
I just got a haircut today. I can't do what she does. Maybe if my hair was an easy type to cut, but it's not.
Toward the end of last year when I had no idea when I'd be getting vaccinated, I broke down and bought an inexpensive battery powered clipper set. It did the main job I wanted it to, which was keeping my hair from growing down over my ears. That drives me crazy.

My wife and I both tried to fully cut my hair, but with old age comes the wisdom to know when you're not very good at something and move on.

So now I'm back to getting professional haircuts. But the last few times I've gone (to one of those chain places), two different stylists insisted, while we were chatting, that you can't trust the news media. If I brought up something that was in the news that day, they had a reason why it probably wasn't true.

So I'm done with that place, I guess. There's a new barber shop that opened near me. I think I'll give that a try.
In Minnesota there were no barbershops just hair cutting franchise Salons. In Texas I found an old tImey barbershop, but unfortunately, maybe fortunately I don’t talk politics there. What I remember as a young adult as down to Earth, common sense country folk, has taken a serious hit in the last 5 decades.
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Yeah, I prefer the corded clipper, and it's super easy to navigate around the cord.

I had one mishap in the last couple of months (after doing this for years and years), the blue guard (which is why I got a new one - see above), came off right when I was start a neckline to over the ear (back to front), didn't realize it came off - went through the normal motion __without__ a guard, hahahaha ...

I just don't care, so I went with a Major League + Hawkeye look, to make it symmetrical :D
I tried to drag my Wahl DIY clipper through my hair the first time without a guard to see how it felt, (turned off) and remember those sharp blades gouging my skin. 👀

Question: the how-to guides I’ve seen say basically on the side, start at the bottom and go up. So instead you can go from the temple and straight back over the ear and down the back?
Amazing! I soooo would have needed this back in the day when I cut my own hair. Good to know that it exists!

There are advantages to corded models. My trimmer’s battery decided to degrade rapidly and one day gave up halfway through. That was fun.
Ok, I was going to keep this secret, but this while looking silly, seemed like it was a great idea:

It‘s fine for the sides, but when I try to cut the back of my head it and the cord seem to get in each other’s way and it ends up smooshed against my arm. It would be much better for someone else doing the cutting. I’ll probably cut the straps, let it hang on me, and just let my hair fall to the floor. I cut it in the bathroom on tile so hair on the floor is not a big deal to sweep up.
In Minnesota there were no barbershops just hair cutting franchise Salons. In Texas I found an old tImey barbershop, but unfortunately, maybe fortunately I don’t talk politics there. What I remember as a young adult as down to Earth, common sense country folk, as taken a serious hit in the last 5 decades.
I thought I had a good barber for a while. He was a young tattooed dude who knew what he was doing. Unfortunately, he always had one or two buddies hanging around the shop and I would end up listening to the sordid details of their night time debauchery. That's not what I came there for either.

Doesn't anybody just discuss the weather anymore, and hey, who do you think your team will pick in the draft?
In Minnesota there were no barbershops just hair cutting franchise Salons. In Texas I found an old tImey barbershop, but unfortunately, maybe fortunately I don’t talk politics there. What I remember as a young adult as down to Earth, common sense country folk, as taken a serious hit in the last 5 decades.
Common sense is not so common.

One of my neighbors had her own salon for many years and as far as I know worked in that hairy business all her life until retirement. The conversations with customers over the years apparently made her an expert on any and all topics. Well, except for technology. You see, only young people can understand technology so no point in trying. I distanced myself after helping with the new online banking thingie turned into getting her Astrology software to run.

As for my local traditional barbershop - fun guys, but anything they say about anything other than hair or beards? Take it with a grain hopper of salt. And stay away from politics…
I started losing my hair at the front a few years ago and was in denial about it. Back in September 2019 I had my last official paid for haircut and when I got home I realised I needed to shave it all off. Best thing I ever did. Love the look and with COVID I was already shaving my head twice a week whilst my friends were stressing about their hair growing.
I started losing my hair at the front a few years ago and was in denial about it. Back in September 2019 I had my last official paid for haircut and when I got home I realised I needed to shave it all off. Best thing I ever did. Love the look and with COVID I was already shaving my head twice a week whilst my friends were stressing about their hair growing.
Congrats on getting past the denial stage!

A semi-distant relative of mine went with a ridiculous combover for many years. I was old enough to realize that he would be embarrassed by me pointing it out, but not old enough to realize I would be doing him a favor. When he finally shaved his head years later his appearance improved radically.

I just hope that someone will be there for me and care enough to alert me if I go down the combover route…
Congrats on getting past the denial stage!

A semi-distant relative of mine went with a ridiculous combover for many years. I was old enough to realize that he would be embarrassed by me pointing it out, but not old enough to realize I would be doing him a favor. When he finally shaved his head years later his appearance improved radically.

I just hope that someone will be there for me and care enough to alert me if I go down the combover route…
I just noticed my forehead looked bigger and there was no point growing a longer fringe anymore lol. I work with an engineer who has lost his hair at the back. He has thick hair apart from that but has this weird thing going on where his hair is styled like a mesh to try and cover it up. It doesn’t work as I can still see it every time I walk behind him when he’s sat at his desk. It’s a touchy subject with him as someone we work with mentioned it and it all got very awkward. He did mention recently in a conversation that if ever he lost his hair, his girlfriend wants him to go to Turkey for a hair transplant! Firstly he’s already there and secondly, get a new girlfriend I say!

The day I went into work with a shaved head I had two female colleagues comment how hot I looked lol, don’t tell my wife. Both seem to have a thing for guys with chisel jaws and shaved heads lol. Pretty sure they were being honest and not just nice.
I just noticed my forehead looked bigger and there was no point growing a longer fringe anymore lol. I work with an engineer who has lost his hair at the back. He has thick hair apart from that but has this weird thing going on where his hair is styled like a mesh to try and cover it up. It doesn’t work as I can still see it every time I walk behind him when he’s sat at his desk. It’s a touchy subject with him as someone we work with mentioned it and it all got very awkward. He did mention recently in a conversation that if ever he lost his hair, his girlfriend wants him to go to Turkey for a hair transplant! Firstly he’s already there and secondly, get a new girlfriend I say!

The day I went into work with a shaved head I had two female colleagues comment how hot I looked lol, don’t tell my wife. Both seem to have a thing for guys with chisel jaws and shaved heads lol. Pretty sure they were being honest and not just nice.
The real WTF here is why Turkey of all places?
I recommend one of these:, and then a sharp pair of scissors + any old beard trimmer.

Yeah, I've been using that technique for a while, here's a recent pic!


Sorry about the scowl, I was dealing with a coupleof wiseguys ...
The real WTF here is why Turkey of all places?
Cheap I think lol. Like the people who go to Thailand for gender reassignment surgery I suppose. I know places like Bulgaria are popular for dentistry but I just wouldn’t risk my life in countries where health standards are much lower than in Western Europe.

I’d rather embrace a receding hairline than go through the pain and embarrassment of a hair transplant personally. I’m not that vain lol.
I'm quite fortunate in having my mum cut mine for me, saves money but helped a lot during the lockdowns.

I did try growing my hair longer but it looked daft in the end!
So I tried a new local barber, as a walk-in. He looked okay, but the other customers had a decidedly Duck Dynasty look to them. I’d already been there 45 min. and things were going slowly, so I ended up leaving.

Tried a Supercuts near me, but there was only one worker there, who said it’d be 30-45 minutes.

I finally ended up at my original chain, different shop, a little farther from me, but fast, friendly and no political talk.

I got my hair on the sides buzzed a little shorter than usual, same with the top, and when I got home I noticed I’ve got pretty much the same hair style as film director Zack Snyder. So I’m calling it the Snyder cut.


Looks better on him, though. 😕