/
The Capitol was a "false flag attack". Just look at the evidence!