Gabby Petito

I'm also beginning to think Brian may end his own life. This whole story is so sad. Especially if domestic violence was involved and it appears it was. When I first heard about Gabby, the story from her Mother was they had ended their engagement while still continuing their trip. The couple came to the conclusion they were still young and decided to take a step back rather than rushing into marriage. So it's kind of odd the media still refers to them as engaged.

At least in this case, social media proved to be a very useful tool. Had the family who drove by the white Transit not felt it was possibly the van Gabby & Brian shared, who knows if and when Gabby's body would have been found.
Yes, thank goodness that the people who spotted that white transit van and who had already been seeing articles about Gabby's disappearance and the whole situation in that general area realized that this could be a valuable clue and called it in..... It is such a relief that she was found, but course, while this provides closure it also must be so, so difficult for her family and those who loved her..... Such a sad ending.

I will be very surprised if Brian Laundrie is found alive. Either he will have taken his own life or he will have fallen prey to some predators somewhere along the way in the swampy areas of that nature preserve or whatever it is.... That probably seemed like a more comfortable ending to him than going through the whole legal process, especially with a homicidal event involved..... They'll find him eventually, or then again, maybe not, if an alligator or crocodile had him as a snack or dinner......

I think that his parents really need to be subjected to some thorough questioning -- run through a thorough laundry, so to speak, pun intended, as it is clear that at least to some extent they aided and abetted his attempt to escape responsibility for the conclusion of his and Gabby's on-the-road van adventures together. Something happened, and while they might not know specifics they've got to be pretty darned suspicious that things didn't go the way their son may or may not have told them. A young woman has died. Someone needs to be held accountable for that.

That's interesting that apparently the couple had already been acknowledging to each other that things were not going well and that they had supposedly? actually ended their engagement. Huh. I saw one article which mentioned that Gabby's mother was aware that there were "issues" in the relationship and that the two of them, Gabrielle and Brian, were struggling, and that she and her daughter had talked about this (albeit briefly, maybe, in texts?). It definitely sounds as though this were indeed a situation of domestic abuse (probably escalating over time?) and that does seem to be borne out now from what we're hearing.....
That's interesting that apparently the couple had already been acknowledging to each other that things were not going well and that they had supposedly? actually ended their engagement. Huh.
Here's a link to the article about the couple ending their engagement.

It would be almost a shame if it were true that they called off the engagement for the stated reasons, because that seemed like a mature and sensible thing to do considering they both had issues. You have to wonder how that turned into this.

And I agree, I don't think we're gonna find Laundrie alive.
It sounds to me as though there is something wrong with Brian Laundrie's parents as well as with him...... It is sickening that they have aided and abetted him in covering up whatever exactly did happen with Gabby. Even if they more-or-ess believed whatever story he spun for them, at some point they should have realized that regardless of what Brian had told them that actually something was really, really wrong, and yet they didn't attempt to help Gabby's parents or the authorities in any way, just covered up for their son. Yuck, it's no wonder the kid was a mess and I'll bet one or both parents have psychological issues as well.

With regard to Gabby, it is really, really sad that even though she and Brian already apparently/presumably called off their engagement that they embarked on this trip together. This just doesn't sound right to me, and it may well have been that they were telling people (her parents, his parents, other relatives, friends) one thing about their relationship while the reality was something else and they were still believing something else was a strong connection between them, and then it all went wrong......

It is my guess that Brian Laundrie is either going to be found dead by his own hand in an obvious way (knife wounds, gunshot wounds, hanging, with a rope around his neck) or he's never going to be found at all or maybe bits-and=pieces here and there if he indeed went into that swamp and dared the residents who dwell there -- alligators, crocodiles, whatever -- to see what they could do with him. If this is indeed the case, he is a coward in refusing to face up to whatever he had done to the woman he had claimed to love and avoiding dealing with the authorities, admitting whatever had actually transpired between the two of them, and then being an adult and accepting the emotional, personal and legal consequences of whatever occurred the last time they were together.
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I have no idea if this is true or not. But it has a lot of people talking. This is only one of such tweets. Read the replies.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1440475489081036801/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1440476764350808068/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1440477386760351756/
Boy, I hope they do find him alive and nail him to the proverbial wall!!! His parents need to be arrested for obstruction of justice and, well, we all know why he needs to be arrested.....
It would be almost a shame if it were true that they called off the engagement for the stated reasons, because that seemed like a mature and sensible thing to do considering they both had issues. You have to wonder how that turned into this.

And I agree, I don't think we're gonna find Laundrie alive.
If he truly did murder her (and it's looking that way) this is the best possible outcome.
In some ways, Eric, I agree that it would be "the best possible outcome" to find that Brian Laundrie has died, too, either by his own hand or by becoming a snack for alligators or crocodiles in that swampy park..... Best for him and best for his family, but..... how about Gabby and HER family? Unless Brian Laundrie left a note confessing and describing exactly what did happen, her parents and those who loved her would never know for sure just what did happen to Gabby and why......

I think that if Brian Laundrie indeed did murder or accidentally kill Gabby, the woman he supposedly loved and cherished, that he needs to be apprehended alive and to be taken into custody. He needs to take some responsibility for what he did both at that time and later, explain what happened and what he was thinking at the time and afterward. His parents obviously played a role here, too, and IMHO they also need to be further thoroughly questioned and perhaps arrested as well. If it becomes clear along the way that Brian is and has for some time been genuinely mentally ill, unable to function as expected, unable to cooperate and actively work with his attorney(s) and others during the investigation process and/or the court process due to clearly documentable / diagnosable mental illness, well, OK, fine. In such a situation it might well wind up that he'd be deemed NGRI ("Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity") and shipped off to an appropriate facility such as a state psychiatric hospital which has accommodations for forensic patients.
Heck, there were stories that he’d been spotted here in Mobile a few days ago.
Boy, I hope they do find him alive and nail him to the proverbial wall!!!

This kind of reminded me of the absurdity of preventing death row inmates from committing suicide or feeling like they somehow escaped justice if they succeed.

I can somewhat understand not wanting somebody who has a life sentence to not be able to commit suicide. As a good Christian society, we believe at the very least evil doers should be tormented by the prison system and their fellow inmates. “Vengeance is the governments, saithe the lord!” But in a less than perfect world getting murdered by another inmate is acceptable too.
I'm seeing everyday more & more calls for help to other cases that didn't merit even a fraction of this attention that have gone on longer.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1440481016615895045/
I know the Laundrie attorney advised the family not to say anything but it kills me his parents wouldn't even respond to Gabby's parent's pleas for information. Their daughter was missing. They must have been out of their minds with worry.

Yes, there needs to be change for all missing cases. Regardless of color or ethnicity. It's not acceptable.
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Being a young blond white woman comes with many multipliers when it comes to our next hottest tragedy du jour.
I get the frustration with the media coverage but this girl doesn't deserve to be slighted IMO, she's a victim here.