Guns are still America’s religion

To be completely fair (I try to be fair even when I would rather not), most of the killing occurred before the blueliners arrived on the scene. Delays by the police may have resulted in maybe a couple more lives being lost, or perhaps none. At least one student used a classmate's blood to make herself look killed. By the time the police arrived, the shooting was nearly over.

I will say most of the shooting occurred before they arrived. Who knows how many might have been able to be saved had they received prompt medical care.
To be completely fair (I try to be fair even when I would rather not), most of the killing occurred before the blueliners arrived on the scene. Delays by the police may have resulted in maybe a couple more lives being lost, or perhaps none. At least one student used a classmate's blood to make herself look killed. By the time the police arrived, the shooting was nearly over.
How did they know he wouldn’t start shooting again? How could they just stand there with bleeding kids a few feet away? How long did that kid have to lie in a pool of her friends’ blood because they failed so miserably?

And another thing, if the shooting killed 21 people and only took 3 minutes… what more argument do people need that semi-auto weapons need to be banned forever?!?!

Nobody should be excusing these police or the Republican Party for its constant blocking of gun reform.

No excuses. Because when you try to be “fair” to the NRA and its minions, and to these police, you are being UNFAIR to the victims.
How did they know he wouldn’t start shooting again? How could they just stand there with bleeding kids a few feet away? How long did that kid have to lie in a pool of her friends’ blood because they failed so miserably?

And another thing, if the shooting killed 21 people and only took 3 minutes… what more argument do people need that semi-auto weapons need to be banned forever?!?!

Nobody should be excusing these police or the Republican Party for its constant blocking of gun reform.

No excuses. Because when you try to be “fair” to the NRA and its minions, and to these police, you are being UNFAIR to the victims.
My understanding is that some victims died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. I find it hard to believe they wouldn’t have been much better off if they had gotten to the hospital an hour earlier.
And another thing, if the shooting killed 21 people and only took 3 minutes… what more argument do people need that semi-auto weapons need to be banned forever?!?!

Well, and this is the point here. The police response is a distraction from what really matters. Guy buys automatic weapons on spec, goes out a day or two later and commits mayhem and slaughter. And a bipartisan group of Senators puts forth a piece of totally worthless theater legislation that will accomplish worse than nothing because people will feel like something is being done when in the end nothing is being done.
Remember that church potluck shooting recently in Alabama?

(Accused shooter Robert Findlay) Smith lives near Cahaba Heights and police blocked off his roadway for much of Friday afternoon while they carried out a search warrant at his Sicard Hollow home. Public records show Smith is an ATF licensed firearms dealer, with a business called Original Magazines 2 at 4128 Sicard Hollow Road, which is also his home address.

I mean, he might lose his license over this, but then again, the way things have been going lately, probably not.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1539412752338505736/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1539413712255209472/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1539413809185562624/

There is no "to be fair here". There are multiple aspects of this. A young man was allowed to buy weapons upon turning 18, with credit, and no problem. Young man with said weapons that weren't needed goes on to kill adults & children. The narrative that leadership of this state likes that this happened in, is that with MORE guns & a good guy shit like this won't happen. At least 9 or more ( depending on who & when the story is told ) professional good guyS with guns understandably did NOT want to contend with young man with recently purchased powerful weapons. When there was a chance to contend with the situation in the first few minutes, out of concern for their own lives, the situation was instead dealt with almost an hour later, by ANOTHER group of professional good guys with guns.

In the aftermath, the leadership decided to create various fictions of what happened, to preserve narratives. Doors were blamed, teachers were blamed. Not the guns. Not the professional good guys with guns.

The fuckery here is multiple. Narratives were shown to be marketing jargon.

Easy access to weapons allowed this to happen. Professionals kitted with even more weapons & gear couldn't & wouldn't stop this from happening.

What Uvalde showed is that this isn't a one issue thing. It's a series of issues that the leadership of Texas does not want to and will not contend with. Instead hoping if they bullshit long enough either the public will forget or God forbid another worse shooting happens to take up the conversation. The ease of acquiring guns needs to be protected more than the lives that will be lost by guns. The employment of those charged with ( or not depending on who you ask ) protecting lives is more important, than the accountability for NOT protecting lives.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1539298010198380544/
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The narrative is now shifting to legally the police don’t have to do a damn thing, another of the many loopholes or oversights that have been revealed by the Trump era where the only sane response should be “Are you fucking serious?”. So this announces to the country including the police that when faced with a similar scenario the extreme possible outcomes are either being killed or being fired or forced to resign. So would you rather be dead or unemployed?

So what’s the solution? More good guys with guns to potentially take out bad guys with guns while completely ignoring the fact this solution includes arming more bad guys and creating more confrontations between the police and good guys with guns against bad guys with guns. There aren't a lot of stories in the news about good guys with guns taking out bad guys with guns. So I guess we need to create more of those situations.

The rot in the US is incomprehensible and one side wants to turn the entire country into a free-range asylum where all the lunatics are armed. At minimum the government should at least create the illusion of safety and stability and they can’t even do that. The Republican party not only wants to shatter that illusion but also wants to actively make it worse.
Remember that church potluck shooting recently in Alabama?

(Accused shooter Robert Findlay) Smith lives near Cahaba Heights and police blocked off his roadway for much of Friday afternoon while they carried out a search warrant at his Sicard Hollow home. Public records show Smith is an ATF licensed firearms dealer, with a business called Original Magazines 2 at 4128 Sicard Hollow Road, which is also his home address.

I mean, he might lose his license over this, but then again, the way things have been going lately, probably not.
He can claim his legal expenses as a business expense. After all, gun sales go up after every mass shooting. He was just trying to drum up some business. Oh well, some people died. Who cares? That’s just how it goes in the good ol’ US of A!
The Supreme Court has decided to expand on Scalia’s terrible Heller decision by telling states what kinds of regulations they can or cannot impose on guns.

This will lead to more guns and more gun deaths.

I just want to point out that the current crop of right-wing judges claim to focus on the original text of the Constitution. But when it comes to the 2nd amendment, they ignore the first part of it entirely, and they insert the right of self-defense which is NOT in the Constitution. The whole “originalism” nonsense was nothing but a pose, and a convenient way to focus on a word here and a word there in order to force a radical ideology on America.

This is extreme “judicial activism” which they all claimed to oppose … until they got a majority and decided to overrule law after law after law based on an unpopular ideology.
I am fine with concealed carry. I don't understand the people walking around like they're rambo. Seek some mental help. Those are the people I stay far away from.
The Supreme Court has decided to expand on Scalia’s terrible Heller decision by telling states what kinds of regulations they can or cannot impose on guns.

This will lead to more guns and more gun deaths.

I just want to point out that the current crop of right-wing judges claim to focus on the original text of the Constitution. But when it comes to the 2nd amendment, they ignore the first part of it entirely, and they insert the right of self-defense which is NOT in the Constitution. The whole “originalism” nonsense was nothing but a pose, and a convenient way to focus on a word here and a word there in order to force a radical ideology on America.

This is extreme “judicial activism” which they all claimed to oppose … until they got a majority and decided to overrule law after law after law based on an unpopular ideology.
Not funny how conservatives scream about States Rights, until it has to do with guns and abortion.
Feeling a bit on edge riding a NYC subway car? No worries, mate. Conceal carry your own gun along with the other 100+ untrained gun carrying riders in your car and you'll be ready for any situation.

What could go wrong?
Feeling a bit on edge riding a NYC subway car? No worries, mate. Conceal carry your own gun along with the other 100+ untrained gun carrying riders in your car and you'll be ready for any situation.

What could go wrong?
And when you accidentily shoot some innocent bystander, the jury of gun owners will let you off for a regrettable, (bonus thoughts and prayers), but justifiable under the circumstances collateral damage, then give you a medal. :unsure:
Feeling a bit on edge riding a NYC subway car? No worries, mate. Conceal carry your own gun along with the other 100+ untrained gun carrying riders in your car and you'll be ready for any situation.

What could go wrong?

The MTA is a public benefit corporation, so maybe they can ban guns if they want. At least it would probably take a few years before the SCOTUS gets the case in front of it to declare that such corporations can’t. (I could be wrong - there may already be a case that deals with whether a public benefit corporation is a government entity for such purposes)
And when you accidentily shoot some innocent bystander, the jury of gun owners will let you off for a regrettable, (bonus thoughts and prayers), but justifiable under the circumstances collateral damage, then give you a medal. :unsure:

Solution to that is the texas abortion snitch law. “You see someone get shot or even threaten someone with a gun? You can sue the gun manufacturer for a million dollars”.